Sunday 1 November 2020

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Today (Saturday) we had mild weather, so I enjoyed my long, morning walk although it was a little misty.

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, and this time our wonderful Wendy is hosting and has chosen the them of birds. Hop over to our blog and have a look what she has made as inspiration. As always, you have a whole month to join us, and projects of all formats - 'real', digital and hybrid are welcome. You can see the full rules on our blog.

My blog shows some strange birds that you may not see everywhere. I made an A3 mixed media collage on a textured background:

I am linking to AJJ

The last of my balcony flowers:

Some photos from my Saturday walk - lots of seagulls were following the tractors:

Have a wonderful Sunday, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!


  1. These are curious birds. They cause curious people to look a them differently, too. This is a very unique and original first entry at Art Journal Journey, Valerie. I love the curiousness of it all. It's a great entry for Wendy's theme.

    I also loved how your photos today focused on birds. How clever of you. My favorite is the photo of the tractors working in tandem. However, I absolutely adore seeing those gulls in the freshly plowed fields, too.

    1. Thanks E, glad you liked it. It was a strange coincidence that the gulls were flying around in huge numbers yesterday. Have a great day!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! LOVE your fun and witty bird page, trust you to do something different, I love it! All's peaceful here, thanks goodness, the kids aren't up yet, and I've got the breakfast table laid and ready for when they come down. Your gull photos are great, I'm always scared when they turn up in such numbers. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. I'm sure you're happy to have a quiet hour before the kids all come down and get you properly woken up! Glad you like my strange birds, we have lots of strange birds here, as you know! Have a great day, take care, hugs to all!

  3. Love all your photos of the gulls following the tractors. Nothing wrong in their world, is there? I guess they do that the world over. Such deliciously, rich red soil they're turning up too. The turning of the soil, the turning of the seasons and a new month today.
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. The gulls seem to be happy in their world, and it made me happy to watch them. Have a good and safe November!

  4. Very interesting birds:) Have a nice day :)

    1. Thanks Martyna, have a good and safe November!

  5. Strange an mystical birds once again, oh Grande Dame of Ornithology. I sometimes wonder whether gulls hear the sound of a tractor as it starts to turn over the soil in the field, for they appear to come out of nowhere right on cue, to take advantage of the choice morsels being thrust to the surface. Imagine what a shock it must be to those poor worms, first being unceremoniously ejected from their beds, only to confront a horde of hungry gulls bent on eating them! I am glad to hear that the weather was mild and that you were able to enjoy a pleasant walk yesterday and I hope you didn't scare yourself half to death watching horror movies. Halloween was quiet here with no children going door to door so we didn't have to take turns getting up from dinner to answer the doorbell. We made Greek chili, a dish we have made several times, and it was very good. It is sprinkled with feta cheese so how could it be bad? Today is the first day of standard time so when I got up a little after five it was only a little after four! The sooner we adopt one regimen or the other the better. Stay well, stay safe, stay sane, stay beautiful, watch birds, drink coffee, eat cake, slurp soup, drink coffee, drink coffee, drink coffee...........Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Thanks. As you know, the State of Balconia is renowned for it's strange birds. And as our theme this month i birds, I will have to get very birdy! Nobody came here for Halloween either, so I was able to enjoy being scared out of my wit - or what's left of them - all on my own. Those poor worms, must really be a shock getting dug up and then eaten. And what the gulls don't catch, the geese do, they were out in force today. Your Greek chili dish sounds good. Very yummy. I made myself chicken breast cut into strips and pan-fried with mixed veggies and sweet-sour sauce. I made enough for 2 days, and have just eaten the second portion for my lunch, yessssssss! Sorry you woke up so early. I am sleeping a little longer these days as I always wake when it gets light. Now I am going to take your advice, drink coffee, put my big feet up and have a nap! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs to you both!


  6. I am delighted with your work with birds they are amazing. Have a nice Sunday

    1. Thanks Lucyna, glad you like them, I had fun making this page. have a good Sunday, stay safe!

  7. Wow! I think it is one of your best works, what an incredible idea!

  8. I love today's mixed media piece so much, excellent Valerie! I enjoyed all the cool photos today too. Happy November!

    1. Thanks Martha! I wanted to make something different! Stay safe, have a good November.

  9. These birds look very intelligent. (Of course I know many birds are really intelligent) They look like they are having a wonderful conversation. I love that. What a super start to Wendy's challenge. And your balcony flowers are pretty. We have gotten very cold and all my plants got hit with a hard frost the other night. No more blooms. Happy November-it is that time of year. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Sorry it's so cold over there. It's quite mild here, but very Grey. Happy November!

  10. Wow that is allot of seagulls We were just watching some flying over the lake this morning. Great new theme for AJJ love your piece Happy November hugs Kathy

  11. What a fabulous piece, I always love your textured backgrounds and these birds are wonderful. Your Autumnal photographs are beautiful too, I love the colours that are coming through now. Take care and have a very happy November, Sue xx

  12. Interesting bird people for AJJ. Goodbye balcony flowers, until next year. The seagulls are keeping busy.

  13. I like your bird people and the stay curious. Lots of seagulls. Was there a storm out at sea? We get seagulls flying inland when there are big storms. Nice to see some Fall flowers, too. Take care and stay safe.

    1. The seagulls are always hanging around here, they love the river and worms from the fields.

  14. Love your curious birds Valerie, it's a great page. Lovely autumn colours appearing in your photos, and those seagulls look as if they're expecting a good feed! Nice to see some colour remaining from your balcony blooms.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Autumn colours are always wonderful. Have a great week, stay safe!

  15. Oooh! I love these two! I'd love to know what they are saying to each other! I love seeing Gulls following tractors - another childhood memory! I wonder what all those people wren doing?? Hugs, Chrisx

    1. That's a Secret! The people were cycling and dog Walking. Have a great week!

  16. Hope your Sunday has been a good one.
    Happy November Wishes.

    I enjoyed your art, yes curious birds and a fabulous selection of photographs.
    Your balcony flowers seem to be doing well still.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. The chrysanthemums always Blume late. It's always good to stay curious! Have a great week!

  17. It all looks so nice. Very rural, very serene.

  18. I love birds! Beautiful pieces! The flowers are still so pretty- and that's a lot of seagulls. Cool pictures! :)

  19. Hi Valerie it's me, Bill. Hope you had a good weekend.

  20. Very nice pics! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! 🌾🍂🍁🏵️

  21. Bezaubernd ist deine Journalseite, toll mit diesen besonderen Vögeln!
    Wunderschöne Fotos bei dem schönen Wetter.
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch einen guten Start in die neue Woche, bleib gesund!

  22. How quirky and wonderful your bird piece is! I love your photos too, interesting about the seagulls following the tractors.

    1. Thanks Lisa. It's fun watching them. Stay safe!

  23. "Stay curious" appeals to me in every moment :) Those balcony flowers must bring a special joy this time of year. Seagulls! Fun :)

  24. Beautiful bird you have in your part of the world! Your flowers are lovely, the seagulls know where to be don't they!

    1. Thanks!. Yes, they really have a bird's eye view of the world! Have a great week!

  25. Great page ~ I love how the dog is looking up at the face of the bird ~ and the sentiment is perfect for the picture. Pretty blooms and gulls too ~

  26. Glad you liked it, we need a bit of fun!

  27. You are right, I haven't ever seen birds like that, your page is certainly different. More great photos as well.
    hugs Wendy

  28. Your bird art really brings a smile to my face and so, too,does the photo of the gulls in the field, flying.

  29. Fantastic bird art and gorgeous Autumn flowers and photos! xx

  30. Wow, those images on your journal page are soooooo cool!!! Love that the birds have been humanized. Cool words too. AWESOME creation. Super cool pictures too. I so enjoy seeing them. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you liked my fun birds! Stay safe!


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