Monday 5 October 2020

T sTands for This, That and The oTher

 Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a mixed media piece  made using a tutorial from  Shilpa Lalit at Tam's Lifebook Taster seesions. I enjoyed making this, and loved the colours she chose. All went well till I spilled my water glass over it, and after that I did my best to mop it up and repair, but didn't have time to re-do it. I am also linking to Chris' 'hold the line' challenge at AJJ, as this is full of lines:

I started off by drawing the lines and colouring the background:

In spite of the mishap, it was a beautiful lesson and I enjoyed painting it.

Today we are also starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Pinky is hosting with the theme 'trees'. This is my first tag, and I have put my painted fox from last Friday into it:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party  so here a warm welcome to all the nice ladies who visit. My neighbour brought me this delicious pastry because I had taken in a parcel for her:

My drink was cappuccino - what else?

Some pics from London:

Putting a lid on Covid:

Various photos from the past days, not in the right order anymore, Blogger went creative. Anyway, who needs order?

Beautiful, spooky night scenes:

Perfumed candles give comfort:

Love these grasses:

Venus and Mercury:

More spooky moon pics:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful new painting and the colors are so vibrant. The little fox fits the new theme very nicely. Terrific signs about and beautiful photos as always ~ Blessings on the rest of your week

    1. Thanks Karen. I couldn't resist popping the fox in! Glad you enjoyed the funny signs. Have a great week!

  2. Your moon photos are stunning! They capture the atmosphere of the season so beautifully. My mother did a lot of art work and she had a firm rule: no drinks near the work surface! You made me think of her today -- next week would have been her 110th birthday.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. Your Mother was right, and it's something I tell myself all the time, and it still happens. I'm glad it was just water and not coffee! I love the moon, and always need to take pics. Have a great week!

  3. I also watched this, and thought I might try it someday. I am not good with drawing, so my lotus flowers might look more like tulips (grin). Despite the mishap, this turned out well. Beautiful in fact.

    Your tree is adorable. I love how you added that fox from the taster series, too. I really like yours. Tree, too.

    I was in the process of updating a post when blogger turned me from a legacy blogger to a hot mess. I will be very upset if my photos are out of order, but I'm glad they don't bother you. My favorite photos are the moon shots. They are mesmerizing.

    I love the pastry your friend made you. It looks yummy. I also like how you treat yourself to cappuccinos even at home. And you even have little candies/chocolates to go with it.

    I LOVE the photos from London. They are so clever and go quite well with T this Tuesday, too. Thanks for sharing your awesome art, your tag, your photos, and your cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday.

    BTW, just because I also learned the proper way to make tea doesn't mean I'm giving up coffee, either. It just means I had stamps that fit nicely with Chris's theme at AJJ!

    1. Thanks E. Having the right stamps is a good excuse to write about tea! I don't think I have any tea stamps, but lots of coffee ones! That pastry was yummy, and with fresh redcurrants! Have a wonderful day!

  4. I'm watching the Life Book Taster lessons too. That's as far as I've gotten. Your fox is fabulous!

    Great drink signs (and signs of the time) from London. I love the grasses photos too. The first one would look beautiful on a wall. Very calming - something we need these days. I can see you're getting n a Halloween mood with the spooky moon photos.

    I'm sorry I couldn't get a printed page tag done for the last Tag Tuesday challenge. When you see my T-post, I hope you'll understand why. I'll try again, though my mother always warned that, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. Don't worry about not getting things done, I know we all have a lot to do. And that road to hell is one I seem to tread all too often! Have a great week, happy T Day!

  5. Sorry to hear about the spilled water on your artwork- but it does look beautiful so hopefully it was okay in the end. :) Also- the piece with the fox looks very fall-like. The spooky night pictures and other pictures from your travels were great. I had to laugh at the bar sign with drinking for three. Too funny! Thanks for sharing and hope all is well. :)

    1. Thanks Jess. That barkeeper was sure very inventive and clever, I hope he gets the right people! Have a great week!

  6. I like the colours in your art-work.
    I think your moon photographs are wonderful and perfect for this season.

    Have a happy Tuesday.

    All the best Jan

  7. Beautiful colours in your art work, love that first one and tour tree tag. Great pastry!! I enjoyed your photos, just love the sign outside the pub.

    1. Thanks a lot, glad you found things to enjoy! Have a wonderful week!

  8. I did catch some of Shilpa's video and would love to have the time to do that one. Your piece is so very lovely! And I love how you used your fox to make a tag.
    What a yummy looking pastry gift- and yes, coffee or cappuccino with it please:)
    Super photos all around! Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I think I'll make you a cappuccino, I'm sure you'd enjoy that! Lifebook is fun, but time consuming, no time for house**rk! Have a great week!

  9. Beautiful painting Valerie, and I couldn't see the mishap at all-that is always so frustrating when that happens.
    I really like your tag too, and the pastry was such a thoughtful gift-and with coffee.
    You have such a creative eye for your photos-I really loved them-Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks a lot Kathy! Yes, mishaps are frustrating. Have a wonderful week, take care!

  10. Lovely page in spite of mishap. The thank you cake looks good. Interesting bar sign.

  11. your mixed media page is stunning (despite the mishap!), a lovely piece of art. and i LOVE the tree tag, especially the colorful cat! love the pastry and i got a chuckle from the signs at the bar. i guess they REALLY want everyone to have a drink! beautiful photos as always. have a lovely week. xo

    1. Thanks Michele. Those signs made me laugh, too. A friend sent them. Have a wonderful and safe week!

  12. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep. LOVE your art, as always, both the beautiful tag with your fox and the exotic piece, so lovely. I loved those photos with the signs and reason for drinking a cocktail! Who needs a reason? Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Have a great day, hopefully a quiet one, look after yourself! Hugs to all!

  13. Thanks Laurie. That pastry was wonderful, I wish I had one every day, but then I wouldn't get my jeans on! Have a great week!

  14. Schön und faszinierend deine Seiten, sie gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut wieder.
    Ach und so das erleben mit deinen Fotoserien macht wieder Spass udn beschaulich.
    Schönen Dienstag wünsche ich dir, liebe Grüsse Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir einen guten Morgen! Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen und gesunden Tag!

  15. What a lovely vibrant work of art, love the fox and your gorgeous blues...great pics. xx

  16. Lovely photos, but I can't stop howling with laughter at the sign outside the pub. Great way to begin the day with a deep belly laugh! Your fox looks so sweet on the tag, and honestly, I cannot see where you spilled the water. {I use a pot bellied jar for water which is very difficult to knock over as it shifts the centre of gravity, probably jinxed that now!} Have a super day! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, and glad it gave you a good laugh, always something positive! I had to rework the left side of the painting, it was better before, but no use crying over spilled water! It was my drinking water I knocked over! Have a nice day!

  17. Love what you did with your fox!

  18. Another interesting art work VJ ... Loved all the clicks

  19. Good day Valerie: I hope that you are well, hale, hearty, happy and full of the joy of life. I am quite sure I have never begun a comment on a blog quite like that! It is quite clear that I should pay a visit to my neighbour. I recently took in a package for him, and he didn't give me sweet treats. A mere thank you was quite sufficient mind you until I saw what rewards you received for this simple act of kindness. I would throw a tantrum and stamp my feet, but I'd probably just hurt them! I got a real chuckle out of the London signs. Did you recently visit there or were these garnered from the internet? It's amazing what comes up sometimes when you search. There are birds called tits, and boobies and you can imagine what you get to see if you google those beauties! Your dark, foreboding skies are spooky indeed. I expect to see valkyries emerging from behind the clouds, or at the very least a witch on a broomstick. Halloween, of course is not far off, but I expect that door-to-door trick or treating by the children will not take place during COVID. We will be running a Bioblitz this coming weekend and normally we would give each participant a name badge as a means of identification, but also as a little souvenir of the event. This year, because it involves transferring a badge from one person to another we will not be doing it. Damn COVID! Until tomorrow, hugs and kisses from Canada. David

  20. Oh dear! Send our helper over, please, if she could delete a few of the things I have stuffed into every corner, that would be great indeed!

  21. The neighbours here are all nice. As I'm more home than those who work, I am THE hot tip for all of the delivery services. The man from DHL post says there's a note in the van saying 'If not there, Try Mrs Tups'!! And the neighbours think the need to kep me sweet by bringing pastries, choccie and plants! Good deal, huh?! Yes, the tone here seems to be getting wilder. I have tits pecking at fat balls and trying to pick the nuts out here! Sorry you will have to alter some things in your BIOBLITZ ( nice name!) Covid alters a lot for us. I always love the dark and moody skies, very autumny, and getting me into the mood for Halloween, which will hardly take place this year. I will make myself a witch's brew and fly to the moon alone, I'm already batty so that should help! Have a great day, hugs to you both!

  22. Putting a lid on covid - yes for sure
    Happy Tuesday Valerie, your tags and lotus art are lovely


    much love...

  23. Lovely artwork and photos. Fantastic spooky moon photos. Happy T-Day!

    1. Thanks Annie, happy T Day and have a good week!

  24. Wow - fabulous florals - if you hadn't mentioned the spill, I'd have assumed it was light and shadow falling across the scene. The tag is really lovely too - those slender tree branches and that wonderful fox. Beautiful photos as always... I always feel like I've had a day out when I visit one of your posts!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! You always visit my Queendom of Balconia-by-the-Rhine when you come to my blog, glad you like it!

  25. That's a wonderful piece, water spills or not. There is something tranquil about it. I also love the tag and the new theme. Trees are a good topic.You're neighbor was sweet to bring you that treat. It does look yummy. And I love the grass photos also. I haven't seen venus or mercury for a bit but Mars is really been visible here. Love your star photo too. Hope you're having a great day! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Trees is a good theme, that's true. Have a great day!

  26. If you hadn’t mentioned you had a mishap, I don’t think it would have been noticed. The colors are so vibrant. Cute tag. Looks like all the colored leaves showed up in the always, beautiful photos. My favorite is the misty morning. Lucky you to have such nice neighbors that know how to bake delicious goodies. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I do have nice neighbours, that's true, and they are quiet and well behaved, too! Happy T Day, take care!

  27. Love the page and your tag. Great work and lovely photos.

  28. Fabulous page, I loved seeing how it came together too! The autumnal tag is delightful with the little fox - gorgeous 😁. The pastry looks so yummy and the London signs are such fun! Thanks for the smiles and sending Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  29. laughing at the sings! professional drinkers! Our moon is spooky dark red every night from the smoke from out of control fires... that pastry looks so good...

    1. Well, I think I could be classed as a professional coffee drinker! Happy T Day!

  30. All kinds of fun and wonders today. The bar signs are a hoot. Love your pieces. Stay safe. Be healthy.

  31. It's funny because before I read about your mishap, your page put me in mind of a beautiful underwater scene. I just didn't know how under water it was. :D

    1. It really was under water. Luckily it's a good water-colour paper, or it would have been completely ruined!

  32. Beautiful artworks today Valerie, the colours are wonderful, and what a gorgeous fox! The London photo's made me smile, I would definitely not be welcome as I certaintly can't drink for 3 lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I wouldn't be welcome either as I can't even drink for 1, unless it's coffee on offer! Have a great week!

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  34. What a shame you spilt water on your work. But I haven't really noticed. You can definitely get away with that one.
    That pastry looks delicious. That was kind of her.
    Your photos from London were funny. Did you go there recently? No, probably not.
    Beautiful moon photos and grasses. I always enjoy your photos.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Yes, it was a shame, and washed part of the colour away, but that's life! No, I wasn't in London. I haven't been anywhere for many years. A friend sent the pics. Happy T Day!

  35. A very beautiful page Valerie and I love the tag, your fox looks so cute on it! Fantastic photos today, that Warning beer sign is sooo funny, love the pictures of the spooky moon too! Take care, Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, it was fun putting the fox into the Tag. Have a great week, stay safe!

  36. Your artwork is always lovely but your tag is fantastically beautiful!
    Love the beer did my hubby 🍻🍺

    Hugs ☕

  37. The pastry looks delicious. I got a kick out of the signs :) The spooky night skies are perfect for the season. Happy T Tuesday!

  38. I'd take in my neighbor's packages every day if that was the "reward." Looks fabulous!

  39. Valerie I would never have known there was a spill on your art. It is beautiful. Well done on the fix. The tag is fun and beautiful. My favorite photo to day the the (beer) sign. Cracked me up. Lovely spooky photos and those grasses are amazing.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Those signs are really fun! Stay safe!

  40. I loved seeing your taster session project. I will definitely have to watch that lesson. I think it turned out beautifully despite your spilled water. I also spied your adorable fox from the first lesson. So adorable. I am still working on mine. With so many lessons in 2 weeks, I don't have enough time to finish them all.
    Loved seeing the pictures of your London trip. Lots of interesting signs.
    I bet your pastry was delicious! Looks like the perfect accompaniment to a cappuccino.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! It was a beautiful and meditative project, I liked it. I have kept up with all of the lessons so far. Happy T day!

  41. Your artwork turned out beautifully, and you can't tell there was and accident spill.
    Your food looks good and yummy. All your photos are beautiful; I had to show my hubby the sign about drinking for three. Made us laugh. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon. Glad you enjoyed the fun pics, we need some laughter just now!

  42. I love the spooky moon pictures.
    And that you learned from the art.
    That's the best.
    The drinking sign was funny.

    1. Thanks Ivy. It's always good when we can learn, even if it's only from our mistakes - everything helps! Have a great day!

  43. Just had a lovely visit and as always lots of lovely photos to look at as well as the fantastic art pages, spilling liquids is never a good thing but you cannot spot any mishap to your page.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! Great to see you again. Have a great week. Hugs!

  44. Beautiful art and photos! Lovely to see your little fox again Valerie! xx

    1. Thanks Alison. That fox will be turning up often!

  45. I have no idea why but my comment didn't publish - glad I came back to see if you had left a reply comment! I love the journal page, such fabulous colours as well as those lovely drawn lines! I love that you used your little fox on your tag! The London photos are great but that the sunflower and those fabulous black seedheads against the grasses are my favourite photos! Cappuccino for me too, especially with pastry or chocolate biscuit! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, sunflowers and grasses are always beautiful! Stay safe!

  46. What gorgeous flowers - they remind me of waterlilies and I could imagine them with texture paste on them outlined in silver, like a stained glass window. But then I think the other drawings are very Indian themed so i think of them as Lotus flowers also. Whatever they are beautiful and it is a beautiful page. No mistakes here.
    I adore your Mr Fox, what beautiful colouring - and i love the tag he is sitting on.
    As for the photographs, well, what can one say? There are some beauties there with some funnies mixed in. So good to see a sense of humour during this time of doom and gloom we suffer each time we switch on the TV. I feel sorry for the small bars and cafes if they have to close. You stay safe and well.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I think they are supposed to be Lotus flowers, but your suggestion sounds good. A lot of bars and cafes have big problems just now, a lot won't survive, but humour helps!

  47. Absolutely beautiful mixed media work Valerie. I wish I could create that type of project. Your tag is just gorgeous. I love the fox!! Your posts made me smile today and I love the put a lid on it window painting! Have a great weekend Valerie xx


  48. Of course, my favorite picture is the food! How sweet of your neighbor to bring it. The bar signs are hysterically creative and fun! Love your spooky sky and cool grasses too.

    On your creations, I love the colors, backgrounds, and images. The fox is especially cool - so colorful and pretty. You are so creative. Hugz

  49. Thanks Nancy. Those bars signs I really funny, I laughed so much when my friend sent them to me! Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  50. Loving your Tag..especially the fox, he is fab.
    As always your post has some gorgeous the new blog header with the gold of those trees..just so pretty xx

    1. Thanks, I had so much fun painting that fox! Have a safe week!

  51. Just love your tag, the background is great and the fox fits in perfectly.
    Hugs Wendy

  52. I love both art pieces! I can't tell you spilled your water! LOL! Love your spooky moon photos and I love that grass too! That pastry looks so good with your coffee! Big Hugs!


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