Thursday 19 January 2012

A Tag and a Quick Post

Hi everybody! Hope you are all well and fit. Had a very busy day yesterday, and today sill not be much different. I managed to make a tag in the evening, and finish the picture I started the day before. The Tag has been made with some glittered paper. The bird and cage are from TH; I added the lace and some feathers. The owl is a stamp from LaBlanche, stamped and then embossed with clear EP and perfect pearls.

I will take a photo of my finished picture in the course of the day. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

A busy day & a WIP

Yesterday I was in bed at 8p.m. I was so tired after my long day with different treatments, physiotherapy and GYMNASTICS, not to mention my little art class in the afternoon, that I couldn't stay up any longer.
Okay, first the GYMNASTICS! Err - well - yes. Now I know how a beetle feels when it's stranded on its back....I think we will leave this topic for the time being, I evidently need some training! So glad nobody I know was watching!!

We had a fun afternoon painting, using 2 shades of blue, white and green, and the ladies enjoyed themselves. We painted with loo rolls, sequin waste, and tooth-picks; later we drew faces or hands and adorned them. Next week we want to do some more. My piece is not finished, as I needed to help the others. The pics are really bad, sorry, but the light in my room is not good for taking photos in the evening.

The white tag is for my tag over at Tag Tuesday. I am not at all happy with it, but I was just tooooooooooooo tired in the evening to start again!

I am still having problems accessing some blogs, and on top of that, my USB internet stick is sometimes so slow it drives me mad, and I just don't get as much done as usual!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

More Journal Pages & a Photo

Hi you all. We had lovely weather yesterday, very cold, but bright and sunny; it was good to see the sun again. Today should be the same, so hope to get a free hour this afternoon to go for a little walk. I now have my *time-table*, so Mondays to Fridays are filled with different therapies, even gymnastics - gulp!! Hope I survive it! And this evening I plan on doing some painting with some of the ladies here - I planned it with one lady, and then others heard, so we will be having a painting class in the common room; should be fun!

Yesterday when I came back from breakfast, the moon was still in the sky, it looked so pretty, I just had to take a photo.

And here are the journal pages I made at the weekend. I have used different shades of blue, together with some white and red for the basis layer, and scraped the paint on with a loo roll! Then I used some vintage book paper and sequin waste to give some texture, and added a bit of stamping, before doing some doodling and collaging. Whatever, it was fun to make!

Hope you have a good day, take care of yourselves and thanks a lot for visiting!

Monday 16 January 2012


Hi everybody; it's Monday already and another week has begun. Time is flying, as always. I had a quiet day here. It stayed misty all day. I did go for a walk, but it was cold and the streets were all deserted, so decided it would be better to come back here and paint. I have started some more journal pages, which will be finished tomorrow.

I made a tag, too, for the challenge over at *The cheerful Stamp Pad*, where the theme for the next 2 weeks is *Birds of a Feather*. Do hop over and join in if you can!

Just a short post today, I have a lot of appointments today! Have a good day you all, take care and thanks for dropping in!

Saturday 14 January 2012

Have you ever been cupped?

Hi everybody! This week I have started my treatment here at the clinic, and I got cupped! It's an alternative healing method, which they use to support the other therapies.

Cupping is the method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized pressure by a vacuum. The Chinese have been doing this since ancient times by using heat inside glass or bamboo cups. Nowadays, cupping sets use suction to create the vacuum. The vacuum inside the cups causes the blood to form in the area and help the healing in that area.

Ancient Chinese medicine believes that the body contains "Meridians". These meridians are pathways in the body which the energy of life called Qi ("chi") flows through. It flows through every body part, tissue, and organ. Cupping therapy is mainly performed on one's back because there are five meridians on your back. When these meridians are opened, the internal energy is able to flow through the whole body.

Another healing aspect of cupping therapy is through the release of toxins in your body. The suction from the cups can penetrate deep into your tissues causing the tissues to release harmful toxins. It triggers the lymphatic system, clears the blood vessels, and stretches and activates the skin.

Cupping therapy has been found in ancient records dating back 3500 years and it is still used today by many alternative medicine practictioners. New advancements in technology and materials have been integrated with cupping therapies and its uses now range for many different treatments and applications.

The cups suck themselves onto the back, and stay there for about half an hour, and when they are taken off you have a nice circle pattern, which doesn't go away for hours.

This is not a pic of me, it was one I found on the net:

I will be having lots of different therapies in the coming weeks, and hope they will bring some relief.

This morning I took this photo of a beautiful tree in the garden here, which I can see from my window.

And of course, I still have plenty of free time for crafting and painting, so that is good. Today I am going for a walk around the little town, and I have discovered a thrift store that needs to be looked at!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 13 January 2012

Paint Party Friday # 44 & The Postcard Challenge

Hi you all, welcome to PPF no 44, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and the second week of Darcy's postcard challenge. I have combined both challenges this time, as I can't mess as much as I would like to just now! Our destination this week at Darcy's is SPAIN. Jason is off to Spain, as he has got a hot tip to buy a genuine Picasso for only 150,-€ - well, he thinks it's genuine, but he doesn't really have a clue, as will be revealed in the coming weeks. He is also visiting some of the sights, but seems to regard the Spanish Muchachas as the main things worth seeing, and spends a lot of time taking pictures of these beautiful girls. *Beautiful* is one of his favourite words, as *delicious* one of Auntie Cissie's fave words is.

Since Cissie came back from Austria, they have regularly spent time with each other, catching up on family business, and of course, eating....
He tells her the sad story how his Mum nearly got eaten by a crocodile, never quite got over the shock, and had to have regular sessions with a psychiatrist to try to get over her fear that a crocodile was lurking around every corner. This made Auntie Cissie very sad, so she quickly hid her crocodile handbag…. Jason was overwhelmed by Cissie’s favourite fish-and-chip shop, and the giant portions which were served there, but still found room for the mounds of cream cakes Cissie served in the afternoon.

He has spent the last week in Spain, where he bought a painting, supposedly painted by the Grand Master Picasso himself, and after hiding his bargain in his case, he spends the rest of the week visiting the famous sights of Spain....

The postcard has been painted onto water-colour paper. I used the tourist symbol of Spain, and added a cut-out of Jason's fave Spanish sight.

The stamp has been made from a scrap I found in my box; I couldn't find the real stamps....

And here is the album page, and the postcard in its pocket:

And yesterday evening I made three more vintage tags:

Have a nice day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Journal pages, tags and photos

Hi everybody. I had a bit more peace and quiet for crafting etc yesterday, as I didn't have quite so many appointments, so was able to spend more time with my crafty bits and bobs. The only problem here, is that I have to pack everything away again at the end of the session, I don't think they would take kindly to a stash, paint and glitter trail!

The journal pages are once again more or less the same but different.... I used some background stamping, partly painted over with gesso, *my* faces, lots of doodling and some cut outs from some old magazines I found flying around here.

The tags have been made using some paper and cut-outs from Crafty secrets. I stamped the butterfly with vintage photo and Victorian velvet, cut it out, and glittered it with some stickles. I made a mini tag to place onto each tag, added some pale pink ribbon and some silk roses.

And here are a few pictures of this little town, showing the old half-timbered houses and a strange *pet* that someone is keeping on the balcony....

Have a good day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!