Monday 5 November 2012

Remember, remember the fifth of November.....

Hi you all! I can remember chanting this as a kid, while pushing a *guy* made of straw through the streets. On November 5th they all got burnt on  bonfires in various fields and gardens, and a lot of fireworks were burnt to remember Guy Fawkes, as they still are today.
But my story today only has the date and a bit of stupidity to match.
For some reason, after having had a specially bad night, I decided I needed to do the washing! As some of you know, I live on the 2nd floor, and the laundry is in the cellar.... I put on a work out hose and jacket over my pajamas, filled my big red laundry bag, and dragged it bumpity-bump down the stairs, while holding tight to the banisters.  Got to the laundry. Woohoo, nobody there, so pushed the washing in, switched it on, and set off back upstairs. Somehow I had a strange feeling, the stairs seemed to be getting longer and larger...I made it to the ground floor, but couldn't manage to pull myself round the corner. Then I realized that the steps were pulling at my butt, and I just tried to hold tight....But I had my guardian angel. A nice neighbour,  had seen me wrestling with the banisters, and had dropped her coat and bag and grabbed me,  and was telling me to look straight ahead, take deep breaths etc. Anyway, she very kindly got me up the stairs to my flat, gave me something to drink, and said she would bring the washing when it was done, which she did. I was very grateful that someone was there to make up for my stupidity. I spent the rest of the day sleeping, and as she left her telephone number, I think I will ask for help next time - before I try the stairs alone again!

As you may have noticed, I am still not feeling well; it can only get better! Take care you all, thanks for visiting, and stay safe!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Halloween is over...

Hi everybody! Thanks again for sticking with me over the past few days, and for all your good wishes, hugs and prayers. I do appreciate them very much.
Here's hoping that all those friends living along the East Coast of the USA are keeping safe, my prayers and thoughts are with you. Stay safe.

Here I am starting to get better. The fever has gone, and has left me sweating, grouchy and unable to do anything for more than 5 minutes maximum, I just have no strength. The doc thinks I will need another week or 2 to get back to feeling normal, whatever normal may be!

I got a wonderful card from Diane - 1CardCreator. She blogged it yesterday, and you can see it much better on her blog that if I tried to take a pic with with my shaky fingers. I just loved the idea of get well witches, and the wonderful couldron of 'beaten gold' filled with all those bottles and ghosts. I was disappointed that I couldn't use all of those gorgeous images, but the next witching time will come, and next time I plan on being healthy! Diane is such a wonderful, kindhearted lady, and a fantastic friend. Thanks, Diane!

And I got a great prize from Tracy Holmes in Canada, awarded by the Hatters!

A wonderful set of Halloween stamps. I am gonna have fun with these next time.  And she sent a womderful card, which I will show as soon as I am able to hold the camera straight.
Thanks Tracy, and thanks Hatters!!

Okay, I need my rest now, this little post has completely knocked me out. Thanks to all who left loving messages and sent mails, they have done me so much good, and I will get back to you all as soon as I can!!

Take care, and stay safe!

Friday 26 October 2012

Quick Update

Hi you all! Sorry, long time no see, no hear, but I am still feeling really bad! Good news -  The Op was an absolute success, no complications, my knee is healing well - but....Still got high fever. I'm taking antibiotics and tablets to reduce the fever, and the doc is doing lots of tests. Next week it will continue....The blood tests have shown bad liver and kidney values. And the positive side? 7 kilos less in a week!

Take care of yourselves, I will try to get on the computer again when I have a bit of energy!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Oh oh!!

Hi Ladies, I still have high fever, have to take antibiotics, and even worse, have to really stay in bed!
Will be back in a few days when things have settled down! Take care of yourselves, and have fun!

(Image from Wikipedia)

Monday 22 October 2012

Happy Mail

Lately I was lucky enough to get lots of happy mail. I did an 'exchange of words' with Donna, where we each sent die cuts of words we had. This is just a small selection of my words, I am going to have fun with them. Donna sent a lovely card, and as usual, put a wonderful selection of stamps on the envelope. What did the post do?? Some ASSH*LE there cancelled them with a black felt-tip pen. How silly can you get????

The second mail I received was a tag swap I did with Denise of Coffeeberry Cottage. She packed her beautiful tag with lace and ribbons, and I was very happy that it got to me safely after the long journey from California!

And today I asked my neighbour to look in in my mail box, as I do not want to be crutch-hopping the stairs too much. And he found this gorgeous envelope from Donna again! This time the mailman had left the stamps in good condition, well done! Donna knows how much I love Halloween!

Inside I found a Halloween Folder....

Filled with goodies

And papers.

Looks like I am going to have fun!!

Thanks a lot ladies, you made my day!

Have a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Sunday 21 October 2012

Hatter's Challenge - Christmas Decoration

Hin you all! Today I managed to finish something simple for the Challenge.  I made this wreath 6 years back, and since then it has been stripped and redone in different colours and styles. At first it was white and glittery, then last year I didn't use it at all as I had 'stolen' so many of the decorations for other things. So I added some more leaves and berries. and more of those TH flowers cut from white drawing paper. I sprayed it all silver, leaving some of the leaves dark at the back to give it  a 'frame', added some new red and silver ribbons and the last of the red berries. The angel has been fixed with a heat gun.

This will be gracing my door in December. I am linking  to  out of hat creations.

After getting it done yesterday morning I started feeling fevery and achy again, so spent the rest of the day on the couch, which is what I am planning to do today, too!
Have a nice Sunday, and take care of yourselves. Thanks for dropping in!

Saturday 20 October 2012

Sharing some pictures!

Hi you all!
As I write this I am sitting watching the sunrise again, but today I will not try running onto the balcony every few minutes for a shot! Had a rather painful night here, my knee wasn't too bad but the rest of me hurts from hopping around on the crutches! I had to do my own anti-thrombosis injection  last night, but as my belly is large enough I couldn't miss even with closed eyes!  It can only get better!

Here are some photos taken from my room at the hospital. I had a lovely view from the sixth floor onto the autumn woods. The weather was lovely, and should give us a great weekend here, too.

Another wonderful sight....and delicious!

The marvelous coffee machine in the kitchen - coffee, milk-coffee, latte and cappuccino at the press of a button. But you did have to put the cup under it yourself!

And the lovely sunrise yesterday....

I am planning a restful day, and hope to do some light crafting later on. Have a great weekend you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!