Friday 7 October 2011

PPF And some Challenges

Another week has been and gone, Friday's here and that means it's Paint Party Friday , hosted by Eva and Kristin. Hope you have time to hop over and see what the others have made. Today I want to show the photos of the little chest of drawers I painted a few weeks back, and somehow forgot. At first I wanted to do some more distressing on it, but it didn't look right, so I just did some edges with a little gold paint and rubbed a bit of inka gold into it here and there. The first photo is *before* and the others *during* and *after* - just in case you don't notice it for yourself! It didn't look bad before, I just needed something brighter in my rather dark hallway. I still need to paint the bookcase to match it, but that will have to wait.

I am still not sure if I like it, or if I will leave it as it is, but I do not feel like starting again just now!
After a day of wind, rain and cloud yesterday, it cleared just before dusk, and we had a wonderful sky. I think there's a saying, *Red sky at night, shepherd's delight*. The photos are not good as my camera does not work well when there's not enough light.

After I got back from the dentist - which was not bad yesterday, he just took out all the stitches, and my mouth felt a lot better for it! I spent the rest of the day crafting. I made another mail-art envelope, which will be flying off next week. I used a mixture of collage and stamping again, this way I get to use a lot of old magazines instead of putting them in the old paper collection.

And lastly I made 2 projects for Gingersnaps Challenges. The first one is for GC121 *Horror Stories* and the second one for GC 120, *Turquoise, blue and purple*.

I really like the *naked* tag, after it had been distressed and stamped, but decided to give it some fitting decorations.

So, here's wishing you all a good day. Take care, and thanks for dropping in! And don't forget, Monday is Giveaway Day!

Thursday 6 October 2011

It's Dentist Time again....

Good morning you all! It's Thursday and that means the Dentist will be waiting for me again....I can already hear the money dropping out of my purse and into his!
Yesterday I didn't get much done, but I DID manage to get rid of a whole sackful of things I cleared out, so that was good. Apart from that, I managed one tag and a digital layout. This is the first time that I have made a complete LO with Photoshop. The photo is another *clocky* one I made some time back and digitally altered. Then I took it to the copy-shop and had it printed out in 12x12 format, so I have something in the hand. It was fun, but I think I prefer working the conventional way.

The tag has been made for the GC 118 *Crimpers* Challenge at Gingersnaps. I splodged a tag with TH distress inks in wild honey and spiced marmalade and stamped it with a background stamp from LaBlanche in Stazon black. Then I crimped the tag, and a second one, a little larger made of some patterned gold cardstock. I cut a diamond shape out of a scrap of hologram card in gold, and mounted the flowers, berries and skeleton leaves with silicon glue to form a little bouquet. I added a scrap of black ribbon and that was it.

And this came from Narda yesterday:

That's all for today, and don't forget on Monday there will be a little GIVEAWAY on my blog....stay tuned! Have a great day, take care and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Melancholy autumn mood....

Hi everybody! It's a chilly and wet day here, but it doesn't matter, as I don't need to go anywhere today, and can stay at home and do what I like best!
Today I would like to share a rather melancholy LO with you, using the first few lines of John Keats *Lamia* -

LOVE in a hut, with water and a crust,
Is—Love, forgive us!—cinders, ashes, dust;
Love in a palace is perhaps at last
More grievous torment than a hermit’s fast:—

For the LO I made a word cloud with Wordle, which I printed onto vellum. The background paper is from 7 Gypsies, and for the matting I used some heavily distressed core'dinations black paper. I have kept the embellishments simple; some die cut vines, a few prima flowers and some ribbon. I have written the text with a white pen along the edge, and stamped some *love* text in white on the right side.

And here is a collage of a Halloween album; my fave holiday is coming nearer and nearer....

So, that was it for today. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

P.S. In 5 days I will be offering a giveaway; tune in to find out more!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

An Autumn Day

Time is flying by again. it's Tuesday already and time to (1) go to the dentist again, (2) do a LITTLE bit of H*******k before I forget the colour of the furniture and (3) enjoy the rest of the day. Yesterday started out really chilly, when I woke up the trees were all shrouded in mist, and as the sun rose, the mist started to dissolve and the leaves were all sparkling like diamonds, a wonderful sight, even though the picture does not really do it justice:
I spent the day with my friend Inge, and we did the same as always - eating, coffee drinking, playing cards and chatting, a nice, relaxing day. I make Inge a calendar page each month, and this is October:
And I want to show you a LO I made. I took the photo of the clocks some time back, and then digitally altered it in Photoshop. It has been printed onto vellum, so as not to completely obscure the background paper from K & Co. The2 fairy images are from LaBlanche, and the frame has been stamped onto acetate using Stazon brown. The key and keyhole are from My Tattered angels, and the sentiments from K & Co. *Time* has also been computer generated and printed onto acetate. I am entering this LO into the *Just For Fun Challenge* which this week is anything but a card.
So, that was enough for today, the dentist is waiting for me....Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a million for visiting!

Monday 3 October 2011

Monday and it's a holiday here....

In Germany it's the *Day of German Unity*, and the best thing about it is that it's a holiday. Not that it makes much difference for me since I retired, but it's nice long weekend for those who have to work.
Yesterday I woke up rather bad tempered after sleeping badly and having nightmares, so I worked like one possessed all day and got a lot done. Except for the H*******K, which is still patiently waiting its turn.
So what do I have to show you from my weekend labours? First of all, four altered notebooks, which will be winging their way to their recipients together with a few other little surprises when the post office opens again on Tuesday.

And here are the mail-art envelopes, made with a mixture of collage and stamping.

And I made some patchwork journal pages, just for the fun of it....

Well, I did do some more, but I think I had better keep the rest for another day.... But before I forget, Gisèle is doing a wonderful giveaway on her blog; click on the button on my sidebar or on the link and it will take you there!
Have a nice day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping by!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Another Sunny Sunday

It's Sunday again, and that usually means Sunday Sketches over at Sophia's *Blue Chair Diary*. I am sharing more of my 75 sketches, I am keeping up with this challenge and should be finished by the end of the month. Sophia is having a rough time at the moment, as her Father is dying, so I am sending her lots of hugs and sparkles, and do not know if the challenge will take place today.

I have been trying to sketch everyday articles again, just things that are more or less always to hand.

And On Friday I made some more Halloween Boxes to fill with lots of Rottenness at my party. here they are:

And I would like to show the pictures from my sunny walk yesterday.

And here is a LO for the *Three Muses* Challenge - 'Moon' I have used paper from WRMK, and used a Haiku about the moon from Matsuo Basho.

I made some more things, altered notebooks and mail art, too, but I think I will save them for another day.

Have a great Sunday, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 1 October 2011

More Post and more journal pages., and more Sun

Yesterday I did NOT have to go to the dentist's - yoohoo! That gave me a nice day for painting, crafting and playing around. I successfully forgot to do the H*******K, which was good, as I made a lot of mess playing. And we have had several days of warm and Sunny weather, a real Indian Summer, and the first summer we have had this year!
I received a wonderful postcard from Lenna's postcard swap, this time from Nancy Roberts. It has been made from painted material, and has been embroidered, stitched and collaged - just wonderful. I am going to have a wonderful collection of hand made postcards, which I will treasure.

For my journal pages I made another collage, which then reminded me of the text of *I'm on the top of the world* from the Carpenters, so I have included part of the text.

I also spent some time making more Halloween boxes, but I will save them to show tomorrow. I think making Halloween things is addictive.

Hope you all have a great day, take care, and thanks for stopping by!