Saturday 17 October 2020

Weekend post

  Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing another piece made in one of our Lifebook lessons with the wonderful Danielle Mack who was teaching us about creative flow. I made an A4 piece on water colour paper using a mix of acrylics and water-colours. I was quite happy how this one turned out:

And for Pinky's 'Trees' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another autumn tree tag:

I also made lots of twinchies to use up left over paper and paint. I mounted them onto an A5 piece of designer paper and sewed around the edges

I am linking to  Chris' 'Hold the Line' challenge at AJJ

And a mix of photos from the last 2 weeks:

I'll be back with my next post on Monday!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. All of your art is great but my favorite is definitely the first one, excellent work! My favorite photo today is the bird silhouette. Have a great weekend :)

    1. Thanks Martha, much appreciated. Have a great weekend!

  2. Beautiful art and photos today!

  3. You have some great art today Valerie. That lady is amazing. For some reason her lips jumped out at me. They look great. The face came out amazing. And nice tag and twinchies too. Your twinchies are came out great. Hope you have a fabulous weekend. Enjoy! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe!

  4. Good morning Val! Wow, what a fabulous post this morning, just love it all. Your mysterious lady is fantastic, the tag is gorgeous and the twinchies are out of this world, so much gorgeousness in one post and then all those lovely pics to top it all, wow! You have outdone yourself once again. Have a good day, keep as warm as possible, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, so kind of you! You always encourage me so much. Have a good weekend, hope Mum is behaving, and stay safe. Hugs to all!

  5. You've done so brilliantly with your LifeBook Tasters! I am afraid I have allowed myself to be distracted by other, such as seasonal gardening before the weather turns, things instead. I will catch up sometime.
    Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! I don't have to do an gardening! I hope you find time to catch uo soon. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  6. I love your lifebook painting. I followed along looking at the class videos and taking notes but didn't do the yet. Time, where are you?? Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks June! Time always seems to be about a mile ahead of me on the road, it's so hard him! Have a great weekend, stay safe!


  7. I am delighted with the portrait painted with watercolors and pastels. I like your photos. Have a good day:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna! Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe!

  8. Fabulous texture on that gorgeous face, brilliant photos. xx

  9. Beautiful pictures and photos ;)

  10. Starting my day with a beautiful dusky maiden is pretty darn good if you ask me, Valerie, so thanks for this! And she really does look fabulous. You have done a wonderful job with this piece, and I am sure it was fun for you to do, and experiment with technique and materials. Your use of the term "Lifebook tasters" set me to thinking in a perverse sort of way about presidential libraries, and how important documents, notes etc are gathered in one place after a president is out of office, in order that the public gets a look at the inner workings of that presidency. In Trump's case, if you have a spare thimble, we could perhaps fill it half way! There is nothing of merit, or depth, or visionary to include in a celebration of his dismal, hate-filled, racist, conspiracy-laden existence. The lovely photographs of the Black-headed Gulls in their winter attire reminded me that a walk along the Rhine with you would be pleasant for so many reasons, not the least of which would be that common species are nonetheless quite different from what I see here. Enjoy the weekend, relax, put your feet up, drink coffee, all in the renewed cozy ambiance of heat in your apartment, I hope. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David! I hope Miriam has nothing against you starting your day with dusty maidens?! I think the presidential wisdom would fit into one short Tweet, which could then be quickly deleted! He is so wicked and crazy, how does someone like that get to be President? We have had hundreds of gulls here the past couple of weeks, sometimes bobbing like a huge cloud along the Rhine, it looks strange, I suppose they are feeding on things in the water. My balcony birds are ravenous and never stop feeding, fat balls and nuts are always their faves! I hope your eye is doing well. Have a good weekend, take care, hugs to you both!

    2. Miriam says that she doesn't mind where I get my appetite as long as I eat at home!

  11. Oh my, that tree tag is so gorgeous. Just so beautiful! And I am, of course, loving your river walk. I will be missing my gulls on the lake for another eight months, so I'm extra thrilled to see yours. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I either missed or skipped that taster session. You did a GORGEOUS job painting that beautiful lady. I'd also be impressed. You did a great job. It's beautiful.

    Your tree tag is so cute and different. I like the idea of a tree in a pumpkin patch. It's very unique.

    I LOVE the twinchies. I especially like them because they are so dimensional. I want to run my hand over them and feel the texture. They are great.

    Lovely photos from your recent walks. My favs today are the last two with the moody clouds. Hope you are finally catching up on the tasters. I have to get busy and see all the ones I've missed so far.

    1. Thanks E!I thought you would like those twinchies. It's a great way to use up paint remnants and make something small! I have a whole stack of Twinchies now ready to be used on art journals or tags. Have a lovely day, stay safe!

  13. Holy cow. I got so excited over the texture of the twinchies, I forgot to thank you for sharing this beauty with us at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

    1. You're welcome, I put everything on the blog today as I'm having a day off tomorrow!

  14. I love those clouds. Your tag is darling and your painting of the lady is very nice. hugs, Teresa

  15. Wow, so many beautiful makes today! You lady is so beautifully painted, love the colour tones and her eyes are gorgeous 😁. The autumnal tag looks so pretty with the little fairy and the texture of the flower squares that you created look amazing! Such lovely photos too, love those dark blue skies with streaks of orange. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, much appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe!

  16. This is a beautiful painting Valerie! Love that tree fairy and the addition of the Autumn harvest at the Pumpkin Patch! I love those vibrant twinchie squares - and you know that sewing on a page always impresses me! Thank you so much for linking to my AJJ theme. Your photos are once again brilliant - those fabulous blue skies - it's been another grey day here! Have great weekend, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. It's grey and cloudy Here today, too. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Your lady looks great.
    Your autumnal tag amazing.
    Love the beautiful skies in your photographs.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, have a wonderful weekend,take Care.

  18. Beautiful face and the eyes are so alive. Love your sky photos and the pictures of the seagulls that look like they are waiting for the ferry crack me up. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. They are waiting for the ferry! Have a great weekend!

  19. I like that dark woman's face. It is quite striking.

  20. Wunderschön gemalte Frau und ausdruckstarkes Gesicht gerade die Augen und das Thema dazu ist toll.
    Das Tag ist auch so schön und die Zwillinge bunt und fröhlich!
    Herrliche Himmelstimmungen und Möwenfotos sind das.
    Ich habe wunderschönes sonniges Wetter gestern und heute gehabt.
    Ich wünsche dir ein gemütliches Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Hier ist kalt, grau und feucht! Dir ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  21. I love the texture and design in our twinchies. Your cloud photos are particularly stunning!

  22. Lovely lady!!! Lovely art! Fabulous pictures(again)

  23. Beautiful art, I love that first piece Valerie! xx

  24. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the twinchies.
    Always enjoy the walk and and out and about photos.

    1. Thanks so much, have a great day, stay safe!

  25. Amazing art and collection of images VJ... Happy weekend!

  26. Fabulous art Valerie, your lady looks very glamerous, and I love this quote. It sums up how I need to learn thing too. I love your twinchies, they make me want to stick my finger in to see if the paint is dry - I know, there's no hope is there! Take care and have a great week. Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! The paint took days to dry! Have a good weekend!

  27. You are really talented😍😍😍 Kisses !!

  28. Wow, so much inspiration today, I love all your pieces, but have to say the first one would be my favourite, she is beautiful. Sorry I'm late as always calling in.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne! I'm always happy when you visit! Stay safe!

  29. Oh wow, the first one is absolutely stunning!

    1. Thanks Natalia, have a great day, stay safe!

  30. What a lovely piece with the pink! I also love the tag so much. Your photos are also so beautiful!

  31. Wow Valerie your art work is truly amazing. It always is, but wow that lady is so beautifully coloured, the tag is gorgeous and shouts autumn and the texture on the next one is so amazing. You are such a talent!!

  32. Just on a quick catch up - love your painting, she looks so exotic and that's a gorgeous Autumn tag, such a pretty image. Loved s eeing your photos, the last 2 of the evening sky look amazing.
    Hugs, Avril xx


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