Saturday 3 October 2020

2nd on the 2nd on the 3rd

 Hi Everybody!

I am a day late with Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd. This has been a busy week. I have spent several hours each day enjoying Tamara LaPorte's Lifebook taster course, which is good but very time consuming.  On top of that 2 new challenges started, and I have another 2 in the next couple of days. And appointments at the doc's and having to walk because the trams weren't running - it has to get easier sooner or later! The challenges are from the last month or 2, I did not have time for 'archaeology' and digging out older stuff;

And a repeat of some of my fave big birds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. These may not be old, but it is fantastic to see them again. Your sound like you've had a crazy week. Hopefully next week will not be so crazy! Hope you have a restful weekend! Hugs-Erika

    1. It was crazy indeed this week, it has to get better! Have a great day, take care!

  2. Gorgeous art Valerie and I loved all the bird photos very much. Hope your days get better for you hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Stay safe! Have a great day, take care!

  3. Lovely art and beautiful big birds!

    1. Thanks Christine! Have a great day, take care!

  4. Fun to see you repost your old stuff as you called it...xx

    1. Thanks Annie, I'm old stuff myself! Have a great day, take care!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. I love all of your art and photos, and can view them again and again, it'd always an experience. We all got our shoes and boots yesterday, but now they're all set up to go! Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, take care, have a good one, hug the kiddies for me!

  6. Your artwork is all so clever. I agree, Life Book Taster takes up hours, doesn't it? I have just taken myself off social media to have more time for art. If I lived near all those amazing birds, I don't think I'd ever get anything else done. Have a wonderful, safe weekend, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Yes, there is never enough time to do everything, so I'm sticking to art and walks just now! Have a great day!

  7. Good morning Valerie: I have no doubt that mining the past in this manner is quite time-consuming, but I feel that I am being treated to a first class retrospective of a first class artist, so as the beneficiary I feel it has all been worthwhile! All of the pictures of birds are terrific, but I am drawn most of all to the storks. I have seen this species in several different spots, and even at the nest, but only ever in a natural setting, and I have always wished to see them atop a chimney in that most classic European way. Friends of ours (one born in Poland) have been musing about us going to Poland together once the pandemic releases its grip on us, so I may yet have a chance. The weekend is here. It is shaping up to be busy for us, but busy in a most enjoyable way. Trump has COVID-19! Oh darn! Let us simply say that my cheeks are not wet with tears! And Joe Biden must think his mask looks pretty good right about now. Hugs and kisses from across the miles. David

    1. Thanks David! Yes, don't cry too much about Trump, I'm sure he'll try to turn it to his advantage! I love seeing the storks here. There is a flock of them in an old castle and garden a few miles to the north of us, it's a lovely place, and I think they just sort of pop over for a day trip to the Rhine. There are more storks in the south of Germany, and of course, in Eastern Europe. When I was on holiday once I loved watching them standing on one leg high up on the church spire! I hope that sooner or later all our lives will get back to normal. Stay safe, have a great day, hugs to you both!

  8. Was für fantasievolle Kunst dei Bilder haben, toll zusammengebracht!
    Schöne Vogelwelt bei dir, tolle Fotos. Mnahcmal ist der Wurm drin und aussgerechnet dann müssen sie streiken wenn du zum Azrt musst. Ich drück dir die Daumen dass nächste Woche besser wirdfür dich.
    Liebe Umarmung und ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Nächste Woche muss besser werden, ich will fest daran glauben! Dir einen schönen Tag, Alles Liebe!

  9. Thanks Laurie, have a good and safe weekend!

  10. Sounds like you have been busy. And time flies even faster when you are busy.
    I love all your pages. The Banksy girl is neat.
    My absolute favorite are the 'golden' flowers on the blue background. That would look great on the wall.
    I enjoyed looking at the birds that you have 'collected' over time. You get to see quite a few on your walks.
    Happy Second of the second,

    1. That's true! I Love the golden flowers, too. It's always fun spotting birds, and there are lots to spot here!

  11. Many lovely art pieces and photographs here. It must feel good to see how much you have accomplished in a month. I really like the one at the top. It gives the impression of a vintage stucco house. I also love your gold leaves. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa! It was a lot more. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. You do such beautiful work and your photography is stunning. The birds really seem to have a lot of personality. Enjoy your weekend and here's hoping for a better week.

  13. My favorite is the Imagine, Believe, Be Happy. I love those monkeys, the birds, the giraffes and the pretty flowers.

  14. Hi Val! Bill here! Lovely art and Pics. Have a great Weekend!

  15. Beautiful art Valerie. The swan and heron photos are so nice! I love those birds. :)

  16. Hope your doc appt was just a check up and all is well. I love seeing your art old or new. Wonderful photos. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it was Just a Check up at the eye clinic, everything okay! Enjoy your Weekend, stay safe!

  17. Jestem zachwycona twoimi pracami są piękne. Bociany już niestety odlatują , piękne ptaki. Miłej niedzieli:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe!

  18. It's wonderful to see all that glorious art again Valerie! Lovely birds too.
    Glad you're enjoying Tam's taster sessions, there's so much, it's hard to keep up isn't it?!
    Hope you have a good evening,
    Alison xx

  19. Thanks Alison. It is indeed a lot, but up til now I've managed everything. It's hard going! Enjoy your weekend!

  20. I wish I had time for the tasters, but the one I watched was 55 minutes and I am NOT a person who draws. I hope you are enjoying them, though. I'm so far behind, I won't catch up before it's all over.

    I loved revisiting your pieces from the previous two months. I have missed so many, it was wonderful to see them all together. I especially LOVED the houses. That TEXTURE was incredible, but so were the houses. Thanks so much for sharing these with us as your second look on the 2nd (3rd) because some of these were a first look for me.

    I always love seeing the swans and the other birds that you are able to capture so easily. Beautiful indeed. Good luck with the taster series. If I had 36 hours in a day, I'd get to watch them all, too (grin).

    1. Thanks E. I've applied for longer hours each day and given up housew**k, helps! It's a lot to manage but up till now I've got it all done. Enjoy your day!

  21. These pictures are beautiful:)

    1. Thanks Martyna, enjoy your weekend, stay safe!

  22. Wonderful art and feathered friends ~ Hope things slow down and transportation speeds up for you in the new week ~ Blessings

    1. Thanks Karen, I hope so, too. I don't think the Unions have picked a good time for strikes!

  23. Last week was one of those weeks for me too, everything going on at once - hoping for a calmer week this week for us both!
    I loved these re-visits, especially those Golden Sunflowers!
    Take care and enjoy your week!
    Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, this new week has to be better!

  24. Lovely art Valeri, some of which I'd missed, so nice to see.
    Lovely photos - the herons are fabulous.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks so much Avri, have a great, new week, stay safe!

  25. Get to see all these lovelies again but I have to say the first I do not remember beautiful composition. Sounds like you have had a rough week Valerie, glad you have buried yourself in extra art it will be a great reward and give you something good to look forward too. Best wishes at the docs and hope those darn trams are working now.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I made it 2 weeks back. It was indeed a hard week, this one has to be better! Have a great one!

  26. Lovely art and beautiful birds :)

    All the best Jan

  27. I love all you shared. There is a great deal of diversity in your work that I like very much.

  28. Loving all your amazing art pieces, and loving all the bird photos! Big Hugs!


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