Saturday 17 April 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to all for the encouraging comments to get enough rest and heal out completely, much appreciated. And I bought a big jar of honey to do myself some good, as Pinky recommended!

I have another recycled piece for Chris' and Erika's challenge, inspired by, at AJJ, where they took over the theme as Eileen is sadly no longer with us. Elizabeth is recycling this month, so she inspired this. I cleared out the art tote I used at the clinic, and found these strips of paper, the 2 pieces of thread and the 2 feathers when I tipped everything out. I wove them together to make this A4 piece on black cardstock. I also found  a shabby looking piece of chocolate and a rather crushed Crispbread  which I decided not to recycle:

Today I had to go to my doctor, so I enjoyed a walk in the sunshine, and came back through the fields and then along the stream to the street where I live. It is still very cold, but the sun makes it bearable, and it was good to be out for half an hour. I took some photos with my cell-phone. The doctor's office is just a few steps from the Rhine:

A shoe tree?

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh, it is spring in your world! I'm glad you're getting in good walks and being greeted with such color and beauty. And your paper weaving is lovely too! Happy weekend!

    1. Yes, spring is springing, although it's still very cold. Have a great weekend!

  2. Nice art. Glad you are out and about again. Now where is that other shoe?

    1. Good question! I'm wondering if the owner had to hop home....

  3. I love your weavings and so glad to hear you were able to get out for a bit and get some sunshine. I hope the doc went well. Beautiful photos along the way and I hope it warms up a bit soon. Have a great weekend and keep resting. Hugs!

    1. The doc went well, thanks! It was good to be out in the sunshine. I hope I can manage once round the block again today. Have a great weekend!

  4. You are sooo creative Valerie-I love your piece very much.
    Looks like a lovely walk to the doctors-sorry its so cold still. we are up and down here with a little rain too Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, this is the only sort of weaving I manage these days! We have lovely walks everywhere here. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Beauty with the vibrancy love this post. xx

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you had a good and restful night. Glad you got out, but don't overdo thing, I know you! Make sure you get plenty of rest. Your woven piece is fabulous, fantastic colours. The photos are beautiful, too. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I got up very late after sleeping almost 10 hours, so that was really a good rest! Have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  7. Great use of your bits to recycle. Good to hear the food wasn't recycled :-)
    Good to see you were able to get out in the sunshine, even if it is cold the sun makes us feel better. My sons tell me a shoe tree or shoes on the power lines are the sign of a drug dealer, hopefully yours is not and is just a shoe tree.

    1. Thanks! It's great to get out, still in my winter coat and hat, but the sun is so welcome! I hope that the shoe tree here is not a sign for something like that! Have a great weekend!

  8. The honey sounds like a fab idea, enjoy! Your page is beautifully created with the gorgeous colours of the woven papers and feathers - beautiful 😀. So lovely to see the sunshiny and the pretty spring flowers along the Rhine. Hope your appointment went well and Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The honey is from local beekeepers, and is very delicious! It was good to be out in the sun. Have a wonderful and hopefully sunny weekend, hugs!

  9. I'm glad you decided to only recycle the papers and nonperishable bits in your piece today Valerie. Smile. I love the bright colors. They do pop off the black. The feathers create some fluffy texture too. I like it and am glad you're linking it up to AJJ. It certainly looks beautiful on your walk right now with the spring flowers in bloom. We had some light snow yesterday, nothing much here but just a couple of hours away they got a lot. Hope the honey helps. It tastes yummy and it is suppose to be good for you. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I don't usually throw good away, but everything has its limits! Today I found some more bits on my worktable, so I 'll have to think of something to use them, too. No snow here, but it's still cold and today I am having a rest day. Have a great weekend!

  10. Good idea not to recycle the chocolate and the crispbread, Valerie! Any time you incorporate feathers into a piece of art it automatically assumes a higher aesthetic standard, of course, so I give you full marks for this stroke of creative superiority. Your pictures look airy and springlike, very beautiful, and I hope that similar conditions prevail this weekend so that you can perambulate around the neighbourhood taking in the air. I see that you have a tree that grows footwear. We have a similar species near here, and it is quite amazing the number of different inflorescences that occur - sneakers, work boots, old's always a surprise to see what new manifestations the tree has brought forth. Actually, I think it must have been cross-pollinated recently because a bra was sprouting from one of the branches. Boots and bras. There must be a song there for an enterprising composer. Enjoy the weekend, have a spoonful of two of honey, and stay as sweet as you are! Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Thanks David, some things are not recyclable! I thought you would notice the feathers! Today I am having a day of rest, but tomorrow I hope to go walkabout again. The imagination boggles at the thoughts of a bra in a tree, very uplifting indeed! The honey is very good, so I will enjoy a spoonful each day. Have a great weekend, hugs to you and M!

    2. I found it quite titillating and I am always willing to keep abreast of things!

    3. I will give all the support I can.

    4. Thanks, my cup is overflowing!

  11. So schön mit den bunten Farben und den Federn, toll ich mag so was!
    Schön dass du eine Weile draussen warst und die shcönen Fotos sogar mit gebracht hast. Es fühlt sich noch nciht so warm an stimmt geht mir auch so aber ich denke das wird bald anders.
    Schönes Wochenende und ruh dich gut aus mit dem leckeren Honig!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Dir ein schoenes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  12. Nice photos. I like the shoe tree. :) That looks like a fun piece of art.

  13. Just seeing the flowers on your walk to and from the doctors reminds me just why I enjoy seeing Spring flowers so much - such fabulous range of joyful colours. Speaking of which your woven feathery creation is wonderful and another celebration of colour! Enjoy the honey - and get some some more rest now. Enjoy your weekend , Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris. spring flowers are always special. The honey is good, and I'm resting today.

  14. I like your weaving. A lovely walk even if you had to go to the doctor's office. Now follow his advice to get well quickly: make art, sip tea with honey, and take walks to look at pretty flowers.

    1. Thanks CJ. I'm being good, enjoying my honey and having a rest day! Happy Weekend!

  15. I love your feather art. Looks so pretty. I am glad that you were well enough to walk to the doctor's office.

  16. Valerie, you so had me going that I might actually see the chocolate and crispbread recycled in your woven art piece! Ha! Yes, not everything should be recycled. Especially if it is biodegradable rather quickly or even shared with the birds instead. This woven piece is so great to look at. The colors are bright and fabulous.

    1. That would have been fun! And in a few years there would perhaps be worms crawling through it.... Have great weekend, Annie, take care!

  17. Somebody lost a shoe!!!!
    I love your mixed media piece - beautiful colors especially when combined with each other.
    As always, I enjoyed all of your pictures.
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. I wonder how he got home with only one shoe? Have a great weekend, take care!

  18. Honey sounds like a good plan :) I love the feathers woven in. That looks like a great place for a doctor's office. Go to the doctor, then go down to the river for some stress relief. Lovely.

    1. Thanks, this place is so small that nothing is far away! Being by the Rhine is Always gut.

  19. Wonderful Spring photos, and I love your colourful woven page Valerie.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  20. It is a wonderful page with the woven pieces, super recycled additions to the page.
    The photos looked loved from your walk along the river, it was good to see the colourful springtime colours and pretty flowers.
    Stay safe and look after yourself, don't overdo things.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Spring is a wonderful time. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie


  21. I like your work, I like such works from recycled materials :) Beautiful photographs. A lot of smile and good health :)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna! Have a wonderful week!

  22. I always love your paper weaving Valerie and the feathers look fab. I would have thrown the crispbreat away too, but maybe the chocolate would have made the cut lol. Your town is looking so pretty with the colourful flowers. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. The chocolate had turned grey with age, so I actually threw it away! You have a good week, too!

  23. Beautiful weaving! The feathers are just the right touch. I'm so amazed by the endless beauty you show so nearby where you live. I do pray you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks Debra! This is a pretty place to live. I am feeling better from day to day!

  24. Such a beautiful recycling project, and those colors are fabulous! Hope you are felling well. Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro! I love these colours, too. I am feeling better each day!

  25. Oh WOW, Valerie. This journal page is out of this world gorgeous. I love how you wove the various pieces together. Such beauty and color. It certainly proves recycling can come in many shapes and forms. Thank you so much for this beauty and thanks for sharing it with Art Journal Journey, too.

    I was especially impressed with the pinks and yellows from your walk. The flowers were fabulous, dear. Hope all is well in your world.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I like paper weaving, it's a very tranquil job! Here all is going well!

  26. Beautiful art piece Valerie, the colors are stunning and I love the weaving! What a gorgeous walk to your doctor's office, the photos are so pretty! Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! It is a lovely walk indeed. Have a great week!

  27. I do like your paper weaving.

    You have a very nice walk to your Doctors, great photographs.
    Hope the new week ahead goes well.
    Please continue to take good care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, there are lots of pretty places to walk.

  28. Definitely take care of yourself!!!

    Pretty cool art you made - love the details and the colors. You are so creative to take things at the bottom of your art tote and make something this cool!

    Lovely pictures from your walk(s).


    1. Thanks Nancy! I love making things out of scraps! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  29. Honey is the best thing for the body! Good for you! I drink it with hot water, when I'm not feeling well, or whenever I have came out of the hospital! Truly love your art piece! Fun and gorgeous colours! Love the shoe tree! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, have great week! Here's to honey!


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