Saturday 9 February 2013

Alpha Challenge - 'E'

The current Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn is for 'E'. First I tried E for elephant, but didn't really like the page, as it reminded me of the work-sheets I used to make for the kids at school! 

So I started again....This time with 'even numbers'. In case you have forgotten what you learned in school, this is the definition: 

Even numbers are numbers that can be divided evenly by 2. An even number ends in 0,2,4,6 or 8.
There is even (no pun intended!) a song about them, which you can find here.
I used a dictionary page, which was gessoed, and then placed the fussy cut numerals onto it and sprayed  over them which blue ink. When it was dry, I edged them with faux stitching. I added lots of different numerals in various sizes to make up the background, before adding the large cut out ones. I was also able to use up some peel-offs which have been in my stash for years, and this gave a bit of colour. Then I added lots of crazy faux stitching in all directions.

We had a lot of snow again in the night, so I am off now for a refreshing walk!
Take care, have a good weekend, and thanks for coming by!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Paint Party Friday

Hi you all! I thought I would not get anything more finished today, as it was H*******K day! BUT - as I couldn't sleep, I got up very early, did the laundry, mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, dusted the furniture and even tidied up - and at 10 o'clock I was finished! This left me with plenty of crafty time. I got out my paints and sprays and went to work. I gave the background a thin coat of metallic paint - which gives a nice shimmer - and then sprayed with various  shades of blue and purple , and let it run in different directions. Sorry the photos are bad, I had to put the lights on as it was a dark day.

Then I drew round some of the parts at the bottom, and scribbled around a bit, before adding the beautiful cherub.

And then I decided to cut it up and make a journal out of it. I divided the paper into 2 pieces, and mounted them on to the back of an old painting block. I gave the front and back 2 coats of clear varnish to make them more durable.

I lined the inside covers with some pretty aqua coloured paper from Prima, and made a pocket inside the front cover to hold the two matching book marks.

I cut white paper to size (30x20cm) and bound it all with my BIA. If you're wondering why I used red wires, I didn't have any others or I couldn't find them!
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Kristin and Eva. 
Have a great weekend you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

'Peace' journal pages

Hi you all! We have been having crazy weather here. On Tuesday we had a snow storm and sunshine at the same time, followed by a rainbow. Today I woke up to a blizzard, good 6" of snow had fallen and was still coming down hard and fast. A couple of hours later, when I went to do my shopping, the snow was melting in the sun, the roads were wet, dirty and mushy, and while getting out of the car at the store I trod into a puddle, and squelched around the shop, wet to my ankle!

I have made a painting for my journal, and am entering it into 'Art Journal Journey', where the theme this month is 'Peace'. The background has been given a very thin coat of metallic paint in blue and green, and some spots of gold ink, and was then sprayed with more blue and green and allowed to drip. The text is computer generated onto a transparency and glued on. I used a template to add a little bit of patterning at the bottom, and have stamped the background with a scrip stamp, but it doesn't show up in the photo. The birds were made with a template using window colour, as they were intended for my windows. I didn't like them there, so they have flown onto my painting. My grumpy neighbour looked, shook his head, and said, 'Peace? Those birds look like they are going to attack each other!' Well, I like them! This will also be my entry for Paint Party Friday, as I don't think I will get anything more painted by then, I need should MUST do some dreaded H*******K tomorrow.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!

Monday 4 February 2013

Tags again

Hi you all, it's time for more tags, all made for various challenges. The first one is my DT tag for the challenge 'You have my heart' at The Cheerful Stamp pad. The challenge lasts for two weeks, so there's plenty of time to join in.

This tag is for the 'Asia' Challenge at Artful Times. I don't have much stash or stamps for this theme. I used a piece of DP for the background, and glazed it to give it some shine. I mounted it onto a piece of black card. I cut a sun out of pergament paper, and added my Asian themed decorations - some coins, a button,  the lady and a tassel.

The last tag is for Tag Tuesday, where we are going through the letters of the alphabet. This week we have arrived at 'E', so my tag is for Elephant and End.   The elephant is holding a golden 'E' in its trunk, which has been made by stamping into molten Utee.

So, that was enough for today, I want to watch a murder mystery on TV, so I'll say goodnight, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Cake, Tags and Challenges

Hi you all! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I decided to do some crafting  and bake a cake today. After a nice, long soak in the tub I started on my pineapple upside-down cake. I have been planning to make it for weeks, but never got round to it till today. It's a wonderful recipe, where you first heat sugar and water with butter to make a caramel to bed the pineapple in, and the cake itself is made with ground almonds and lots of other good ingredients. It definitely isn't anything for people on diet, but it is delicious. If you are interested in the recipe, you can find it here

While the cake was baking I was able to make some tags. They have both been made of cardboard, treated as usual with gesso, ink and Utee gold. The first tag is for the challenge at Art Cards Challenge Blog, where they want to see Moos  and/or inchies. I have stamped my Mona onto speciality stamping paper, coloured her with sparkling H2Os  and then chopped her into three inchies, which I have mounted with foam squares over various scraps used as matting.

The second tag is also made with inchies, and therefore also something for the Art cards challenge, and I am also linking to Fashionable Stamping, 'Show some love', and the 'friendship' challenge at Crafty Individuals.
The background has been stamped with a text stamp from Lost Coast Designs, and the inchies, which I popped up with foam squares, are from a   CI stamp.

That's all for today, I need a cup of coffee and perhaps another piece of cake....
Have a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Alpha Challenge, Second Try

As I was not so happy with my clocks, I started on a second page with 'Cherub' as my word. Then the page disappeared under one of my many piles....I found it again, and have now managed to get it finished. The page has been painted with gesso, before sponging on some metallic paints and inks  and letting them drip and smudge. The cherub is a stamp from LaBlanche. I just used the middle of the stamp, and went round the edges with a fine liner before adding some colour. The text in the scroll at the top is from the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel. where he describes cherubs. Underneath I have written 'Cherubim' in Hebrew. The definition has been placed  in a cloud, highlighted by some symbolic sun-rays.

I am linking to the  Craft Barn Challenge Blog and  Journal's Journey

Have a great day, take care and thanks for visiting!

Friday 1 February 2013

It's Friday already....

Hi you all! Where did the week go? Time has been flying by this week as fast as the clouds chased each other over the sky - with wind, rain, a little sun and plenty of storms blowing over us. At least it wasn't boring!

For Paint Party Friday - hosted as always by Eva and Kristin - I started this painting, but it is not yet finished. The background has been painted, sprayed and dripped with metallic yellow, spiced marmalade ink and a dark red Adirondack spray, plus a few drops of gold ink. The flowers have been stamped and painted, but need to be worked on. The blue is a lovely metallic colour, the photo does not do justice to it. I am not yet sure how I will finish this - time will tell. I am calling it 'If you are going to San Francisco'.

This piece has been made for the Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn. I chose 'C' for clock. I used too much paint and spray, and the dictionary page has almost disappeared from view, so I typed the definition and added it. The background has been painted with turquoise metallic paint, then sprayed with Adirondack ink. The clock motives have been stamped and embossed with white EP.  I have started a second page but do not know if I will get it finished in time!

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care, and thanks  a lot for coming by!