Saturday 24 April 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good and safe weekend. We have spring like weather just now, even though it's not really warm, but it's wonderful for walking!

Today I have 2 more tags to share for my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday. For the first one I used a scrap of designer paper, I think it was from LaBlanche, which I sewed to a recycled background. I hand-sewed the owl charms to the branch.I hope to see some of you joining in, and you still have more than a week to do so:

The second one was made with a sheet of Beatrix Potter cutouts which were a magazine freebie many moons ago. The background is hand painted, and the sentiment was added digitally:

I always love to see the first lilacs blooming:

Blue skies and beautiful blossoms:

The new leaves are always beautiful:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Wonderful tage Valerie, love the owl and the rabbits. The spring flowers are lovely, always enjoy seeing the new green leaves.

    1. Thanks Sue, spring green really is fantastic. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Happy Weekend Wishes.
    What great tags and fabulous photographs, I do like this season.
    Here in the UK we too are going to have a sunny weekend, which will be lovely :)

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  3. I like your owl tag. Attaching owl charms is a fun idea.
    I always loved Beatrix Potter characters and stories. I love the sweet Spring setting you’ve made for them.
    Great tags both are. I’m going to be joining in this challenge too, soon.

    1. Thanks Annie. Hope to see you at TT! Have a great weekend!

  4. I love your tags, especially the second one, so cute! All the photos are so beautiful and look at those clear blue spring skies! Glad you weather has been nice, and I hope you are feeling well. Have a great weekend Valerie, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha! The blue skies are always a tonic! I'm feeling better, thanks!

  5. I love both these pieces very much! The lilacs and flowering trees, too, really are making me smile. You have to feel so happy to see this after your winter.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! I can't tell you how happy spring makes me after the long and cold winter! Have a great weekend!

  6. Great tags but I am I am in love with the owls
    Your photos with blooms are sooo pretty. right now it's raining hard, we have much cooler than normal here this past week. Happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Owls are always special, that<#s true! Looks like we're having a sunny weekend here!

    2. That's true, sorry about the wrong letters/symbols!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! It's lovely weather again here, hope you have the same. Your tags are beautiful. S. still has the Beatrix Potter books you sent her! Wonderful photos as always. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Our weather is beautiful, I'm looking forward to my walk! Beatrix Potter books are always wonderful. Hugs to you all!

  8. I spy my gardening nemesis ~ the dreaded sycamore sapling! So far, just this week, I have dug up overe 45 saplings from my borders! Have a great weekend, hugs, Deb

  9. Fabulous weekend post, always love your creations and colours are gorgeous. xx

  10. Thanks Laurie. It's always special to See the First lilacs! Have a great Weekend, stay safe and well!

  11. Your tags are super Valerie. I like them both. The owl is fun with those charms. And you have so many beautiful spring flowers in bloom. We won't have lilacs for a awhile still, and they are just beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you have nice weather. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The flowers are wonderful just now, it's so good to see them. Have a great weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  12. The tags are so cute. Out of all the flower photos you showed, my favorite is the dandelion. Always make me think of my girlies gathering the sunny blooms in their chubby, toddler fists and bringing bouquets to me. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ! I Love dandelions, too, they are like little suns!

  13. You had me hooked with the owl, Valerie. It is always thought of as a wise bird, and it does look to have an air of inscrutability doesn't it? And it even has owl bling on its perch! How great is that! It sets me off to wondering whether in the realm of the exotic birds you have been discovering in and around Balconia-by-the-Rhine an undiscovered owl exists? Given the exotic nature of other species, who could possibly know what it might look like? I see that you have been out and about enjoying bright sunshine, but for the owl you may have to slink around at night. My heart is racing at the mere thought of a hitherto unknown owl. I will have to examine it to see which family it might belong to before coming up with a scientific name, but monikers such as Bubo jaelicus, or Strix tupsicus come to mind. I shall be pondering this for the rest of the weekend. In the meantime, enjoy the sunny weather as I intend to do here. Hugs and kisses from your Canadian devotee. David

    1. Hi David, I thought the owl would be something for you! As you noticed, the birds 🐦🐦🐦 of Balconia are always special. I think strix tupsicus is a suitable name. Today the sun is shining but it's still very chilly and we had frost in the night. I hope you and Miriam have been busy bird watching! Have a great weekend, stay safe and well! Hugs to you both!

  14. I love both those pieces. They make me happy.
    I too have a lilac about to bloom. I'm so excited.
    Have a wondrous weekend filled with energy.

    1. Thanks Sandra, enjoy your lilacs! Have a great Weekend!

  15. Gorgeous Spring photos, and I love both of your tags Valerie!
    Happy Saturday,
    Alison xx

  16. We have rain and highs in the lower 60s F, but there's sunshine and 80+ predicted for next week. I love your little owl dangles, the perfect touch. Your spring buds and flowers make for a lovely walk.

  17. Das ist eun brillantes Kunstwerk mit der Eule und den Nähten und den Schmuck auch das andere ist so goldig!
    Passt zu den Fotos, ach wie herrlich bei dir schon ist da merke ich wie weiter ihr dort seit!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Dazu, liebe Elke! Der Frühling ist voll dabei obwohl es immer noch kalt ist!

  18. Very fine post:) Have a nice weekend ;)

  19. Who, who, who likes to visit your blog. I do! And I am in love with Beatrix Potter - sure wish I could draw and paint the way she did. Peter Rabbit is everyone's favorite Bunny even when he is bad.
    Wonderful pictures - the flowers are absolutely gorgeous!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy! Beatrix Potter was very talented, I love her stories and pictures.Have a good and safe week!

  20. I like your 2 tags, very cheerful to look at. Love the lilacs, too.

  21. Thanks so much, have a great week!


  22. I love owls a beautiful job. I like spring, thank you for showing me beautiful photos. Good week:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Owls are wonderful creatures. Have a good week!

  23. Love this post. Have a nice day today.

  24. Beautiful tags Valerie, that owl is gorgeous and I love the cute charms! Stunning photos, our lilacs bushes in the backyard should be blooming soon, I can't wait because I think they smell so good! I hope you had a nice weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, lilacs are always beautiful. I sometimes get a bunch for my case from the neighbour! Have a great week!

  25. Two wonderful tag, love the layers. Have a great weekend. Anesha

  26. I'm always amazed at how different owls are. I really love that tag, and I think the charms are the perfect touch. I like the other tag, too, I'll try to come up with one before the challenge is over

    LOVE those flowers and photos you showed. Everything is just beautiful, dear.

    1. Thanks E, owls are fascinating creatures. Have a great week!

  27. Oooh! Owls and Beatrix Potter - a great combination! I am quite jealous - no lilac here yet. Lovely photos of flowers - hoping to visit another garden this week! Take care, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, these are 2 of my fave things. Lilac is always so lovely. Have afun when you visit another garden! Hugs!

  28. I love both your art pieces! Excellent use of the charms! The beatrix Potter one is adorable! Stunning photos! I truly love your photos! They make me happy! Big Hugs!


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