Saturday 31 October 2020

Saturday post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy and safe weekend.

My first piece was made after watching a lesson in the Lifebook taster course from Galia Alena about creating word altars. I chose a text from one of my fave Bach songs, my heart every faithful:

This piece was made after watching a lesson 'Grow together' from Dena Draws:

I am linking to Chris' 'Hold the line' challenge at AJJ

And some photos from this week:

The beets have been harvested:

The geese are enjoying picking over the ploughed fields:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You sure do manage to accomplish a ton of art! Love all the beautiful fall photos. Have a great weekend Valerie :)

  2. Beautiful art and lovely fall photos. Truth is I am longing for spring.

  3. My, what a beautiful post. Your photography is amazing and your greet card delightful. Here's wishing you a weekend filled with joy :)

    1. Hi Connie, ice to see you around again! Have a great weekend!

    2. errr, nice to see you sounds better than ice to see you!

  4. I don't think I watched the video by Galia, but I did watch the one by Dena and thought I might be able to make that one. Both of yours turned out great. I especially like the daisy Grow by Dena, but the one by Galia looks much more difficult. Thanks for yet another entry at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme, dear.

    I really enjoyed all the photos. My favorites today were the geese in the field and the beautiful bright red tree you captured. The tree is so colorful. We definitely don't get that here. Stay safe, dear friend.

    1. Gallia's lesson was not too difficult, I had fun with it. It was all fun actually. Next week I'm starting another free class, so that should keep me busy! Stay safe!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I slept late this morning, and the kids didn't wake me, so that was nice. Love your beautiful art again, I remember when you sung that text with the choir. Love your art as always, both pieces are beautiful. Have a lovely weekend, take care, hugs, Sarah

  6. Beautiful art Valerie. Beets to me are beetroot but those beets look like sweet potato, what do you do with them? Beautiful autumn photos again.

    1. Thanks a lot! These are beets which are grown as animal fodder, it's a good winter feed.Stay safe!

  7. Lovely and so very creative with colours, style and all the gorgeous added goodies. xx

  8. Morning Valerie from an extremely wet grey day here. Your artwork has brought a little ray of sunshine my way. Beautiful first piece, wouldn't that make a wonderful printed card and I love your grow together display. I adore beetroot, could live on it all on it's own anyway it comes hee hee.. Stay safe and have a super weekend Hugs Tracey x

  9. Ich bin begeistert von dieser kreative Kunstwerk dieser Karte so romantisch mit diesem Spruch und deine andere Karte mit den Linien!
    Schöne Herbstliche Fotos wieder, es ist so herrlich der Herbst.
    Sorry von gestern ein wenig durcheinander geschrieben beim kommentieren.
    Pass auf dich auf und machs dir gemütlich, du bist viel beschäftigt bei deinem Hobby und das ist gut so!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. My goodness! You've certainly captured the beauty of the season with such great photos, and I love the words you used from the Bach song. Precious. Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro, that song is really precious and always brings back happy choir memories for me. Have a good and safe week!

  11. Good Saturday morning, Valerie. It is All Hallow's Eve and evil spirits will be out and about tonight, so be careful. They may be reluctant to mess with you anyway! Funny you should mention Bach. I think there is barely a note that he wrote that I don't adore, but if I absolutely had to pick one favourite, it would probably be the Goldberg Variations. We have this huge collection of CDs that we hardly listen to any more, and I have two interpretations, both by renowned Canadians, one by Glenn Gould, the other by Angela Hewitt, and you can't imagine two more different approaches. On balance, I prefer the Angela Hewitt version. A few years ago, I was able to attend a master class she gave at the faculty of music at Wilfrid Laurier University, a truly fascinating experience. Today I will play the CD! Thanks for Baching up my tree! It is a crisp minus five degrees this morning and I have to conduct a little field ecology with some keen teens. They had better dress warmly! I am so motivated when kids are keen to learn, I will do it whatever the conditions. Too bad you are not here. We could do it together and then come home for hot coffee, apple cake, a great chat with Miriam, and listen to Gould and Hewitt together. Maybe one day..........Hugs and kisses from Waterloo. David

    1. Hi David! I had a nice, long walk along the Rhine this morning and am not planning on going out again as there are always a lot of people out and about on weekend afternoons, and too many family groups, often unmasked and who don't think it' necessary to leave any space for others! And this evening will be spooky, I've downloaded 2 films to watch, I know them both but I would like to see them again - Hocus Pocus and The Omen, so a good fright night is assured without having to leave my flat! Spellchecker just suggested 'Locus Focus' as title, hmmmm! I love Bach, and also have the Gould variations. I miss being able to sing in the choir these days. Ah yes, I would love to accompany you and your keen teens. It's relatively mild here today, 15° so that was an extra bonus. One day....that all sounds so good! Have a great day, enjoy your walks. Hugs to you both!

  12. Lovely art work VJ...your autumn pics are beautiful!

  13. Beautiful art work. There's still so much Fall color in your area. Gorgeous. Take care and enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks. The colours are wonderful this year. Stay safe and well!

  14. I love Bach, too. Especially his Magnificat.

    1. Thanks Glenda. Bach's music is wonderful, that's a fact!

  15. That first piece is lovely and the second one fun.Beautiful fall photos.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  16. Beautiful pages, Valerie! My you've been busy creating. I watched the Taster sessions that interested me, but I haven't done any yet. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. I watched them and painted them all, those I liked and didn't like, and I enjoyed it all in the end! Stay safe!

  17. Beautiful art and photos Valerie!
    The second to last photo of the tree silhouette with its golden leaves is particularly stunning. It would be wonderful to paint.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. If only the da had more hours! Happy weekend, stay safe!

  18. Hi Valerie, Bill here! Lovely art and photos, dear! Take care!

  19. Very nice art pieces. The first is gorgeous and so uplifting.

    1. Thanks. We had to make a word Altar to remind ourselves.

  20. Gorgeous pages Valerie, I love the text on your first page! Awesome autumn photos, the colors are so beautiful and great picture of the beets, I love beets :) Enjoy your Saturday.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy it is indeed a wonderful Text. Have a great weekend! Stay safe!

  21. Wow, you have been busy and your pages are both fabulous! I love the wording with the blue snowdrop background, so pretty 😀. Your painted tiles and flowers are amazing too! That's a lot of beets to harvest and oh, those autumn leaves fill my heart with joy! We've had high winds here today so I think all our autumn leaves will be gone by now 😉. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you like them. Most of the leaves are down here, too. Have a great Weekend.

  22. I continue to enjoy your lovely fall views. Such great color y'all have!

    1. Thanks, this year the colours are exceptionally good. Stay safe!

  23. Wow Valerie, wonderful art and words too! Thank you so much for this final share for my theme this month and for your support! Once again your photos are reflecting what a beautiful season this is! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, my pleasure, it was a great theme. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  24. What sweet and beautiful sentiments in your lovely pieces! I love your photos too.

  25. Beautiful art, I do like the sentiments/words on your pieces.
    Some great photographs too, the Autumn colours are lovely.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  26. Your taster class seems worth every minute. Nice latest page and the idea of grow! And wow, I didn't know how they harvested beets and what a huge pile of them. Yum. Well, once you cook them that is! Hope your weekend is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The beets are all made into animal fodder, the cows etc here live a luxury life! Stay safe!

  27. Love your snowdrop and grow pages, a reminder that spring will eventually come.
    Lovely photos today, Hope your enjoying your weekend.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks, it's always good to know that spring will come again. Stay safe!

  28. I've never heard of word altars. It's a wonderful idea and piece. And your region looks very beautiful this fall.

    1. It was a nice exercise to calm down and concentrate!

  29. I love that you are always taking courses and trying new twists on things. You are such an inspiration to me. Love your creations here - very cool and well done. I so wish I had more time so I could try them too. Beautiful pictures as always but the trees and the river are my faves. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. It's good to try new things and see how other people work. I always have plenty of time! Stay safe!


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