Thursday 8 April 2021

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

We've been having interesting weather extremes these past few days - winter temperatures, strong winds, snow, hail, sleet, we got it all. I'm hoping it will soon get back to 'normal' spring weather!

Today I have a hybrid piece to share. I used a part of a canvas made in 2014 and digitally altered it to make a new piece: This was inspired by Elizabeth's  recycling and reusing ideas this month and  I am linking to AJJ in memory of Eileen:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Some pictures of our changeable April weather:

On the way home from the doctor's:

And some evening photos for Rain's Thursday Art Date:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That snow coming down does look cold and wintery. Brrr. I hope your weather turns back to spring soon. And nice fix for this art piece. It looked great to start with but I really like the new look. It is nice to recycle old pieces, isn't it? Have a great end of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The weather really did take a cold turn, last week it was shorts and t-shirts, this week winter-coat and boots again! Hugs!

  2. Brilliant art piece, really eye catching. You take some amazing photos. The weather has been pretty freaky for the Spring Easter break, sunny and bright with snow icy flurrys that turns bitterly cold. I think we are all looking forward to brighter sunnier days. Enjoy the rest of your week. Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle. I think we'e all had freaky weather this past week, roll on the warmer days of spring!

  3. Beautiful art in memory of Eileen, what a lovely way to remember her for a whole month! Too bad the weather changed. Beautiful photos though.

    1. Thanks Christine, the weather certainly changed and not for the better! Have a great day!

  4. I can't believe you got SNOW. I don't know why it surprises me, but it did. You got some incredible shots from your window and your walk.

    I absolutely LOVE what you have done with your recycled canvas for Art Journal Journey. I'm so thrilled you chose to recycle, too. It's a wonderful entry and Eileen would have been proud. Thank you for sharing this, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It's hard to believe we got snow for me, too! I came home looking like a snowwoman! Have a great day!

  5. Wow, sorry about the crazy weather! I hope it warms up again soon. Love your art and fantastic photos as always Valerie! Hope you are doing well. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, we're all hoping it warms up again! I am doing well, but have to go into hospital again next week!

  6. April is terribly fickle, isn't it? But beautiful, though it looks quite wet here! That sky in the color photo is really spectacular. Wonderful color.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, April is really fickle this year!

  7. Outstanding photos, my friend! I couldn't tell if it was snow or rain towards the middle but either way, wow that's from night to day with the weather! LOVELY art work - so vibrant and colorful! xx

    1. Thanks Kelly. The weather was a shock for us all! Have a great day!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Love your art and photos today. You seem to have the same weather there as here, sch....wetter! It's still chaos here but starting to lighten! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! You're so right about the weather! Glad things are getting back to normal for you, too! Hugs to all!

  9. Wow you have been having some weather haven't you! Ours has been pretty similar too. I love your re-cycled piece, the light and the dark is so striking. Take case and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, we have really been having some sh.. weather! Have a great week!

  10. Ein wunderschöne Kunst, die Farbencombi ist so hübsch und die Worte passend dazu.
    Ja , das Wetter ist so chaotisch Moment und es soll bei mri an der Küste noch weiter hin so gehen mit dem Sturm und immer wieder Regen.
    Wunderschöne Fotos hast du gemacht, ich liebe es!
    Hab einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch einen schönen Tag, pass gut auf dich auf. Das Wetter ist überall verrückt!

  11. Great art work and oh that unpredicatble weather is world wide, we will be swimming tomorrow after two days of rain but humidity...Lovely photos.x

    1. Thanks, Annie. I wonder why we all have such strange weather. And some people still don't believe the climate is changing....

  12. Love the colours in your art, they sing! Super moon shots. Our weather is unseasonably off kilter too, my heating is on overtime! Thanks to Climate Change? Sure hope not, and it's just a blip in Mother Nature's year. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I love taking pics of the moon. I really think it could be climate change. Have a great day!

  13. Great altered art piece. The weather has been a bit mad. Love your photos, they are wonderful. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, the weather has been mad indeed! Enjoy your day!

  14. Good morning Lady Valerie of Balconia: Thoreau was right, all good things are wild and free. Yet we are back into lockdown again (third time) so it's tough to be wild or free right about now. These emergency situations highlight the fact that for the most part our politicians are buffoons. I sometimes think the lowest common denominator in society enters politics, yet they exercise so much control over our lives. Your art today is colourful and lovely, but the scenes from your walks are dark and gloomy, yet the great orb of the moon lets us know that all is well, and that tomorrow holds the promise of better things to come. We had planned to visit my daughter next week, but the lockdown has put an end to those plans. It will soon be a year since we last saw her. Better go and grab another coffee. That will keep me going! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Good morning David! Sorry about the lockdown, it looks as though this will be hitting us here again, too. Your need training and/or to study for every job, except for politicians.... They seem to be showing themselves up all over the world. We had a couple of dark, gloomy and cold days, but today it's less wet and the sun is showing itself here and there in between the clouds. Sorry ou won't be able to visit your daughter, that's hard. I have to be very early at the hospital tomorrow for my Covid test and registration, and on Monday I have to go in to have the stent removed, so I'm hoping it won't be as bad as last time! Enjoy your coffee, I'm about to follow your example! Hugs to you both!

  15. I love grey rainy days. I guess its because I live in a state that is mostly sunny. Great sky picture - one looks like the sky is on fire - awesome!
    Sandy xx

    1. Thanks Sandy. I don't mind rain, but it's not nice when it's freezing!

  16. Hi Valerie. Your art is wonderful as always. You are so very creative. Your photos are just elegant. Your weather is crazy! Hope you get some warm soon. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I hope it will get warmer, too!

  17. i no not like rain or snow... I want sunny warm days...

  18. Thanks for your lovely post tiday Valerie. Happy you dropped by my blog.


  19. Elizabeth inspired a wonderful piece.
    You did have some changeable weather;)
    Hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I'm doing well, but have to go into hospital again next week to have the agent removed!


  20. This is how it is in April, once in summer, once in winter :) It was snowing in our country as well. Beautiful works and photos. I wish you good health :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, that's true! Have a great day!

  21. Lovely art and some wonderful photographs you've shared.
    Thank you.

    Hoping you are doing well and feeling stronger.

    All the best Jan

  22. What a great artworks. Landscape pictures are Beautiful.

  23. We've had similar weather. Yesterday was sunny and warm, this morning no sun. But spring is here too :)
    Happy PPF!

  24. This piece really draws the eye Valerie with those gold figures emerging from the darkness, very atmospheric and I love it. Yes the weather really is strange, I just need it to warm up for my plants in the garden. Hope you are keeping well??
    Hugs for the weekend Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! We need warm days. Next week I have to go into Hospital again to have the stent removed!

  25. Similar weather conditions here. Great artwork. Love this piece. Your snow-filled photos depict perfectly how cold it was. Those sunset shots are my favourite though.

    1. Thanks John. Sunset and sunrise are always special.

  26. Beautiful moon on the photos 😊

  27. The weather here has been quite chargeable too. Fortunately, no snow though. Looking forward to warmer temperatures. As always, your photos are stunning. Such a gift!

  28. Fantastic moon shots and wonderful digitally altered artwork ~ Xo

    Living moment to moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Love your page with the gorgeous contrast of colours. We've had snow as well, ridiculous weather.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, the weather is really ridiculous! Have a great weekend!

  30. Happy Friday Valerie. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  31. You always get the best moon and eerie night shots.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  32. Crazy weather in many parts of Europe I see- what's up with that??? I do hope it becomes much warmer and nicer real soon.
    Fun digital art play, and I love your wonderful photos of the moon! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, the weather is really crazy Just now!

  33. Beautiful page and gorgeous pictures, I love the stunning moon shots! Enjoy your weekend!
    Tammy x

  34. Lovely art. We're having changeable weather too, can't make its mind up whether it is spring or winter.

    1. Thanks Linn, that's a good description! Enjoy your weekend!

  35. Cool page and great shots, especially of the moon. Very cool.

  36. You are such a talented photographer! Wow. Love the moon pictures. Your Art is amazing with the play on light and the lovely/true words. Love the feeling and details. Hugz

  37. A beautiful hybrid piece Valerie, and your photos are stunning!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  38. I don't trust April ... Spring, yes, but we always manage to fit in at least one more snow storm in April and, mind you, it hasn't hit us yet this year so I am still anticipating ... :) Your art work and photos are beautiful. You definitely have an eye for beauty in all it's various forms. Lovely post, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ from the Sol

    1. You are wise not to trust April! I hope you don't get a snow storm! Have a great weekend!

  39. Your pictures are all wonderful, I love that last one of the moon so much. Its very similar weather here in Scotland, its been snowing all day here today but its thankfully not staying!! Happy PPF on Saturday, Hazel xx

    1. Thanks Hazel, hope you soon get better weather. The moon is always fascinating and have lots of photos! Have a great weekend!

  40. What a fabulous page - it looks as though it is lit from the back! I see the snow got to you too! Love the dramatic looking sky..and those moon pics! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Yes, the snow got to us alright! Have a great week!

  41. Hi Valerie :) Your nature photos are beautiful, especially the Moon shots! We are having a bit of wacky weather too. It goes so nice and warm for a few days (up to 16C) and now we're back to frost each morning! I'm not going to complain though, at least the snow is gone!! :)

  42. I love your sky photos! and your changeable weather photos remind me of the weather here. Up into the 80sF one day, down into the 40sF the next *sigh* It'll get hot soon enough, though, and I'll bask in the sunshine.

  43. You always have such great art pieces and such great photos! Love those moon pictures! Big Hugs!


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