Thursday 26 November 2020

Thursday post and Happy Thanksgiving

Hi Everybody!

I would like to wish all friends and family in the USA a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

And this is a piece I painted some years back in one of my journals:

I am also sharing another tag made for my pets challenge at Tag Tuesday:

The pictures here were taken 2 years back at an indoor ski-slope I visited:

It's all in alpine style:

I watched the courageous skiers from the peace and comfort of the upstairs restaurant:

The food was delicious, and gave us the energy necessary to watch the skiers working so hard:

The stall doors in the bathrooms were beautifully decorated. This is the room for the men:(I sneaked in!)

This was the Ladies' room:

More pics to follow tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. Enjoyed the pieces;)
    What a fun place to visit. Love the restrooms:)

  2. Beautiful art pieces and what a nice place, indoor skiing!

  3. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes I love your Thanksgiving art! That looks like a really cool place to visit! Have a Happy Thanksgiving even if you don't celebrate it :)

    1. Thanks Martha, enjoy that turkey again! Have fun!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Valerie...Hugs 🍗☕
    Lovely and festive post!!!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend, even though it's the US! I love your artwork and how vibrant and colorful it is! LOVE the indoor ski slope and the fun alpine decor! We visited one in Tennessee with man made snow and it was SuPER fun!

    1. Thanks Kelly, it was a fun place to visit! It was a good family place for a fun day out!

  6. Thank you for the Thanksgiving well wishes, dear friend So sweet of you.

    I have to admit that Bleubeard is quite upset with me for not finding time to create a tag for your Tag Tuesday. He wants to be the star of the show and I haven't had time to create anything. He loves your cat (who loves himself) and thinks it's the Cat's Meow, so to speak.

    That Alpine Village is amazing. I've never even heard of an indoor ski-slope, much less seen one. You got some amazing photos, but I'm sure you know the rocking type horse was what made me happy. I also LOVED the restroom doors for both men and women. Hope your day is as great as I am grateful for you, my friend.

    1. Thanks E. Bleubeard is not the only one who's upset with you! Es, that's a fun place to visit indeed. Enjoy your day!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. Love your funny turkey art, and the tag with the cat is wonderful, love that saying. That alpine ski place looks wonderful, such fun! And great to eat cake and drink coffee and watch the skiing. Here all is well, hugs from all, look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I slept well. It really was a fun place to visit. Here everything is still much of a muchness! Have a wonderful day, hugs to all!

  8. Beautiful post, love your art and the fantastic photos, you sure know how to keep me on your page for a while until I 'study' what you have put up..... enjoy your cake n coffee and put your feet up. xx

  9. Thanks Annie, I'm enjoying coffee just now! Have a great day!

  10. What lovely loos! All turkeys granted safe haven with me. The ski slope looks fun, but those slices of cake look like even more fun!
    Have a great day and I hope you're feeling better.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, those loos were really something! And as you said, the cake was even more fun! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  11. Your tag is super cute, he is having so much fun Valerie!! Wow to your photos. That place looks AMAZING!!

  12. Love, love, love the cat tag (so fun with all the string and he is soooo fun). Great previous pieces in your journal too. Great pictures - especially love the food pictures and I have never seen or heard of indoor skiing so I am amazed! Thanks for sharing! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Cats, food and fun, that's the life!

  13. Your Garfield version is gorgeous!
    Love your art and the fantastic photos!
    Let's be grateful for all the beautiful things in our life!
    Have a great day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. Yes, we have a lot to be grateful for! Have a wonderful day!

  14. That indoor ski slope looks like a marvellous place to visit. I didn’t know such a thing existed. It’s whimsical style is reflected in your own art pieces that you show in this post.
    So nice of you to wish a happy thanksgiving to our American friends.
    Hugs, teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa! It's a fun place to visit, lots of families go there, it's cheaper than a ski holiday!

  15. You art is very impressive, Valerie. You missed a whole career as the designer of high class greetings cards. I laughed at the thought of you sneaking into the men's washrooms. Guys get arrested for doing that in women's facilities! But it brings to mind an episode in Costa Rica a few years in a town where the dividers between the urinals were so elaborate that I stood guard while Miriam went in to take a look, and she even snapped a few pictures. As far as I know she didn't try to pee standing up to say that she had used them! I like the retrospective of happy moments from the past. Memories are after all very precious, and the one thing that no one can take away from us. Yesterday I went fir a walk and it was about six degrees and raining, quite miserable really. A little colder with snow, like the scenes you depict, even though they were indoors, would have been far preferable. But, we can't change the weather, can we? We just have to deal with what comes along and better we get out for fresh air and exercise than stay cooped up indoors. Pretty soon it will be time for mid morning coffee and a piece of Miriam's apple cake. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Did you say apple cake? What a pity you're so far away! I didn't get arrested for going into the men's room, but I just had to look after I had seen how fun the ladies' rooms were! And no, I didn't pee there either, next door was more comfortable! But you know how it is with me, no risk, no fun! It's a grey and dreary day here, too. My neighbour took me for the weekly shop, so that was a big help, and apart from that I've been painting and listening to a new book from Carl Sagan. And I have some delicious cream of cauliflower soup for my lunch, livened up with a few chilly flakes and some crusty bread, yessssssssss! Enjoy your day, have fun, hugs to you and Miriam!

  16. Very interesting article! Have a great evening! 🌾🍁🍂

  17. I really like the cat art. Wonderful photos too.

  18. Your art pieces made me smile especially the Rubenesque cat. Skiing isn't my thing indoors or out so I think you had the perfect perch to watch the activity. And the perfect sustenance! Love the decor of the bathrooms with the gents in lederhosen (they all have great looking legs!) and the ladies in their dirndls. Enjoy your day

    1. Thanks CJ. Skiing isn't my thing either, but I'm good at Coffee and cake! Happy Thanksgiving!🦃

  19. Such an awesome post...lovely collection

  20. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Love your fun turkey piece, I'll remember that one! Hope you are well!

  21. I love your pieces Valerie, turkeys really do have arough deal don't they! Your cat is fabulous and I quite agree with the sentiment being the same shape myself at the moment (but not so hairy) That snowdome looks a fabulous place to visit, I've never seen such ornate bathrooms lol. Take care and stay safe, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, your comment made me laugh again! Glad you're not that hairy! Have a great day, hugs!

  22. Thanks for the Happy Thanksgiving greeting :) Skiing, no; coffee, yes, please :)

  23. Great Turkey art piece, like the cat too. Your outing the the skiing place looked interesting, great decorated bathrooms!

    1. Thanks a lot, turkeys have a hard life! Stay safe!

  24. Lovely art and amazing photographs.
    Such a great place to visit.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it.

    All the best Jan

  25. Oh I love your deer! It is absolutely charming. Your photos are so beautiful too.

  26. That is such a fun turkey page Valerie. And I love the kitty tag too.You sense of humor is shining today. And I've never been to one of those indoor ski slopes but they are fascinating. I guess they are good if you can't get to the mountains or it isn't winter. Fun post today. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I think we need some fun just now to cheer us up! Stay safe!

  27. Tolle und so schĂśne Seiten klasse ausgedacht und mit der Katze so lustig. Toll die Fotos von der schĂśnen Skihalle!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir einen schĂśnen tag, bleib gesund!

  28. Thank You so much for sharing these pictures, they are brilliant, I love your turkey journaling page!!! Hazel xx

  29. Wonderful art and great photos Valerie!
    Hope you have a good day,
    Alison xx

  30. I stayed home and enjoyed Thanksgiving with my roommate. Quiet, peaceful and no outside germs. I hope others were as careful. Love all these pictures from a few years ago. Cool!

  31. Fabulous funny spread in your journal Valerie! I do love that cat - another smile too! We have an indoor ski centre nearby but I have only visited for the snow play area when our grandchildren were small and on other occasions to watch and have a coffee - it was close to a cycle shop we used to go to! ! This looks very similar - faux alpine and quite fun! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I must admit I prefer the coffee to the snow part!


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