Monday 5 April 2021

New Challenge at More Mixed Media Blog

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media Blog

Our challenges are always anything mixed media goes, and as always you have 4 weeks to join us. This time our optional colour addition is yellow. Have a look at our blog to see the super creations of my teamies.

I made an A3 mixed media piece using lots of background stencils and the Banksy little girl with balloon stencil. I used diluted acrylics to paint it, so that the underlying layers of colour show through. The head is a home-made stencil. I use these stencils a lot, I know, I just like them. The circles were hand-doodled:

I am also linking to AJJ, where Erika and Chris are hosting in memory of Eileen. The theme is 'inspired by', here I was inspired by dreams.

This evening Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy wil be starting, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here!
The shops in our little town are often full of beautiful china:

The bookshop decorated for Easter:

A lemon cake, very delicious, that I made on Saturday:

And my fave drink is always cappuccino:

I had a wonderful surprise last week when this gorgeous card from Erika arrived to welcome me home after my long stay in the various clinics. Being on my own, I'm not used to anyone noticing if I'm there or not, so this really did me good. Thanks Erika!

Some spring photos from my walks:

A Nile Goose at the top of the tree:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, your art page is really beautiful-I love seeing your art. I made angel food cakes which look similar to your cake which looks delicious-and I enjoyed seeing your photos from your walk-we are warming up a bit more now so thinking we'll see little leaves popping out soon
    enjoy your week-beautiful and thoughtful card form Erika. I would love to try sending you slow mail again. that one time it came back to me so I must have had something wrong on the address-I have a contact link on my page if you care to share your address. Have a good week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. This was a cake made with cream instead of butter, so it's very light. I'll send you may address again! Have a great day!

  2. A lovely post :)

    I do like your mixed media piece.
    That is a lovely card from Erika.
    Your lemon cake looks delicious.
    A lovely selection of photographs.

    Happy Monday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! The lemon cake is delicious, my neighbours enjoyed it, too!

  3. Beautiful art and love your spring photos. That cake looks so delicious. A belated welcome home!

    1. Thanks Christine! Spring is so beautiful, although today is cold and grey!

  4. Beautiful art as always Valerie. Your lemon cake looks yummy and sounds like a nice treat, especially with your diet restrictions right now. Beautiful card from Erika and beautiful photos too. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Martha. I enjoyed a piece of cake, and took the rest to my neighbours!

  5. Wie schön deine Kunstseite an zuschauen und all die Osterfotos von deinem Ort!
    Ach Erikakarte ist so hübsch und ich wünsche dir einen schönen Ostermontag mit einem leckeren Stück Kuchen von dir, dass du was auch gutes dir tun darfst damit.
    Gute Besserung!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir auch einen schönen Ostermontag!

  6. LOVE the bright mm page and your gorgeous photos. xx

  7. Yum to that lemon cake! It looks scrumptious indeed. I bet you found doodling all those circles very therapeutic? Have a great day, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! The cake was wonderful indeed. I love doodling, it always calms me down! Have a wonderful day!

  8. You've made a lovely warming painting (it's freezing here).
    The photos of your town are again fascinating and the shop windows are tantalising, I want to go in and have a closer look. It's a lovely thoughtful card from Erika, how nice to see it and thanks for showing it.
    Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Sheila! It's very cold and grey here today, too, spring has disappeared. I'm having a lazy day at home. Have a great new week!

  9. Good morning Valerie: It is always nice to receive a card, and especially one that welcomes you home. Your cake appears delicious so it looks like you welcomed yourself home too! As for your artwork today, a little girl and a balloon is a lovely image. I was out a couple of days ago, and it was really windy, and a young mother was flying a kite with her little daughter - equally enchanting, I thought, and not an activity one sees frequently these days. When people tell me to go fly a kite it means something else entirely! Your perambulations around town are always delightful, and I am quite sure that many of us would feel quite at home were we to find ourselves there! Enjoy the week ahead. I certainly intend to! Hugs and kisses. David.

    1. Thanks David. It was really special to get that pretty card, and a lovely surprise. The cake is good, my neighbours enjoyed it, too! A lot of people fly kites at the Rhine, so it's something we are used to here. But who would tell you to go fly a kite??! You definitely wouldn't get lost in our little town, it's so small that would be impossible! The layout of the streets hasn't changed there for hundreds of years. Have a great, new week, take care! Hugs to you both!

  10. Nice art work with the little girl motif. It's good to know that you are back in your own home and fully adapting to your life there.

    be well... mae at

  11. Gorgeous page, I love circles. Lovely card from Erika and a yummy lemon cake, my favourite.
    Hugs Wendy

  12. I love the yellow piece today. Your heads are always fun to see and very clever too. Thanks for taking us window shopping too. I'm glad it is window shopping as I seem to be in home kind of mood and some new dishes to display would be a big temptation. The lemon cake looks and sounds yummy. Plus, I leave seeing the green appear. Spring is so much fun to see as it takes it turn in the seasons. Happy early T day. And happy Monday too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I wasn't really happ with yellow at first, but in the end I liked it! The windows here are always full of tempting goods but I try to stay strong! Happy T Day!

  13. Gorgeous page! Your yellow design is full of warmth and happiness - love it! That lemon cake looks delicious and I loved seeing all the Easter decorations in the shop windows too 😀. How lovely to receive the happy mail from Erika, it's a beautiful card and so very thoughtful! Loving all those spring views and flowers, looks like you've been enjoying some sunny days. Wishing you a happy T Day, enjoy your week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, we have indeed been enjoying some beautiful days. But today it's cold, windy and with hailstorms - good weather to stay home and read! Have a great week!

  14. Your mixed media entry is incredible. I love the warmth of the yellow and how well everything went together, including the little Banksy girl and your head. The yellow theme also went well with the lemon cake you baked. It looks so yummy, too. Of course, I was also pleased you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey where Erika and Chris are hosting this month. This is a lovely Inspired By entry, dear.

    Those cups in the shop are awesome. It's a good thing there are no cobalt blue ones, or I might be tempted. Thanks beyond belief for sharing them and your cake with us for T this Tuesday.

    As you know, I always enjoy your walks, so I appreciate you giving me a lovely virtual tour today.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The Lemon cake was very delicious indeed. The cups in the Shops are always tempting!

    2. I tried to link you to TSFT, but by the time I had your link copied, someone else had already linked you. Sorry.

  15. Sweet card from Erika. That's such a wonderful quote. The shop windows in town are always beautifully decorated. I wish our shop windows looked as nice. A slice of lemon cake would be welcome with a cup of tea after the lovely walk. Enjoy your day

  16. I like yellow, too. Lovely card from your friend. How sweet of her! I want a piece of your lemon cake. It looks delicious.

    1. Thanks,. Yellow is a sunny colour. Help yourself to cake!

  17. Those red cups and saucers in the shop window have caught my eye. The lemon cake would be a special treat :) Happy T Day!

    1. I've got my eye on those cups, too. The cake is good, help yourself!

  18. Hi Val, sorry I've been MIA, we had visitors and it was chaotic. Love your beautiful Journal page, great colours and lovely photos, too. We had crazy weather Here all day! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, don't worry, I knew you would be busy! Have a great week, Take care, hugs to you all!

  19. Lovely photos of the spring sunshine, and a wonderful page Valerie!
    Have a good week,
    Alison xx

  20. Beautiful page Valerie, with gorgeous bright colors, love it! Awesome photos, your lemon cake looks delicious! Have a great week.
    Hugs, Tammy

  21. Beautiful balloon girl art Valerie. Love all the springtime photos, and your lemon cake looks fresh, light, and delicious! Erika is so thoughtful and kind and that is a beautiful card she sent. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Erika made me happy with the card! And the cake was indeed delicious!

  22. I really like your art page, Valerie. That is great that you are finally home. A beautiful card from Erika. Who doesn't love mail?! Your lemon cake looks yummy and the photos from your walk look like it was a lovely spring day. I loved seeing the blooms.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Your lemon cake looks delicious. I need to learn to do photography. My lemon bread doesn't look that appetizing on my blog post today. LOL Lovely Spring walk photos. I will have to remember to take a camera with me on my walks. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon. I'm sure your lemon cake was very delicious!

  24. What a lovely mixed media page. I love the colour. And of course I love Banksy. I have lived in Bristol for 25 years and feel it a bit as my home town.
    Your lemon cake looks delicious. I read you made it with cream in stead of butter. The same amounts?
    I always love being taken for a walk through your photos. At first I thought the green thing was a bird, then on the next photo I saw it was a tree surgeon on a 'cherry picker'!
    What a lovely card Erika has sent! And so kind of her to think of you.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I love watching the tree people at work! I replaced the butter with a 250gm tub of cream, it was a bit more than the weight of the butter, but it worked well, and the cake was very soft and light!

  25. This is wonderful, gorgeous layers and beautiful photos as always. Have a fun week - hope it doesn't snow for you like it is doing for us lol xx

    1. Thanks Sue. We got it all, too - snow, sleet, howling winds! Have a good week!

  26. Morning Valerie, Beautiful photos as usual and the lemon cake looks delicious, pleased that you are home and hopefully getting back to good health.
    Your artwork is so bright and colourful, I always shy away from oranges and yellows but they are always cheerful.
    Happy T Day, keep safe
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan! I'm not usually a fan of these colours either, but I liked it when it was done. Have a great week, take care! Happy T Day!

  27. Lovely art, beautiful card, wonderful sunny photos and ohhh that cake looks so light and delicious.

  28. Your art piece is beautiful! I love the colours! I would like a piece of lemon cake! Yummy! Beautiful happy mail! Thank you for the gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, help yourself to lemon cake! Have a great week!

  29. Wonderful post! I always enjoy you photos and absolutely LOVE it when you bake and/or cook up something good. I can most smell your kitchen from here!
    Sandy xx

  30. A fabulous and uplifting page. I haven't eaten lemon cake for years, now I really could manage a small slice!Lovely photos of your area in the Spring sunshine. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  31. Valerie, what a great dreamer art journal page! I didn’t know acrylic paints could be done in such a transparent way and still be so intense in color. But I’m only just learning painting so there is a lot I don’t know about it. I’ve enjoyed all your photos. Winter and Spring are alternating every few days. As long as it isn’t all Winter everyday anymore I can live with it.

    1. Thanks Annie! I dilute the colours with water, and you can paint later over later as long as it is completely dry. It's a fun technique.

  32. Fab AJ page - the colors are super cool and the images even cooler! Love the words too. Great card from thoughtful Erika. Lovely pictures too. So glad you are doing better!!! Hugz


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