Monday 2 November 2020

T sTands for Too much on my plaTe

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, here's wishing us all a good and safe week.

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd and from this evening it will be her T Day celebration, so I will mash them into the same post as I am not a friend of multiple posts on one day and my time today is very limited on top of all that!

These pieces are all from 2011/2012:

And now over to T Day, so here a hearty welcome to all of the dear ladies of the T gang who visit here.

Table wear and candles ready for Christmas:

The Italian restaurant has been given a heated and closed in terrace, but still has to shut down as the Lockdown begins today. But takeaways and deliveries are still allowed:

These were made with my own lino-cuts:

And now to my usual photos:

The blue moon on Halloween was really spooky:

A walk through autumn colours:

These were taken last week, most of the leaves are now gone.

My Tag Tuesday post will go live at midnight CET  as we are starting a new challenge there, too.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. I especially love the first image, is it calendula? Also the fun lizards. Deliciously spooky moonscapes on Hallowe'en full blue moon, which we didn't see. So, more lockdowns commence, ours ends Nov 9 {don't think it's long enough} and England's begins Thursday. I think we're more than ready for this to be over now, it's testing our patience, but thank goodness we have art!
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. I never know the right names of the flowers, I call them all daisies! The spooky moon was really fabulous, great as an accompaniment to spooky films! Yes, it's Lockdown everywhere just now, it's not nice, but we have to get through it, and we will. And yes, thank goodness that we can keep ourselves occupied with art! Stay safe!

  2. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you slept well. Good luck at the doc's later, I know it's a lot of stress for you just now, but you will manage it, you always do! I love all of the older art pieces you have shown, some are vaguely familiar, others not. Gorgeous photos, too, that spooky moon is fantastic. Look after yourself, and take it easy! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for the encouraging words! I hope you all have a good week and stay safe, hugs to all!

  3. Your creations are wonderful. Love the fist one and how you used the drips for the stem. Have a great week. x

    1. Thanks Anesha! Sometimes I have good ideas! Have a great week!

  4. Good morning Valerie: i would find multiple posts in one day more than a little daunting. I average about two a week and that is enough for me. It is amazing the extent to which blogging has become part of our every day lives and how it has enlarged our circle of friends, and has enabled us to make contact with people all over the world. And now we take it for granted. In fact if we have a day or two without a computer for any reason, we are lost. The pictures of that grand walk down the avenue of trees, with leaves carpeting the ground are just fabulous. They beg to be made into a postcard. Perhaps that will be your next challenge. Postcards by Valerie has a nice ring to it. But leave it until you only have two or three challenges on a given day - you don't want to overtax yourself! Stay well and get busy! Hugs from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David, Happ Monday! Blogging is good and something which enables me a certain communication to others, but 2 posts on one day, no thank you! I wonder how we all lived without computer and internet in the good old days? Tho alley along the Rhine by the basilica is always a wonderful place to walk, and it autumn really beautiful. Postcards by Valerie - hmmmm, perhaps when I start getting bored? I just came back from the doc, had a nasty check up that I would rather not have had, but needs must! Now it's time for soup and then coffee and my afternoon nap! Have a great day, stay safe!

    2. Oh dear, happ should read happy....And the alley and not tho alley. Sorry!

    3. That's oka Valer. My fingers do the same as yours! Rest up after the checkup.

  5. Very nice. I love the painted yellow flowers.

  6. Delicious art candy especially The Little Prince. Walking through the tunnel of yellow trees would be so fun. Cool moon pictures, too. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. The moon was really fitting for Halloween! Stay safe and well!

  7. All your art is amazing, I don't know how you manage all you do! Gorgeous photos too. By the way the NaBloPoMo challenge isn't a separate post or anything special you have to post, anything you post counts :)

  8. Lot's of terrific second looks at your artwork. I really like the blooms in the first picture, very pretty colors. Speaking of colors ~ Look at all those beautiful fall leaves! gorgeous ~ I'm sorry your back in lock down ~ Stay safe and keep creating

    1. Thanks Karen. Autumn is such a pretty time! Stay safe!

  9. LOVE all these second views Valerie. Some of these I remember, some I do not. But great to see them either way. And things are getting bad with covid. Good (in a way) you are locked down. Here we have cases going up and there have been so many restaurant cases in my state. Schools too. My old school closed a bit last week when they found a case. And wow, the moon shots are just amazing. Perfectly spooky! It was a bright one in my bedroom much of the night. Happy November and also happy ealy T day. Hope your busy day isn't too exhausting. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I'm back from my appointments and had a nice sleep. I loved the spooky moon. I Just get my necessary shopping and apart from that have to stay home. Stay safe!

  10. You beat me home from your appointment and got your post added before I woke. I have NO idea why I was so tired from yesterday, but I DID do a lot of work around my yard and office, which may account for why I was dead tired and slept so long.

    I agree that creating two posts in one day is a pain. I'm actually glad you combined these, because I didn't know you back in 2011 and 2012. There were several of these that spoke to me, like Summer Shows Its Face and Africa.

    I'm loving the deer cups and saucers. Is this the year of the deer or buck? They certainly had a lot of them in various sizes, shapes, and requirements. Thanks so much for sharing your second look of lovely art you created AND your trip to town showing cups and saucers in the stores for T, also. I'm sorry to read you are now heading to lockdown again. Does this mean no walks?

    It's lovely that you were able to capture that spooky moon for Halloween. It was SO overcast, I couldn't get a photo. I froze my tush outside waiting for the clouds to break, but they never did while I was there. I love that beautiful moon because it will have to take the place of the one I was unable to get.

    1. Thanks E, sometimes we are just tired. Sorry you didn't get a moon pic, hope you can enjoy mine. Walking is allowed, but no restaurants, cafes etc, cinemas and theaters and everything except shops are shut down. Have a good week!

    2. Forget to say, I'm sorry about Inlinkz. I only use it as a last resort. I agree. It's a pain to create a post in it, too. Mr. Linky is easy in which to create a post.

    3. Yes, Mr Linky is better. Mi!as better!

  11. Beautiful pictures ;) Have a nice day :)

  12. Great artwork Valerie and the photos were lovely with the Autumn colours, on one of my walks I have a very secluded footpath strewn with leaves - fabulous to 'plodge' through!
    That's a stunning photo of the moon, very spooktacular!
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. The spooky moon made me very happy! Have a good and safe week!

  13. I love the first piece of the flowers and also the one of the frogs. Very pretty.

  14. What a lovely Advent wreath! I like those little cups. The Halloween moon was striking! I enjoyed it :)

    1. They have lots of pretty things in the shops. Happy T Day to you, too!

  15. Beautiful art and fall photos. It is sad that the restaurants have to close indoor dining. Pretty much takeout and delivery, eating outside is not fun now.

    1. Thanks Christine, Things are not easy just now.

  16. Wow! Such pretty photos! You do live in a gorgeous place. I hope you find lots to do even in the lockdown. I fear we are headed for another one, as the majority of people don't want to wear masks.

    1. Thanks Debra. Some people behave so badly and worden the situation for all. Stay safe!

  17. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, it's hard to chose a favorite- I really like the colorful one with the geckos! Awesome photos today, that moon is spooky and stunning, your first autumn photo is beautiful, what a fabulous place to walk.
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I Love spooky moon pics! It's pretty here, there are good places to walk. Have a great week, stay safe

  18. Wonderful art work Valerie, beautiful walk photos too. The photo of the path through the trees with their autumn colour is stunning.

    1. Thanks. It's a wonderful avenue to walk through. Stay safe!

  19. I loved looking back on your artwork, so beautiful! Fabulous blog header too, it really makes me hungry! Wonderful to window shop with you and the blue moon looks very spooky with those wisps of clouds across it - amazing 😀. Wow, the autumnal walkway of trees is breathtaking! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. We're having a beautiful autumn here! Stay safe!

  20. Amazing to see all the Christmas preparations so soon. Your moon photos turned out great. Yes, spooky,

    be well... mae at

  21. I'm going to try this again -- I love your linocuts. Very beautiful and well done on the printing. And your moon. Wow -- and all that color. It dazzles.

  22. A wonderful selection of art Valerie, and beautiful photos! xx

  23. Lovely pages from the past, Valerie. Isn't it interesting to review past pages and see how your work has evolved?

    I was hoping you'd share photos of the Halloween blue moon. It does look spooky. Beautiful shots!

    We're on tight lockdown again too.

    Happy T-Day. Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. The moon was perfect for Halloween. Have a great week!

  24. I love the pieces you shared from 2011/2012. Those fall pictures are breathtaking. Love the one of the walkway with all the leaves and the trees lining the sides. Stunning! Thanks for sharing. :)

  25. so nice to look back on your beautiful art, and I LOVE your lino cuts!
    Every store is on the Christmas bandwagon already- I'm not ready for it yet ...
    Beautiful photos , and too bad about another lock down:( It could happen here too so I am so grateful we managed to get through our son's wedding. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. The Shops are all füll of Xmas things, das so early! Have a great week.

  26. I am playing catch up. Beautiful art and those night photos are stunning. Enjoy your day.

  27. The fall colors are so pretty. Love the pictures from your walk.
    So many wonderful pieces of art today. I like the journal pages but I really like your lino cuts.
    Beautiful shop windows. I am not a fan of Christmas in the stores before THanksgiving but it gets earlier and earlier every year. But I love the day after Thanksgiving when I can start decorating.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, they always Start so early! Stay safe.

  28. This look back at your art is brilliant, although for some things your style has changed there are some that are instantly recognisable as 'Valerie'! I so long to go and look in shop windows - we only have basic shops here(or charity shops and eating places) Thank you for showing this fabulous window. Those leafy pics are just wonderful! So pleased you got to see the blue moon - it was very cloudy here...again!!! Happy T day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. We all Change and Develop, and that's okay. The blue moon was wonderful.

  29. Lovely second of the 2nd artwork. Some I recognized and some I didn't. I love the Frida piece and Le Petit Prince. I hadn't seen the aboriginal art lizards before. Great.
    And I enjoyed your photos, especially the autumn colours.
    And wow, that moon really is spooky!
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe,

    1. Thanks Lisca. The moon was really spooky! Have a great week!

  30. Hi Valerie, your blog is eye candy for me-always so beautiful
    I love the second looks, Love those reindeer mugs very much, really loved all the fall photos-such beautiful colors. I had heard that Europe is getting a bump in covid again-sigh stay safe and Happy second on the 2nd and T for Tuesday Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks a lot. We have a BIG bump here just now, not good! I just have to be careful! Have a good week, stay safe!

    2. yes stay safe-we pretty much stay home all the time-since we are retired now-I go shopping and keep Larry away from people as much as possible

    3. Good Idea. I try to go out early when not too many people are around.💖😁💖

  31. Wonderful moon shots, and yes, a little spooky.

    All the best Jan

  32. Great artwork and photos. I especially love your Halloween Full Moon photos. Happy T-Day!

  33. Love everything. I always love your shop window pictures and you capture the moon so well. Super cool creations from the past! The one about African peace is my favorite. We all have our DNA roots on that continent so we all should feel some deep tie to them deep within us. Lovely. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! The moon is always my great love. Africa is really the cradle of civilization, too many people forget this! Have a great weekend, stay safe!


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