Monday 26 April 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good and safe weekend, and that your week will be wonderful, too. I had a restful weekend, enjoyed my walks, and also my time just pottering about at home.

For our theme of 'inspired by' at AJJ I have a hybrid piece. Erika and Chris are hosting using Eileen's theme, as she is sadly no longer with us. I was inspired by coffee and Leonardo - what else?! Leda is longing for her morning coffee....

This is also meant for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, which begins on Monday evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. The shops are always full of tempting items:

Here at the restaurant only take-away is allowed:

The weather was sunny, but cold:

The flower boxes are always well kept:

The way home along our street:

And a neighbour has a palm tree - in winter it's always wrapped in burlap:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a  lot for coming by!


  1. That is a fun piece with Leda and her coffee. It is perfect for AJJ and T also. I'm certainly glad that I walk in the woods and not be tempting shops. But I do love all the green and blooms. Spring is always so exciting. I hope your new week is as nice as your weekend was. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The shops are tempting, but I don't take money when I go walking - that helps! The photos don't cost anything! Have a great day, take care!

  2. I like my morning coffee, but one place I like to drink it when sun is outside.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. That's true, coffee in the sun is even better! Have a great week, Dora!

  3. I'm so glad you had a good weekend and happy that you are feeling better. Beautiful art and photos as always. The flower shots are so pretty, looks like spring has fully sprung now. Here's to a great week, hugs! :)

    1. Thanks Martha. Spring has sprung, although it's still unseasonably cold, but with lots of sun! Have a great week! Hugs!

  4. Beautiful coffee art, is that Mona Lisa? Your way home is lovely.

    1. Thanks Christine. The picture is Leda, da Vinci painted her several times.

  5. You live in such a beautiful area-Love your art too Happy new week hugs Kathy

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. Love the fun piece with Leonardo's Leda, well done! Wonderful photos, too, I'm looking forward to visiting KW again when it's possible. Have a great day, take care, enjoy your coffee! Hugs, Sarah!

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like it! I wish I had someone to bring me my coffee in the morning, but I do have a good machine! Have a good and safe weekend, hugs to you all!

  7. Our cafés and hospitality venues are open from today for courtyard table and outside eating for the first time in months. At least it's dry, but it's cold. It will be a very long time before I take refreshment in any kind of public venue. Have a lovely week, hugs, Deb

    1. I am not keen on eating out just now, either. Everything is closed here, take-away only, but I do my own cooking at home! Stay safe1

  8. Gelungen sage ich da mit diesem Journal heute mich zu begeistern wieder und deine schöne Fotos dazu bringt mir ein lächeln ins Herz!
    Ich wünsche dir eine an genehme neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, Liebe Elke! Dir auch eine schöne, neue Woche. Bleib gesund! Hugs!

  9. Guten Morgen Liebe Valerie: Surely if Leonardo didn't give them coffee his models must have gone on strike! It would have been unconscionable! Maybe that's why La Gioconda has that look on her face. We have always thought it mystical and enigmatic, but it's really just saying, "Where's the damn coffee?" That's a pretty virile male statue and I think you should have your picture taken next to him and then work that into a hybrid piece. The street on the way back home looks really delightful. It is so green and springlike, a lovely end to a walk. Tonight I will be giving my first Zoom presentation and having resisted it for so long I am now looking forward to it. The advance registration is for well over a hundred so I hope I do a good job. Better rehearse a little today since it is well over two years since I did this topic live. A new week has arrived. But I bet it will be pretty much the same as the last one! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Gute Morgen, Lieber David! Well, I'm sure he needed to keep his models in a good mood, I wouldn't have done it without coffee, that's for sure! The male statue 'The sower' is a tad to large for me, I would have to climb into the fountain to get my picture taken! I just spent a frustrating hour trying to upload my hospital bills to the insurance, and their system kept breaking down, grrrr! In the end I got is done, what a waste of good time where I could have been walking or coffee drinking! Now I've allowed myself a coffee and 3 chocolate biscuits to get my strength back again! We have lots of pretty streets to walk through, I take a different way each time! Have fun with your Zoom presentation, I'm sure you will do a very good job. Have a fun day, and a good and safe week. Hugs to you both!

  10. One of my favourite images and of course I agree - I need my coffee! We are now allowed to eat and drink at long as it's outside......many places can't do this so are losing business. We spotted one or two places on our way back from having our vaccine and walk yesterday! I do so love seeing you area, window shopping is great! Good to see you are getting some sunshine - definitely still jacket or cardigan weather here even in the sun! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, Leda is one of my faves. We are in lockdown now, only take aways are allowed. It's really cold, but main thing the sun is shining. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  11. Tempting shop windows, yes! I'm drawn to the variety of cups and mugs :) That statue is eye-catching :) All those flowers are lovely. We have people who plant palm and banana trees in their yards here. They make for a different "look" and I get a kick out of them when I see them. Happy T Day!

    1. An eye catching status indeed! I love the palm trees, too. Happy T Day!

    2. That should be 'statue ' and not status, my spell checker keeps me on my toes!

    3. I've become an expert at knowing what people mean. Spell-check isn't always helpful lol

  12. i have a stamp of Leda, wasn't she a beauty, no wonder he painted her several times (thanks for that information). I love how you have portrayed her, the solid brown of the coffee cup looks good and offsets the sepia tones of the page.
    I do enjoy the walks we take with you. How is it that your shop windows always look far nicer than the ones here? There is an art to dressing a window and over there they seem to have it in abundance. But then I enjoy walking with you whether it is along a street or by the Rhine, I just love your photos.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps it is lovely and sunny here but a cold breeze

    1. Thanks Meet. I have stamps of Leda, too, she was a beauty. Here the shop windows are always special. Have a great week!

    2. Neet not Meet! I hatte my spell checker!

  13. Gorgeous page Valerie and I agree, I need my coffee too! :) Your walk photos are always so beautiful and so is your town, great pictures of the flower boxes! Have a great week ahead.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, Coffee keeps us going! Have a wonderful week!

  14. Hi Val, Bill here! Have a safe week!

  15. Hi Bill, have a great week, too, stay safe!


  16. I start each day with a cup of coffee, I love the taste and smell of coffee. Beautiful photos, Lots of health :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, it's the best smell ever! Have a great week!

  17. Leda telling Leonardo she needs her coffee made me laugh. The cats in the Nordik Haus wouldn't be there long! Your area is so beautiful. People really know how to decorate with window boxes.

    1. Take care and Happy T Day!

    2. Thanks CJ. I can never get my window boxes to look so good, I have no green fingers!

  18. What an uplifting post! I love your spring photos with the blue skies, green foliage and brightly coloured flowers - perfect 😁. This Leonardo image is one my favourites and I had to smile at the wording that you added 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I'm sure Leonardo would have enjoyed coffee if they had had it back then! Happy T Day!

  19. I love your Leonardo and coffee page Valerie, a great combination! Beautiful photography too.
    Alison xx

  20. This is so lovely and funny at the same time.This is definitely what the lady was thinking when Leo painter her, but then I should know 'cos I look at coffee in the same way lol. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I think we all look like that when we see coffee!

  21. You know she really was probably saying something like that. Lovely art - so fun to have the serious image mixed with today's obsessions (maybe they were obsessions then as well). Fun anyway. Great pictures - the street you live on is beautiful, the shops are wonderful too - I would love to go into them. Hope you feeling better, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Nancy, just a bit of fun! I think back then it would have been a goblet of wine! But if they had had coffee back then, she would really have needed it! The shops here are beautiful, but mostly too expensive! Happy T Day!

  22. Great digital page.
    What a lovely walk through town. It doesn't look like a lot of people were out. I loved seeing the blooming trees. And that is amazing that your neighbor is able to keep that palm tree alive with the cold winters with nothing but burlap. It certainly is lovely.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Great to see Leda and her coffee. (I wonder if they had coffee in Leonardo's time)
    Thank you for taking me window shopping again. We hadn't done that for a while. The gardens and blossom trees are beautiful. And your neighbor's palm tree is magnificent. Yes, he has to protect it from the cold in winter. He's looking after it very well.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I think they drank wine, not coffee! Have a great week!

  24. I adore that Leda image and what a beautiful way you have presented her- and with coffee:):) Yes, I would be so tempted by such lovely shops...beautiful flowers and statues and scenery. happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda! Have a great week, happy T Day!

  25. Sorry I'm running late. Still having problems sitting for too long. I have that same Leda stamp, Valerie. It goes so well with your coffee inspired art. I also love the teapot tea service, and the other goodies you found in the shops.

    I LOVE the flower boxes. Your town has more of those than any I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing your incredible journal page for Art Journal Journey honoring Eileen's theme, and paring it with with T this Tuesday dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Leda is really a beauty! Have a great week! Hope you soon feel better!

  26. I do enjoy a pottering about the house day, it can be very relaxing.

    Lovely photographs, the flowers are so pretty.

    All the best Jan

    1. Don't we all, I try to have one once a week, so relaxing!

  27. Poor Leonardo probably never had coffee as it was barely getting to Europe until maybe 100 years later. But I like the sentiment.

    best... mae at

  28. Your town looks so charming and I love the window looks. It's still brisk here but warming up and that's a good sign.

  29. Lovely artwork! And I love all your wonderful photos. I wish mine would turn out beautiful, and that I would have great subjects to photograph like you do! :)
    Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon. We have a lot of pretty places for taking Pics Here. Have a great week!

  30. Your art piece is fun! I love it! I also love where you live! It's so beautiful! I love all the shops! Big Hugs!

  31. Oh I love this art and the beautiful photos.


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