Wednesday 25 November 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had a busy day yesterday, I had to travel by tram into Düsseldorf - not something I like doing when the Covid numbers are so high -  but I had appointments to have my hearing aids checked, and then had my eyes tested and chose  a new pair of glasses. And today I have to go into town again to collect my hearing aids. The windows in the trams are kept open to make sure enough fresh air is there to dispel bad 'germs'. While I was there today I went through Hofgarten park and visited the water fowl, it was much pleasanter there than on the streets, where so many people don't bother looking where they're going as they are too busy with their cell phones....

Today I am sharing a little book I made in the Art, heart and healing course from Tamara Laporte, trying to reconcile out present selves to when we were babies, and thinking about the things we would have wished for ourselves back then. I used some wooden pages I had in my stash, and all were painted and collaged:

I always wanted to be a cover girl:

A photo of me as a baby - the only one I have - and wrote my wishes for baby me on the other side:

A friendship page:

Family pages - on the left a photo of my husband as a baby, on the right the older generations of my family. I transferred these images  and all of the others using lazertran and turpentine. The frames were embossed with light structure paste:

And a photo of my great Auntie Fanny with whom I spent a lot of time as a child:

And some photos from today's trip to town. No Christmas market, but there were a few 'houses' and booths here and there:

The windows were filled with huge, moving toys - my inner child loved them:

Looking in the distorting mirrors on the sort-of-pyramids:

In Hofgarten:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Well done on getting all of your visits/appointments done.

    I enjoyed seeing your art and your photographs.

    I had to go into our nearby town today, it was so empty as most shops (except essentials) are still shut, we come out of our current lockdown next week.

    Enjoy your Wednesday, I can't believe it's mid-week again!

    All the best Jan

  2. You make a great cover girl Valerie :)) Lovely memory book, always love to see those past pictures. You had such a lot to do today, good to read the windows are left open for ventilation, you are braver than me with public transport I must say but to see those shop windows full of gifts and toys it brought my inner child out too.. Stay safe Hugs Tracey x

    1. Thanks Tracey. Not a question of being brave, I just have no other form of transport! Have a good day!

  3. There is a bit of Christmas in your photos today. Good to get the appointments done anyway. Cute small book and tag.

  4. How wonderful. Love the pictures of you and family. Memory lane! Always great photography.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  5. You sure make a gorgeous cover girl too, love your photos and post today, a very happy one it is too. xx

  6. Good morning Val, how are you today? Well done on getting your appointments done, especially when you have to use the tram. Nice photos, I remember the baby one and some of the family, and that's a good masked and mirrored one, too. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Sarah.

  7. Thanks Sarah, hope all is well at your end. Take care! Hugs to all!

  8. I love your little book. I never had an Aunty Fanny, but my Grandmother was Francis so she was Aunty Fanny to everyone. I did have a Great Aunt Maud though! Seems like everyone had one, or the other, or both, back in the day.
    Hope you are feeling better, and that your appointments went well. It is a worrying time for public transport users.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! And yes, I had an auntie Maudie, too! I have to travel by tram again today, it is indeed a bit worrying, but I don't have the strength just now to walk 10 miles in each direction. Have a good and safe day!

  9. I think you always are a cover girl 👧
    Nice photos, I can't wait to decorate the Christmas tree!
    I hope you haven't been naughty this year ... but I think by the "Corina", we all had been sweet!
    Wishing you all the best! Hugs!

    1. Thanks for that Ella, cover girl at my age is really something! I unfortunately didn't have any chance to be naughty this year, but better times will hopefully come! Hugs!

  10. Today I have pictures of birds and you in your funky footwear, so that seems like a good way to start the day. I guess the gulf between our present stage in life and childhood is no more revealed than when you mention going into town for new glasses and hearing aids! I got hearing aids a few years ago to help with bird song, but of late I have not been putting them in before going birding, and I should really try to remember again, because they do help. Most of the high frequency songs and calls are still well out of reach, however. I would think that a ride on the tram would be a little daunting these days, when people are in close proximity, but at least they had the windows open. I hope it was not too cold, and you looked warmly dressed. Last night we had a simple dinner, homemade chicken soup with lots of vegetables, and it was quite delicious. And Miriam made the whole thing. I didn't have to lift my tiny fingers one bit; not even to peel a carrot or chop the celery. Not bad, huh? And I think there is enough left for one more dinner, or at the very least lunch. I have an appointment tomorrow to install winter tyres on the car. We had snow a couple of days ago as a gentle reminder that it is time. Take care Valerie, stay warm and stay well. With love and kisses from across the miles. David

    1. Hi David! Yes, new glasses and hearing aids are definitely an old-age problem. But I am very thankful that such things are easily available, I couldn't do without them. And the cleaning/repair of the hearing aids was free, the charming young lady there told me it was all part of he service - isn't that nice? I hope I can collect my new glasses next week. The tram was not full today, which was really good. And I always pack myself in several layers to keep warm! My lunch today was similar to your dinner last night, I made a delicious stir-fry with loads of veggies and some left over chicken. But I have to make it all myself. Okay, right now I am using deep-frozen veggies after nearly cutting my finger off last week, my hands are not suitable for sharp knives and hard carrots just now! Normally I enjoy chopping veggies and listening to an audio book while I do it. Winter tyres are really important. My neighbour already made his car winter fit some weeks back. Have a nice day, look after yourself and Miriam, hugs to you both!

  11. Bardzo podoba mi się twoja niezwykła książka. Piękne fotografie. Życzę zdrowia😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna, glad you like my little book, I had fun making it. Have agreat day, stay safe and well!

  12. I must have missed that lesson, but I absolutely LOVE your book of your baby self. You are quite the cover girl for your soul journey. Each page is fascinating and so well done. You can certainly be proud of it.

    It was good that you were able to schedule two important appointments on the same day. Eyes and ears are very important. I hope your glasses arrive soon.

    The shops with the moving animals must have been wonderful. Reminds me of Macy's store windows at Christmas. I really LOVED the front of that building with all those trees. I'm a tree freak at Christmas. That was my favorite shot today, except for your masked and booted selfie, of course. Glad you made it home safely, dear.

    1. Thanks E. This was an extra course offered by Tam, not part of LB. It was fun! Those moving animals were gorgeous, I couldn't understand all the people just rushing by without even looking. I went into town by tram again today, but now I don't need to go again, so that's good, here is hopefully safer! Have a great day!

  13. Glad you got your appointments taken care of but sure don't like that you have to be out there on public transportation. Hope today is the last time for a while. I adore the book you made Valerie and great photos too!

    1. I don't like it either, but I had no chance. Taxis here are prohibitive! Have a good and safe day!

  14. Oh I love this little book. You make a fabulous covergirl! The quote is super too. I think we forget to make art about the one thing we know best, ourselves. Probably that is why we don't do it. Your pages are great. And nice photos too. Those shop windows are pretty fantastic to see. One day I would like to visit NYC to see the Christmas windows. But not this year. Hope the appointments went well and you are doing well too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we always make art about everything, but not ourselves, that's true! I spent one Christmas in NYC and it was really fabulous. Look after yourself!

  15. Having only one baby photo is so characteristic of the past, and now with smart phones or digital cameras every baby is documented almost every day of its life! Congratulations on finally being a cover girl — good to accomplish ones life goals, isn’t it?

    be safe... mae at

    1. That's true. I still have a few other goals! Stay safe!

  16. Wonderful book. Your baby picture is so sweet. I like how you added things you hoped for as well as family who helped shape who you became. Oh, the shop windows of toys! Doesn't that just scream a child's Christmas. I love it. The mannikins look like they are trying to work up the courage to talk to each other. Looks like a cold day in the Hofgarten or is that just here? Glad you were able to get your appointments done and hope you are feeling better. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. Those Shop Windows were really wonderful. It's cold Just now, inside and out. Stay safe!

  17. Your little book is fantastic, and it looks like a labor of love. I love the things you wished for baby Valerie. They're the same things I would've wished for baby Susan. I hope you achieved all of them.

    I'm sorry you're in a position where you have no choice but to ride public transportation to get to your appointments. (I mean, really... tromping 10 miles on foot is NOT an option.) It must've been a little scary for you, but hopefully, everyone you saw was wearing a mask.

    That big store picture window took me back. As a child, we would always took the streetcar into downtown Baltimore during the Christmas holidays... just to see how the four big department stores decorated their windows. It was almost like a competition the way they tried to outdo each other every year, and looking at them truly felt like Wonderland.

    Take care, sweet lady.

    1. Thanks Susan. I had fun making that little book. The windows really took me back to childhood days. Stay safe!

  18. You look very good in your photos. I am glad the strike is over and you can ride the tram again.

  19. A beautiful and heartwarming post Valerie.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories.

    Hugs ❤

  20. That's a fascinating project. Introspection can be difficult.

    Keeping the windows open makes all the difference. Buildings these days aren't built for that, more's the pity. My outer adult loves those huge stuffed animals as much as my inner child ever could ;) The holiday decorations are cheering, and the nature scenes so peaceful.

    1. I would have loved to take one of those animals home with me!

  21. Awesome art! and I always enjoy all of your photos very much. sometimes we just have to go into town to take care of ourselves-hugs

    1. Thanks, sometimes these things are necessary. Have a great week!

  22. I love your little book Valerie, you make a great cover girl.
    Lovely photos too.
    Alison x

  23. Very fine photos:) Have a nice day :)

  24. Fantastic book Valerie, I bet it was fun to create, I love all of the photos and your baby wishes. Great window shop photos too. Take care and stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. It was a fun Project! You stay safe, too!

  25. Beautiful book Valerie, and young you wishes. So good to have the family photos. I enjoyed seeing the shop windows. Keep safe.

  26. What a lovely Album Valerie, I really like how you use family photos. You must be as good as new after all your appointments, I bet you were glad to walk in the park after the tram ride. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Now, wouldn't it be nice to be good as new again! Have a great weekend.


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