Thursday 12 November 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - points and spots

 Hi Everybody!

I was thinking what to dig out for Rain's theme, and remembered that I had used lots of dots and spots in the junk journal I made to get rid of my scraps earlier this year, and am showing a selection of them here:

This first page is also meant for Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ:

And a few photos from my walk today:


  1. I keep trying to comment and whoosh ... my words disappear.
    So third time lucky!

    Thank you for the lovely art you've shared, it's perfect for Rains theme.

    It never ceases to amaze me the different colours we see in the Autumn leaves.

    Have a happy Thursday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Blogger has been a bit problematic these past days, so glad you got through in the end. Stay safe!

  2. So much fantastic art, great work Valerie!

  3. I remember some of these dots and spots pages. It is good to see those again and to see the new ones too. I love the latest AJJ page. You always create such cool texture. And the colors of the leaves are fabulous. I always love how leaves change colors and create such cool patterns. Happy Thursday! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love seeing how different all the leaves are, no two are the same. Have a great day!

  4. Beautiful dots and spots. Love your leaves!

  5. You have matered dots and spots. And your fall looks gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, it has indeed been a wonderful autumn! Stay safe!

  6. Stunning post most gorgeous dots and spots, absolutely love this..... xx

    1. Thanks Annie, I had fun with these pages! Stay safe!

  7. I also remember some of your junk journal pages. They certainly fit Rain's theme. Some were truly lovely, some quirky, and some humorous. But I also loved the beautiful entry you gave us for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    You have some gorgeous photos from your walk today, Valerie. The colors of the leaves are simply still stunning.

    1. Thanks E! I spent a log time looking at leaves yesterday, they are so beautiful. Stay safe!

  8. Junk, you say? It doesn't look like junk at all! These pages are wonderful to look at, full of ideas and inspiration.

    1. Thanks Carol! I had a whole box of scraps and gave myself 2 weeks to 'use or lose' them, and filled 2 albums this way, it was fun. The left over scraps were binned. Stay safe!

  9. Wow there's a lot going on with these incredible pages in your junk journals - love the Einstein sticking out his tounge :) Great photos of the fall foliage! My brother near Berlin says it was 50* like summer for him, lol. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. We had a few warmish days, but it's cold again now. Stay safe!

  10. Hi Val, good morning! Love all the dotty pieces you have shared today. I saw some but when you showed parts of the junk journals, but it was great to see more. Hope you had a good sleep, the wind kept waking me up here, naughty wind! Love the leaf photos, such pretty colours! Have a great day, hugs Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day, take care. Have an afternoon nap if you can, hugs to all!

  11. Luv all your various interpretations of dots abd points. You produced a lot of fun pieces

    Happy you dropped by my blog


  12. Toll, die sind so interessant und total fun deine Arbeiten für Rains thema Mir gefallen sie, wiedermal aussergewöhnlich anders wie meins und das ist das fantastische daran.
    Blätter sehen so total anders aus, dreht man sie sieht man diese Adern und das Farbenspiel bei den unterschiedlichsten Blattarten.
    Toll deine Fotos dazu.
    Hab eine schönen Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Dane liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  13. Hope this goes through! Love, love all your Spots and Dots, and then you follow it up with an extravaganza of an explosion of Autumn leaf colour! Fabulous.
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, Blogger is being difficult today! Stay safe!

  14. Wow, fabulous pages, I really must do a junk journal, lots of scraps to use up. Love the one with the birds on, thank you.
    Great photos again.
    Hugs Wendy.

  15. Do love how you experiment with your art. I need to be a bit brave and try different things. Love the photos. Have a great day. Hugs Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Art is always an experiment for me!

  16. Hello Valerie: I think I could do dots and spots, especially if we have spaghetti for dinner! I am afraid that my work would be labelled pointlessism, however. I am impressed that you have such a stash on hand that you can dig into right away and come up with more than enough material for Rain's challenge. I am struck by the leaf with the beads of rain in your last picture. It seems to me that in the hands of a skilled artist that would be a great candidate for this approach. So, I will expect to see that soon, Valerie, but only when your fingers are giving you a lot less pain. I will be having my second cataract surgery next Tuesday, so by the time you complete it I will have my laser vision all tuned up to view it critically from every angle. Day is breaking and hundreds of crows are streaming by on their way from their roosts in the city to the back country to feed for the day. Not for them concerns of art, but I am quite sure I heard them caw "Say hi to Valerie" as they flee by. Any friend of mine is a friend of theirs. Take care of those fingers. Hugs and kisses from Canada. David

    1. Hi David! Just finished eating my midday meal here, so I now feel strong again. I like pointlessism, that's a good name, and most art is really pointless if you view it from a practical sense. But it helps to pass the time! And it's fun to see other people's interpretations of the theme! Glad the crows sent their good wishes, much appreciated. I'm glad it's nearly time for your second cataract OP, it will be good for you to have laser-sharp vision again. My fingers are very painful just now, but I have to get used to it, it will stay with me till warmer weather comes along. I wish you a happy day, hope all the birds you meet are kind to you! Take care, hugs to you both!

  17. So many versions of dots. There are even dots on the leaves you photographed. Take care and have a good day

  18. Wow, what a fabulous journal! I love how you used all your scraps and the first one with dots and rich greens and reds is beautiful 😀. Such a lovely walk today, autumn is such a gorgeous season! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Autumn is indeed a lovely season, for me the loveliest of all. Have a great day, stay safe!

  19. It's nice to look back and see all you accomplished.

  20. Hi Valerie, nice dotty art!!! Your journal is really nice, what caught my eye was the page "Real girls are not perfect, perfect girls are not real" I love that!

    1. Thanks Rain. I like that quote, too, I wish more young girls would take it to heart. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  21. My goodness, so much to look at. Your journals are packed full and creative.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  22. I need to get out to a park or something, but in the meantime I am loving your Autumn nature photos.

  23. Great 'birds' page Valerie and a wonderful selection of journal pages, loved the one with your childhood photos.
    Lovely photos from your walk - there are some fabulous leaf colours around.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril the autumn colours are always wonderful.

  24. Lovely post VJ..admire your skills

  25. Beautiful autumn photos and a wonderful selection of art Valerie!
    Have a good evening,
    Alison xx

  26. Aren't these fun!
    Great leaf shots.

  27. Stunning collection of art Valerie, so much to look at and all very beautiful! Gorgeous photos today, the leaves are so colorful!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much Tammy, much appreciated. Have a great day!

  28. Lots of amazing art Valerie, the autumn leaves are just beautiful.

  29. Good use of the pointilism technique. Love the rain drops on the leaf in the last photo. Points of rain.

  30. Valery this is an excellent post. Lovely art.

  31. What amazing pages, I really enjoyed looking through them again. Take care, Sue xx

  32. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. You can make anything beautiful and meaningful. Some the art pieces are punctuated with wonderful sayings or comments that add so much depth to your art. You really have it all, Valerie. I loved this post, but that is not a surprise, because I find myself saying that every time I come over to your blog. Great job, Valerie ... I hope your life is as full of joy as your art.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  33. Your junk journal really is full of wonderful pages as well as lots of dots!! Your walk was certainly a colourful one - I am always fascinated by the variety of patterns in the leaves that are on just one tree! Take care, Chrisx

  34. Wonderful bird page - some cool birds and lots and lots of great details to look at. I love all your junk journal pages too. So inspiring.

    Your leaf pictures are pretty too - we don't get much color change where I live so I love to see how it looks in other places - especially the magical place you live. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Birds are always cool. Shame you don't get the pretty leaf colours, it's my fave season here! Stay safe, have a great week!


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