Friday 9 October 2020


 Hi Everybody!

Hope your day will be better than my Thursday. I somehow couldn't sleep all night, fell asleep after 4 a.m. and got woken by people working outside by the garages behind the house with a pneumatic hammer at 6 a.m., with huge flood lights set up to give them plenty of light....Then the next shock - the electricity was off for some reason, so no internet, no phone, no warm water for showering, no heating and - wait for it - NO COFFEE! Anyway, after I had managed to have a cold wash and get dressed, I went out. I thought about going into town for breakfast - no chance, the trams and buses were on strike yet again. So I went into our little place here and bought some coffee to go from the Kiosk by the tram stop, It was good, so I swallowed it PDQ and then bought another one to get me back home. About 1 p.m. the electricity and internet were restored, the heating still isn't working. Apart from that, the day passed without further mishaps....

Today I am sharing my mixed media A3 piece painted after Melanie Rivers wonderful 'Eagle Wisdom' lesson. I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey as there are lots of lines in the picture:

Some photos from my walks:

A very strange fungus growing on a tree in the Rhine:

Signs of autumn:

The sheep were here 2 or 3 weeks ago, I put the pics in the wrong file but have now found them again - the lost sheep!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh goodness, Thursday sounds a dreadful day.
    But it's Friday now and it's going to be brilliant! Well, I hope so.

    Lovely art and a great mix of photographs, especially nice to see the sheep.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, hope ou are right! You have a good one, too!

  2. My goodness Thursday was a shocker of a day for you, thankfully you could get coffee!! Beautiful art piece Valerie, and again I have enjoyed your walk photos. The autumn colours and reflections are wonderful.

    1. Thanks. A morning without coffee, is not a morning.....Take care!

  3. You and me both with the unable to sleep, but least I had Coffee... No drilling from workmen for us but the neighbours across the way are having their roof replaced so hammering and throwing of tiles from a great height has been the order of the week.. noisey devils!! So sorry to hear of your awful Thursday, hope you had plenty of blankets to keep you warm, it's been a damp old day here. Love your painted lady with the teals and her red hair. Another TGIF from me after an exhausting Thursday day off for me tomorrow/today so I get to catch up with lots of arty things and watch all those tasters i've yet to see. I hope Friday is a better day Valerie, keep those inspiring pics of nature coming... Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Sorry, Tracey, not sleeping is not good - at least I don't have to work! The noisy beggars are at it again this morning, but not quite as loud and I do have coffee! Take care!

  4. I was wondering if you got your heat back after you commented on my blog, and I am sad to hear it's not back. But at least electricity is. That means when you get up in the morning you'll at least not have to go out coffee. Hopefully by morning you will have heat too or you may not want to get out of bed. Love your eagle wisdom lady. The little eagle you added is a great addition. Eagles are pretty impressive birds. For impressive art. Let's hope your Friday is better than your Thursday was. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The heat is still off, someone will be coming next week to service it! But I can keep myself warm with woolens and thick clothes. But I can cook and have coffee, that's the main thing! Have a great day!

  5. Absolutely beautiful art and most gorgeous colours....stunning

  6. Hi Val, good morning. I'm so sorry about your ordeal yesterday, it's awful when everything happens at one, not nice at all. And it's a bit creepy being so dependent on electricity! Here I'm looking forward to a more turbulent day, mum will be coming again, so need to get everything ready. LOVE your beautiful art and photos! Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, have a good tim with your Mum, hope it won't be too hard this time! Look after yourself!

  7. Oh, lovely bird photos and I really like the little b/w lamb. So cute! So sorry, you lost power and couldn't even get a coffee. YY for restaurants, kiosks, which saved you by selling coffee-to-go. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks, a day without coffee is not to my taste!

  8. Sorry about your horrible Thursday. Beautiful piece for PPF and enjoyed your photos today!

  9. Thursday sounds like a nightmare. I can SORT of relate, but without the cold. In fact, it's still hot here. UNSEASONABLY hot is what the weather people are saying. And not a drop of rain in sight. For me, the worst part would be no coffee. I'm glad you at least found a way to get a couple of cups.

    I really like that painting. I haven't seen this one yet. I'm very far behind. It is beautiful and I am so happy you also shared it with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

    My favorite photo today is the fungus on the tree limb. It reminds me of ice cream, which I really, really want right about now. I am almost positive your Friday will be much, much better.

    1. Thanks E. It was a nightmare, no coffee was the worst part, closely followed by no internet. Sorry it's still so hot over your way! The fungi remind me of dumpings!

  10. I'm sorry about your horrible Thursday, not nice when everything happens at one, really not funny!
    I like your eagle lady, very well done!
    The sheep are very nice, il love to be in their company!
    Wishing you a better vriday and a great weekend ahead! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. It was indeed a bad day, today started better and I hope it continues so! Have a great day, stay safe!

  11. Sorry you had a bad start to the day. Hope the weekend will be great. Love the painting.

  12. Thanks Anesha. Have a good and safe day!

  13. So sorry you had a dreadful night and then to be awoken like that. I fully empathise, for my neighbour has been building his house now for two years. Also, I have not slept well in ages, and had to be up early today regardless.
    Is that fungus, or is it a ball of dried foam from the river? We often find them here, on beaches and cliff tops.
    Beautiful autumnal photos, as alawys!
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. The only good thing about yesterday is that it's over! Those blobs on the tree trunk are fungi, something like puffballs, but with a skin over them, look rather ghostly/ghastly! Sorry you re also not sleeping well, I think this is a problem for a lot of us. Have a good day, take care!

  14. I so felt for you when I read your comment on my blog yesterday about the terrible day you were having. I do hope the heating is restored by now and you managed to get warm under the duvet and at least get a good sleep last night. Let's hope that today is much better - it was a nice reminder of the kiosks in Germany that sell coffee and things when I read your blog today. I wonder if we will ever visit again, I certainly like to think so as we had many plans for trips to Germany.
    Your painting is very powerful and I am impressed with your painting of the eagle. I always think birds feathers and animal fur are two of the hardest things to paint. Great job here.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The heating is still off, but is going to be repaired in the course of the day - I hope. Something is wrong in the heating central downstairs. I like to be able to get coffee on a lot of corners here, good if you need to wait in the cold for a bus or tram! Glad you like the painting, it's very different to what I usually try, but perhaps I need to try new things more often. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  15. That was a rough start to your day yesterday. I hope today is better. Nice lady painting. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa! It is definitely better today! Have a great weekend!

  16. That was an awful start to the day - noise, bright lights, no hot water and no coffee, and no Internet!!!! Hope everything is alright now.
    The lost sheep are looking good and no worse for being "lost".
    This Autumn is looking to be a good one with those magical colours. Do you think it is early this year? I'm not sure but it is welcome with its beauty.

    1. Thanks Sheila. Some trees here still look green and full of leaves, others are full into autumn. But I like it very much with the wonderful colours!

  17. Not the kind of Thursday, or any other day for that matter, that any of us would look forward to, Valerie. A jackhammer is not the style of music I prefer to accompany the peeling back of my eyelids. And followed by a cold shower - aagh! Your artwork is fabulous. I am quite sure that in a hundred attempts I could not achieve results like that. It's time for a self portrait, I think. As for the misplaced sheep and lambs, how beautiful they look. Sheep farming has always been fairly common in this area, but seems to have grown in popularity jn recent years, no doubt spiked by the increase in immigration from areas of the world where mutton and lamb is consumed. One sees more goats too. And then, south of the border, the bull in the china shop is a species whose population has grown exponentially. It is now Friday, so I hope your Thursday woes have all been banished and that tranquility has been restored. This weekend in Canada is Thanksgiving but families are urged not to get together in large groups due to danger of spreading the virus. It is getting hard to remember what it was like before all of this! Take care, stay well, stay safe, walk often, drink coffee. Hugs from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David. Today seems to be running normally, except for the heating which is still to be repaired. Main thing I can make coffee! Glad you liked the portrait, perhaps I'll make a self-portrait of my funky shoes!. Yes, the bull in the china stop is raging louder and louder, so much evil and hatred emanating from him! Here there are several flocks of sheep - sometimes accompanied by goats - which 'work' for the town by wandering all along the shores to keep them firmly trod and less likely to float away when it floods, they are important! It must be strange for people not to be able to get together with their families to celebrate. The Covid infections here are growing rapidly again, this will be a difficult time. I have already been walking, and will go again in a few minutes, but first of all I need another hot coffee! Look after yourself, hugs to you both!

  18. I feel your stress and pain. We have construction going around us too and the noise is horrible. I love your art piece. Faith is so important to have. Hope and faith. I adore the red in your piece and the bird. absolutely beautiful. Lovely photos of nature and sheep. They are so lovely! Have a beautiful Friday and a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks so much. Noise is somehow very soul destroying, hope your noisy workers are soon finished. Without faith and hope we can pack in! Take care and have a wonderful and safe weekend!

  19. Wow, your painting is amazing and so thoughtful and inspiring! You are so talented, my friend. Your walk pictures are soo cool. The leaves are such lovely colors and that fungus is sooooo interesting. I love your got up close for a picture too - looks kind of scary.... Hope you got some sleep and recovered from your sleepless night and terrible inconveniences. Hope the strike is up soon! Many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Autumn is a wonderful time to walk around and take pictures. That fungus is really something different! I zoomed it in, as I didn't want to wade in the cold river! The trams are running again today, let's see what tomorrow brings. Have a great weekend, take care!

  20. Oh Valerie what a night and day. Glad you were able to find some coffee. Love your art today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. That coffee was soooooooooo necessary! Have a great day!

  21. I hope your day is going better than yesterday. No internet is bad but I couldn't do without the electricity or heating these days.
    Its a beautiful painting and mixed media page, I love how you have the bird settled on her shoulder.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. No nothing is a bad situation! It's still cold, but I'm hopeful they will repair the heating before the weekend! Stay well and safe!

  22. Those endless nights when sleep won't come are maddening, aren't they? Especially if you have a chiming clock that oh-so-kindly keeps you fully apprised of the fact that yet another hour has passed. To avoid the "can't-sleep" situation as much as possible, I generally strive to attain a state of full exhaustion by bedtime, but that doesn't always work. Then again, that could have something to do with two cats crawling all over me. Any sign of movement on my part is a signal to them that it's time to play.

    Your pics are fabulous, as always. Your artistic eye not only sees the extraordinary beauty in the ordinary, but you capture it and make us see it, too, and for that... thank you.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady. (And sleep well!)

    1. Thanks so much Susan. My neighbour has the chiming clock.... I hope to sleep well tonight, and hope you will, too! Have a good weekend!

  23. Beautiful photos and art.
    Happy PPF Valerie


  24. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend!

  25. oh the lost sheep! The photo of the back of the pink sheep is gorgeous. Your art is too, meaningful and moody, the woman has character.

    1. Thanks, I just LOVE those sheep, too. So peaceful to stand there and watch them eating, sleeping, snuggling with one another!

  26. Lovely page with an uplifting sentiment. Glad you were able to get a hot cup of coffee. Hopefully no aggravating interruptions this coming week. Oh, that black sheep is so adorable. Have a good weekend.

  27. Oh Valerie! No coffee!! Well done for getting out and finding one!! I hope your heating came back on too! I love your journal page, the portrait is fabulous - Thanks so much for linking to 'Hold The Line'.
    Your photos are wonderful - love those bridge reflections! Hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris! The heating is still off, they can't repair it till next week. The Bridge over the moat is really lovely! Have a good weekend!

  28. What a Thursday. But you won for sure!
    Beautiful portrait. I love her expressive eyes.
    Wonderful fall pics...The creeping looks so pretty.

  29. Love the blue eyes matching the blue shirt. Nice photos of the sheep.

  30. Such a lovely painting! Your lady looks so peaceful and serene and how you added the bird 😀. I always enjoy walking with you and there is lots to see today, the pretty reflections are my favourite - amazing! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I have a 'thing' for reflections! Have a great weekend!

  31. What a miserable start to a day :( but I'm glad your to-go coffee was a bright spot :) Those gorgeous red leaves! Sweet sheep :)

    1. Thanks a lot. Coffee is always a bright spot! Have a good weekend!

  32. oh what a rough start of a day you had:- and no coffee to get you through it without going out for it:(. Glad it was a nice day - you have some really beautiful photos of autumn, and I always adore the animals.
    Gorgeous piece of art- it reminds me of a Native American woman with her eagle- great symbolism. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. That's exactly what it was meant to be! Happy PPF and have a great weekend, stay safe!

  33. Oh my goodness! Thursday sounds like a complete nightmare! I hope today went better for you Valerie.
    Your art looks amazing. I think I decided to give this one a miss, but you are doing really well to keep up.
    Your photos are fantastic, love the sheep.
    Have a good evening,
    Alison xx

    1. It was a nightmare! Today was okay, though! I am determined to try everything, even the things I don't like! Have a great weekend!

  34. Lovely art and photos. I like the sheep with the big belly.

    1. Thanks Lin. I love watching the sheep! Have a great weekend!

  35. Good afternoon, beautiful fall photos-my favorite is the sheep and the bridge with the red foliage hanging down-looks like a painting.
    glad your electricity was not off super long- Happy Friday and weekend Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I was happy the electricity was only off for 7 hours. Everything here is electric, nothing works without it! The little bridge over the moat is really pretty!

    2. that is how our lake house is set up too-electric and all fiber everything else with the electric co op I want to get the stove switched over to gas one day but I can always cook outdoors over a fire too. that was a beautiful bridge

    3. An alternative is always good. Perhaps I could cook on my balcony, that would be fun! It might be dangerous, though!

  36. I love the soulful look in your Eagle wisdom lady's eyes. I could never do without my coffee in the morning!!

    1. Thinks June, you are a girl after my own heart. Life only begins after coffee! Have a great weekend!

  37. Really nice sketch! And you click gorgeous photos! Always. Stay blessed.

    1. Thanks Tarang! Have a safe and blessed weekend.

  38. Baaaa, baaa! What fun to see the sheep!!! I do love your painying too! Always a pleasure to visit you!

    1. Thanks. I'm always happy when I see the sheep. Happy PPF! Stay safe!

  39. Now that's a wretched start to any day.I hope the heat was restored soon enough. Love all the pieces here and all the photos but my heart melts with every photo of the sheep.They are my favorites!

    1. Still no heating! The rest is back again. Those sheep are cute, huh!

  40. That's a stunning painting - her power and wisdome are so clear in her eyes and her whole facial expression and posture. I love her. It sounds as though you needed all your power and wisdom to accept the events of Thursday... and seeing the comment above, I really hope you get some heating back soon. It's started to turn really chilly here now, especially at night. At least you can boil water for hot water bottles, I hope, and coffee of course!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! It's chilly outside, and almost as chilly inside, but hey, with a warm coat, plenty of coffee and a hottie at night it's bearable!

  41. Bardzo podoba mi się namalowany przez ciebie portret kobiety. Piękne fotografie. Milego tygodnia.:)

  42. Beautiful art!
    And your photos are stunning as always.
    I hope you've slept better at the weekend!

    1. Thanks so much, have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  43. I love the photos of the sheep Valerie! :) Oh I think you need a generator just for coffee emergencies! :)

    1. Thanks - I think it would be cheaper to buy a take away coffee!

  44. I hope everything gets fixed where you live, very soon! I love your red hair lady and her bird and the quote! Beautiful! I love the way you capture everything in your pictures! That fungus is weird! LOL! Big Hugs!


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