Tuesday 10 November 2020

New challenge at TIOT

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT.

Our theme this time is red and green, the traditional Christmas colours. Projects of all formats are welcome, and as always you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us. For more inspiration please see the creations of my teamies on our blog.

I made a hybrid piece, using elements from Serif:

I am also linking to Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ

And as always, I have some photos for you, taken at Baldeney See (Lake Baldeney) in October:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely seasonal hybrid piece and gorgeous photos today!

  2. Love the red telephone in your art piece. Beautiful photos from the lake.

    1. Thanks! I couldn't resist that red telephone box! Stay safe!

  3. Hi Val, good morning, hope you have slept well and are feeling better today. I love the red and green page, so pretty, you always have wonderful ideas. The photos from Baldeney are wonderful, I remember we went on the boat their once - do the boats still run? Hae a great day, take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, good morning to you. I have just been watching the sunrise here, so lovely. I don't think the boats run in winter, but I'm not really sure! Have a good and safe day take care! Hugs to all!

  4. What a fabulous Christmas colored theme. I really love how you combined the Christmas tree scene with the phone box. And by adding the birds, it was a perfect entry for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    You got some lovely photos and several of them represent the red and green theme, too. Just lovely.

    1. Thanks E. I miss the red phone boxes, so just had to put one in my Christmas page! My only Christmas ornaments here - all three of them - are birds! Have a fun day, take care!

  5. What a lovely piece of artwork you share today. {I must check again what hybrid is, I forget} It makes me feel all warm and cosy. Isn't that curtain of red creeper simply spectacular?
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, gld you like it, although this is not really what I like, I prefer grungy oder abstract. But needs must. Hybrid is a mix of 'real' with added digital elements! Have a great day, Valerie

  6. LOVE your art spread Valerie! So realistic!!! You do scenes very well! And your photos.... stunning! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  7. How beautiful and cheerfully delightful your Christmas art is 🎅
    Your fantastic photos are always an adventure for this armchair traveler.
    Thank you for sharing them Valerie ☕

  8. Yes, Christmas is not far off is it? The card is wonderfully done with its whimsical little birds and the white mouse, all juxtaposed with a red English telephone booth. I swear that your imagination soars to places I could never even imagine, and you probably walk along the street seeing themes for future cards and tags. I suspect that Christmas will be quite different for most people this year and that large family get togethers will be impossible. Coronavirus statistics are soaring again, but now it appears that a viable vaccine may be close. Getting it produced, distributed and administered, however, may be a different thing entirely. The views of the lake are terrific, and I suspect that many people are happy to enjoy these continuing benign temperatures. In a normal winter (whatever that is any more?) does the lake freeze over, and do people skate on the ice. My daughter lives in Ottawa and the Rideau Canal there is transformed into a long skating rink and she skates there every year. My skating days are done. If you fall when younger and more supple you bounce right back up. At this stage of life it hurts! Have a good day, Valerie, at least what remains of it; it is already past noon where you are. Take care of those fingers. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David! Xmas is really not far off, it will just be another day to get through for me, I don't celebrate it. I HAD to put that red telephone booth into the picture, perhaps people can call Santa from there, who knows? The Baldeney Lake is part of the River Ruhr, it has flood gates to control the water as necessary. I've never heard of it freezing over, but who knows? Sometimes in Winter when it's freezing the fire brigade floods one of the meadows by the Rhine and it can be safely skated on. And in the middle of town there's always a winter ice rink, fun for the kiddies. I value my bones too much these days to try it out again. I even did some housew**k today, the floors are now clean and shiny again! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs to you both!

  9. Such a gorgeous Christmas page! I love the little girl with the fairy wings holding all those snowballs and the Christmas tree with its red and green is a classic Christmas image - perfect 😀. Loving your photos too, so beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a happy new week! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I think fairies belong to Christmas.... Have a great week!

  10. Your Christmas page is darling and so cheerful.

  11. This is such a fabulous scene Valerie. I love how you even add the phone booth. And so many other beautiful elements too. And wow. That lake looks stunning. You don't usually do lake photos so it is really nice to see them. Hope your day is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I don't often get to such a lovely, big lake! Stay safe!

  12. I have often wondered why red and green are linked with Christmas. Good job on the art. Love those sailboats.

  13. Red berries, Green leaves, all parts of the Christmas symbolism, but probably going back to much older, pre-Christian times.

  14. Fantastic Christmas page Valerie, and your photos make me want to be there! Stay safe my friend!

    1. Thanks Martha! The lake is a fun place to be! Stay safe!

  15. Beautiful creation. I love these photos, the first one is just beautiful. Hugs Anesha

  16. Very festive art and lovely photos.

  17. A great festive page, and your photos are beautiful Valerie! xx

  18. What a fabulous little scene. I would love a big tree like that - my sons make up for our tiny one though - I don't suppose I will see any of them this year, although I do hope we can meet up somewhere! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. A little tree ist nice, too! Have a great week!

  19. You truly captured the season with this page. Excellent! The photography is wonderful as always.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks so much Jim, much appreciated. Stay safe and well!

  20. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Lovely Art and Photos. Keep Well!

  21. Thanks Bill, you look after yourself!

  22. You have given me a color-filled joy here. Those skies, that bright blue lake, those leaf colors... Glorious!

    1. Thanks, it was a lovely day out with good weather a happy day!

  23. You got some beautiful shots. I love your piece, especially the birds and the mouse.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  24. I can't tell you how nice it is to see a sailboat in mid-November. A good reminder of summers past and yet to come. This will be a fun bunch of art to come!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it was a great to get a trip there for a day out! Stay safe!

  25. Lovely Christmas art and super selection of photographs again - you do spoil us :)

    All the best Jan

  26. Das ist so süss dein Weihnachtsbild !!!!
    Schön deine Fotos mit dem herrlichen Wetter, toll!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Das Wetter heute ist nicht so schön! Bleib gesund!

  27. Lovely Christmas page.
    Hugs, Marjut

  28. This is lovely, a fabulous traditional scene, and your photos are wonderful today, so crisp and clean and you can feel the chill in the air. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I feel the chill in my old bones today! Stay safe!

  29. I love the little festive scene you created, you've used some lovely images.
    Gorgeous scenery and colours in your photos.
    Avril xx


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