Friday 3 February 2012

Postcard Challenge Week 5

Today is week 5 of Darcy's Postcard Challenge, and our destination this week is France. Here is the continuation of the story:

Auntie Cissie had to rest and eat for 5 days to recover her strength after learning about Jason’s arrest, although she was happy that they let him go after 2 hours. She made him promise never to go to China again. Jason had the *Made in Taiwan* stamps on his vases painted over and replaced with some Chinese signs by a friend of his, who knows some Chinese letters as he does tattoos.

This week Cissie is with Thelma on a bus tour of France. They were able to start eating on the boat to keep up their strength, and were delighted with all the food and restaurants in France. Cissie has dug out some remnants of French learned long ago at school, and impresses her friends with her *Bong jewer Mon-sewer* when they arrive at their hotel in Paris. She still confuses some words and phrases, and astonishes the waiters by asking for *Caffay oh late, par avion*. But to make up for it, she writes *S’il vous plate* on the post cards to make sure they go by air-mail....In case you can't read Auntie Cissie's writing, here is the text:
*Dear Jason, Thelma and I are having a wonderful week in France. So much beauty to see! We had boullabaisse in Marseilles, Escargots in Albi - which they served in such cute snail shells, what an idea!! and plenty of coffee and cakes. There are cafés and patisseries on every corner. The Eiffel Tower is not bad, but there was no revolving restaurant! I have bought you a T-shirt just like mine; you will love it! Love, Auntie Cissie xx

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Calendar Challenge February

Yesterday I suddenly remembered that it is February already, so had to get cracking on my Feb pages which I am linking up to the challenge at the *Kathryn Wheel*.

February is mostly a rainy and grey month, hence the colours I chose for my pages, although today was clear and sunny, just extremely cold, and with an east wind which was trying to blow our skin off! The background has been painted with acrylics, and then trees etc have been collaged over the painted stems to give more depth. I used a mixture of ovals and oblongs for the days - to be honest, I didn't have enough of one sort! As I have no possibilty to do die-cuts here, I had to improvise, but I don't think it looks bad. For the 14th I used a red heart; guess why! I added day 29 after I had taken the pics, but it is on there now! I am also entering this into Paint Party Friday. Yes, it is only Thursday today, but I will not be able to paint anything else by tomorrow!

I took this photo at 7.15 yesterday morning as the first light was coming over the hills.

I have got another strenuous day to get through, I am really looking forward to the weekend, as I am extremely tired. My internet USB stick is having phases where it is more of a stuck than a stick, which means it takes ages to get online, and I am not really patient at the best of times!

Have a good day you all, take care, have fun and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

More Tags

Good morning everyone! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr, it's really cold here, with icy winds blowing us lots of *fresh* air from Siberia, so we all need caps and scarves and gloves to go out. Hope this cold spell doesn't last too long! I was extremely tired yesterday after treatment, so spent most of the afternoon sleeping. But I did manage two little tags in the evening. I haven't got such a heavy day today, so hope to get more done!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Tags for Tag Tuesday

Yesterday wasn't too busy, so in the afternoon there was time for a nap and some crafting. The theme over at *Tag Tuesday*this week is *lace*, so I have made three romantic tags - Valentine's Day is coming - using lace.

Today we have programme again from 7.15 till about 3 o'clock this afternoon, so there should be enough time for some painting this afternoon. I've just seen that Auntie Cissie will be going to France this week, bet she will have a good time there!

Have a good day you all, have fun, take care and thanks for dropping in!

Monday 30 January 2012

Journal Pages and a Tag

Hi everybody, hope you have all had a good weekend and are all fit and ready for the start in the new week. We had a quiet and fun time here, so I am ready for all the treatments that will be waiting for me this week.

I used different colours for my journal pages this time, but I must say that there are other colours I like better. Let's see what colours jump at me next time!

The tag is my DT piece for the new challenge over at *The Cheerful Stamp Pad*, where the theme this week is *Love is in the air*. I have made a vintage style tag with lots of Victorian roses, cupid etc.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Sunday 29 January 2012

A Happy Saturday Afternoon

I am happy to say that I had no bad surprises with vanishing blogs yesterday, for which I am very thankful! Had a nice lazy day reading, playing in my art journal, baking cake, and painting with some fellow patients in the afternoon. We had moussaka for lunch, with salad and fresh fruit, and then after a short nap we started baking our lemon cake, which turned out very well and was most delicious. We squeezed fresh lemon juice over it while it was still warm, and then made lemon icing to top it. I managed to get a photo of the last 2 slices, that cake went away like hot cakes! The nurse on duty joined us for coffee and cake, and a good time was had by all. I didn't invite Auntie Cissie though; I thought if she came there would be no cake for the others. Next time I will bake more, and then she can join us!

And this is a photo of one of the ladies who hid in the corner of the kitchen and licked the bowl out!

These are the goodies Kristin sent me, we used some of the stickles yesterday while we were painting. Thanks again Kristin!

Here's wishing you all a good and restful Sunday. Take care of yourselves, have fun, and thanks for dropping in!

Saturday 28 January 2012

An Afternoon Shock!

Good morning you all! It felt really luxuriant today not having to get up early; the extra hour or so in bed was really welcome. I just made myself some coffee, as I skipped breakfast today, and can enjoy it at the computer, just like back home!

Yesterday afternoon I sat down happily after my last treatment, and started commenting on some blogs. At the first one, I was asked to sign in, which I did. Then I saw a notice telling me that there had been some strange activity on my blog, and it had been suspended....I looked, and yes, my Blog was gone. Disappeared. I couldn't believe my eyes! Then I tried to sign in again, and this time got told to type in my mobile number, and Google would send me a code. I tried, and kept getting a message that my mobile number was wrong - which it wasn't. After about an hour of patiently, then rather frantically typing in my number, it worked, and I got the code. I typed it in, and still, nothing happened....Then I decided to go for a walk before I exploded, and when I tried again after coming back, my dear blog was there again! What a fright!! I wrote yesterday that I was having trouble leaving comments, and some people advised me to use Chrome. But I have been using it for over a year now, so the browser doesn't seem to be the solution. Anyway, I am just happy right now to have my blog back.

And to cheer me up after all that, I received a little parcel from Kristin of *Twinkle Twinkle* Blogspot. She sent me loads of Stickles in different colours, so I can glitter here as much as I want without making chaos here in my room. And some lovely ATC water-colour papers and vintage Valentine images with hearts and roses, so the production of sparkly Valentine cards is now possible. Thanks a lot Kristin, I am always bowled over by the kindness of the Blogger family worldwide. I will take a picture later and post it tomorrow.

This afternoon we are planning on baking a cake; we have a little kitchen on our corridor, and so we are going to bake, make coffee, and then have another painting class, so that sounds like fun.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!