Friday 16 April 2021


Hi Everybody! 

Today I am sharing a piece made for AJJ, where Chris and Erika are hosting with the theme of 'inspired by', chosen by Eileen, who is sadly no longer with us.
I was inspired by bright colours, and I recycled parts of 2 different journal pages and a face from my sketchbook and put them together to make a new and colourful piece. It also fits to Elizabeth's theme of recycling. I used a ready made background and pepped it up with lots of splatters. Then I added the face, which was digitally cut out from the page and placed in the floral ring. The blackbird is one of my balcony friends. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

I am still really exhausted, and need to stay home and rest, so I have some photos from this day 2 years ago:

Strange flowers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That's a great piece for AJJ Valerie. The face looks a bit like you. Love those bright colors. Take care. Hugs-Erika

  2. Great art and photos Valerie. I'm sorry you are still so tired. Are you feeling ok overall? I've been thinking of you and hope you are healing well and will be feeling back to yourself soon. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. I feel well, just tired, and perhaps I need to eat more! Have agreat day!

  3. Get lots of rest Valerie! Beautiful art and photos, that magnolia shot is spectacular.

    1. Thanks Christine, I love that magnolia tree, too! Have a wonderful Friday!

  4. Great post the funny wall of baby dummies made me chuckle. x

    1. Thanks Annie, I'm wondering who puts them all there!

  5. Really nice journal page Valerie, and I enjoyed all the spring photos-take care of yourself hugs Kathy

  6. Hi Val, good morning. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I think you need to eat more good meals with meat and veggies! Here all is well. Love your journal page and the photos, I've never seen a dummy wall before! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I had some 'real' meals the past 2 days and will try to keep it up! Hugs to you all!

  7. Lovely art piece Valerie and it is always great to look back on photos. I have seen fences with locks on them but not dummies before! Rest up so you get better.

    1. Thanks Sue. The dummies were new to me, too!

  8. It's always a pleasure to see your photos, and so what if they're old ones? I think a lot of us are recycling images these days. Take all the time needed to rest properly and recover before you start gallavanting out and about. Hugs Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb. Today I had to go the doctor's, so took some pics with my cell phone on the way. But for the rest of the day I'm staying home!

  9. Your journal page made me smile. It is beautiful and the lady reminds me of you. I was so happy to read it had a recycled component, too. We can't get too many recycling projects, at least I believe that. Of course, this was also a great entry for Art Journal Journey, honoring Eileen's theme, too.

    Really enjoyed the photos. Those teething baby things (sorry, I've never had a baby, so have no idea what they are called) that were hanging on a fence made me laugh.

    Feel better soon, dear.

    1. Thanks E. Those baby things are called dummies in England, and 'Schnuller' here in Germany. But I've never seen a fence full of them before!

  10. Happy PPF Valerie
    thanks for your lovely art and photos


    1. Thanks Gillena, happy weekend and happy PPF!

  11. Fabulous page! I loved seeing the blackbird from your balcony on your page too 😀. Glad that you are resting, you'll recover much faster as a result I'm sure - yay! Such pretty photos from your archives, loving the sun behind the trees - the colours are amazing. Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend, take care and get well soon! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The blackbirds are cheeky, and make a big noise if there's no food for them!

  12. Love your colourful page , lots to see.. Great photos. Rest it's essential for your recovery. I'm a really active and find it hard to rest, but it sounds as if you really should be doing just that. Take care, hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy. I'm trying to rest, but sitting still is not really my thing!

  13. What a great colorful recycled journal page! This page could be a book cover for an adventure story. The colors are so intense...I love it. Love the blackbird and the paint brushes and just all of it! So fun to search out each detail.

    1. Thanks Annie, perhaps I should write a story go with it! Have a great Weekend!

  14. Is that you talking to one of your blackbird friends? So nice to see flowers. It's snowing here, today. The binkies (dummies, pacifiers?) attached to the fence are funny. Poor littles that lost their binkies. Hope you are feeling better.

    1. I Always talk to my blackbirds! No snow here, but cold. Binkies is a fun name, didn't know that one!

  15. I love your recycled page! What a great idea. Lovely to see your very own blackbird getting a starring role! I guess that the fence full of dummies will be one of life's mysteries!
    Lovely to see your photos but hope you get out soon for some of this years Spring sunshine. We saw lot of Dandelions while out yesterday! Have a good weekend, get plenty of rest to help you recover! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. My blackbird loves being the centre of admiration and attention! Today I was out, I had to go to the doc's, and walked back though the fields, which was nice. Have a great weekend!

  16. I absolutely love this art piece. Glad you are home and resting. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself. I never tire of seeing your photos. Have a restful day.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I never tire of taking photos, like you never tire of your lovely garden!

  17. Very fine post;) have a nice day;)

  18. Beautiful journal page Valerie. And I would never mind seeing any of your photos -old or new, once or twice as they are always SO good!!! Keep resting and eating to get all your strength back. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I certainly had lots to eat today! Have a great Weekend!

  19. Such interesting layers in your paper portrait - I keep looking, finding details not apparent at first sight.

    1. Thanks, I Love creating layers. Happy Weekend!

  20. Love the tag on the previous post, and the art on this post. I'm hoping you will recover very soon!

  21. Good afternoon Your Enchanted Valeryness: Great job! Nice sunny face! Superior technique! Sorry to be late today but I have been on the go nonstop since early this morning. Lots accomplished but I need a nap! Your own exhaustion has different roots of course, and I hope that each day you will feel a little stronger and more able to tackle the world. The photographs of the village are lovely and there is a plug in there for the much maligned dandelion, I think. They are popping up here and I am sure that soon fanatics armed with every item in their arsenal will be attacking them with a fervour normally reserved for a pandemic or something! It's a flower for god's sake. Relax! The sofa looks inviting. Time for forty winks. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, I am sure you must be tired after your strenuous day! I love dandelions, and would be happy to have a garden full of them. They can be used as medicine and eaten as a salad, so I can't understand people who fight them. I hope you have enjoyed some quality sofa time to refresh your mind and body! Hugs to you both!

  22. Really gorgeous artwork Valerie and just love that background for the lovely lady. Great photos too and really hope you're out and about again soon.
    My chest infection has left me exhausted too from all the coughing and I'm hoping it clears up soon.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss! Sorry you have been ill, a chest infection can be very nasty. Hope you're soon feeling better!

  23. Love the piece. Very perky.
    Hope your energy comes roaring back soon.

  24. Ein fantastisches Journal page, süss und die Farbe ich so toll dazu.
    Schöne Fotos hast du rein gesetzt von früher.
    Schön langsam machen und der Körper muss das erst verkraften und dann wird es immer besser!Gute Besserung und gemütliches Wochenende!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch ein gutes Wochenende!

  25. What a lovely walk -- all pretty except for the pacifier flowers. Now I know what parents do with those things when their kids outgrow them!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. A fence full of pacifiers was something new to me! Enjoy your weekend!

  26. Your wildlife and walks have always been so admired, you capture everything as it is and take us on that journey with you Valerie. The fence of dummies made me smile I have so many stories to tell regarding this. Maybe one to take note of ;)
    I hope you are well rested now? No guilt in putting those feet up and thinking up all those pretty creative things ready to put down on paper. Love the page displayed the lady taking centre stage I could see as you, wearing that hat on a hot summers day.
    Stay well & have a great weekend (i'm redecorating.. sigh)
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I would love to hear your dummy-fence stories, sounds fascinating! Please tell! I am resting well, and have just slept almost 10 hours, which is almost unheard of in my life! Have 'fun' decorating, good luck!

  27. Love your portrait painting and love your snapshots of God's paintings.

  28. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! xx

  29. Your portrait is so cool! Great colors. I always enjoy your photos! Thank you for visiting my blog!


  30. I like your work, I like such works from recycled materials :) Beautiful photographs. A lot of smile and good health :)

  31. I love your piece Valerie, that's definitely a great self portrait! I'm glad your resting, though I'm sure you're observing everything from your balcony. Take care, Sue xx

    1. I am resting plenty and went for a walk today. It was good to be Out.

  32. Lovely art and a great collection of photographs.
    Keep resting and regain your strength.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  33. Get lots of rest and take care of yourself!

    Pretty AJ page - love the girl, the flower and the bird and that background is awesome.

    Pretty pictures from 2 years ago - love the flowers.


    1. Thanks Nancy! Slowly, slowly things are getting better!

  34. Keep resting girl! You are special to us! Love your art piece! Love the eyes and the black bird! Thanks for the gorgeous photos!! You must have a big photo file! LOL! Big Hugs!


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