Wednesday 11 August 2010

Another glittery tag and some flower cards.

Had a bad day yesterday, so didn't get round to much, but managed to make one glittery tag using TH's *alteration* die, but with a fairy in the cage instead of a bird. My friend Inge got a most wonderful rose given to her last week, a really giant one in a bautiful terracotta colour, so I had to take a pic. And then I made her 4 simple letter cards, all the same, so she will be able to think of her rose for a long time. Thanks for looking!

Sunday 8 August 2010

A lazy day and some glittery tags....

Today was cold and wet. It poured all day, adding water to the flooded areas in East Germany, who must be having a terrible time.
I decided to make the best of the day and just be lazy. It was too cold to have a pyjama day, but sweat shirt and joggers are comfy,too. After drinking lots of coffee to get awake, I managed to get some post ready, filled out some forms, and got it all in envelopes ready to take to our post office tomorrow. There's a new lady now, she even knows the prices, is efficient and friendly....wonder how long she will be staying there?
On DC we are doing a glittery tag swap, so I decided to practice. Got 4 large and 4 small tags cut, distressed, stamped and glittered with *Stickles*. Good tip - (Maria, please note, this time I have written *tip* and not....)don't answer the phone when you have *Stickles* on your fingers....perhaps we could do a swap for glittery phones?
Decorated the tags with everything-to-hand again, one has gadget gears cut from grunge board, distressed, partly embossed with bronze, powdered with perfect pearls and fixed with buttons. The other two have half a *fanciful flight* dragonfly on them. Each has a word - cut from my *Chocolate kisses* box - as decoration. They are more sparkly in *real* as in the pics, as it is difficult to get them at the right angle to photograph them. Had fun making them, perhaps I will get the others done tomorrow, today is my lazy day....

Saturday 7 August 2010

Yet again more tags....

Actually, I wasn't planning on making any tags, Just though I would play with my TH *Gadget gears* die. Wasn't sure if I really like it. Good news. I LOVE it!! Cut some gears out of different materials - cardboard, which I partly peeled, the brown *honeycomb* paper that you sometimes get on top of choccies, and some shiny gold card that is inside the boxes of Aldi's *chocolate kisses* - I of course ONLY buy them to get the nice golden card for making die cuts, then I have to eat them up so as not to waste. As this has already wasted my waist to the form of a well stuffed sausage, I suppose I might as well carry on.....
Well, back to the tags. Used some card from a tissue box to cut the tags, and covered them with scraps of K & Co paper which has sayings written all over it. Then I rubbed each one with *Stickles* - rubbed it on with my finger to give a nice shine, (on the card, not on my finger!!) and let them dry. In the meantime, I was able to nibble on a few chocolate kisses and distress the cardboard die cuts with ink, some bronze embossing powder, and a sprinkling of perfect pearls in electric blue. Then I decorated the tags with the usual mixture of this and that, fixed the gadget gears with decorative buttons and a giant press-stud and some ribbons to tie the buttons on. The press-stud has been given some gold-leaf edging and then some *glossy accents*. They have turned out a bit different to my usual ones, but I like them, too, and I have managed to use up a lot of scraps in the process ( and enjoy *chocolate kisses!!!*) Thanks for looking! *Everything's good when it's made out of chocolate!*

Thursday 5 August 2010

An outing to Zons, a little mediaeval town.

Zons is a little town near Dormagen, between Neuss and Cologne. It was first mentioned in the 7th century, so it is really rather antique....It used to be one of the places which grew rich on the customs and excise they got from the ships taking their wares along the is evidently no recent invention!! We drove to Benrath, past the castle there, and then found the leafy lane leading down to the Rhine ferry. We only had to wait a few minutes till the ferry came, and then we drove on. The ferry man came and collected our fares, and by the time we had paid we were already over on the other side. The Rhine is very full at the moment, if the water gets much higher, then the ferry can't cross over. We walked from the car-park past some sheep, which were grazing on the meadows, and then discovered a statue of a Bishop standing there, so we went and greeted him. Then we strolled around the walls, admired the old houses & Inge tried to climb the walls. One of the pictures shows some little silvery plaques, they show how high the floods were in some years. The next pic shows one marker right up at the top of the arch, that was in 1798 and must have been a very frightening flood. We saw some strange *creatures* outside a shop selling lots of fantastic things that nobody really needs but a lot of people like to have....And we met a very friendly white dog, keeping watch in front of his house, and enjoying *talking* to all who went by. We had a nice lunch in an old pub, and then drove home via another route, along the Rhine, through Neuss, a town with a lot of Roman and mediaeval ruins, and then over the bridge in Düsseldorf before driving back to Inge's place. There we enjoyed our coffee and a few games of skipbo before I drove home. I found a nice video of Zons on You Tube, here is the link if anyone is interested:
All in all, a nice day, in nice company.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Damsel in distress again....

....And more tags had to suffer with distress ink from TH, die cuts, stamps etc. Was, as usual, great fun to make, and cheered me up a bit. Used TH alteration dies - dragonfly & bird in a cage, and a sparrow from Sizzix - one of my favourite dies. The backgrounds have been distressed with stormy skies, wild honey, victorian velvet and bundled sage, and the the text has been stamped with forest moss and / or archival black. The dragonfly and sparrow have been embossed with clear embossing powder. Used prima flowers, a LaBlanche clock stamp and some bits and bobs from my magic tins for decorating. The edges have been distressed and decorated with faux stitching. Thanks for looking!

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Great minds think alike - or some ATCs made and received

Some ATCs are more fun to make than others, as the themes just appeal more....or less!!
Here is a selection of those done in the last few months; some with the theme *It's a man's world* - how true! sent to Karen; some of my favourite animal - naturally a cow, as my home is full of them, as pics, clocks, lights, tables etc - which were sent to Joanne (who unfortunately didn't get round to saying if she got them or not!), and then *my fave holiday* as theme. I was wavering between Paris and New York, but as I didn't have any suitable embellies for NY, it just had to be Paris. The tags went to Alma and to Susie J. On the day I sent mine off, I got a letter with my ATC and two beautiful tags from Susie, and had to really laugh out loud, as we had both chosen the same theme - as I said at the beginning, *Great minds think alike!* The first pic shows Susie's beautiful tag, the others are my efforts!
P.S. The ATCs for this mo nths butterfly swap are all done and dusted, but I can't show the pics till they have been posted and reached their destinations!!

Sunday 1 August 2010

A weekend visitor, glass and other curiosities

If I haven't posted much the past week or so, it was because I have been spending a lot of time with a friend, who had her knee operated on 2 weeks ago. In the meantime she can run about again, and is doing very well, and came here to spend the weekend with me, a real (old) *girls weekend*. We did lots of nattering, played rummicub and cards, ate too much and had lots of nibbles to boot. All in all a pleasant weekend, with plenty of laughs and time to get to know each other better.
This evening I took some photos of some of the *curiosities* residing in my flat - it's a bit like a rather crazy museum, with lots of glass - which I have collected since I was small (and THAT was a long time ago!), strange animals, lamps, figures etc. spread through all rooms, including the bathroom, hall and kitchen. And this is just a part of it all, as I realised to my horror while taking the photos - at least I know now why I never have enough space to put anything in....
And a proud announcement to end the saga - my flowers on the balcony have been thriving since 4 weeks, this has to be an all time record, as I mostly manage to reduce them to the consistency of dried tea leaves within a few days.