Monday 24 July 2023

T sTands for Time flies

Hi Everybody! 

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I had a restful Satuday, did some crafting and painting  in the afternoon, and just had fun!! On Sunday I went with 2 friends, Heike and Anna to Pizeria Roma. We all had delicious meals, and drank our usual non alcoholic beer, and then cappuccino afterwards. Then we  came back to my place, and yes, we had cappuccino again, made by me this time. And we had time for a good natter  before Anna had to drive home.

And for Alisons's come fly with me challenge at AJJ I have an 8x8" journal page.I painted the bird, and placed it on a watercoloured background. The frame is from Serif, it was even a freebee!

This evening we wil be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, and I have lots of drinks in my pictures.And here the pictures from our visit to the restaurant. Anna is holding her beer, and mine looks huge as it was near the camera:

And of course, Heike is saying 'Prost' to you all:

And I can't have a post without coffee:

Here I have some more earrings to show you:

And some thinkies/ funnies

My balcony garden is still doing well:

That's all for today!
Have a happy T Day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by.

Saturday 22 July 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's to a happy weekend for us all. I'm planning on resting, reading, painting, eating, chatting atc. Sounds good to me! 

I made this very large painting (A1) way back in 1995. I was in a painting group, and we each got a quote to paint. The original quote, from Luciano De Crescenzo was: ' We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another'. Somehow this appealed to me, so I made this huge painting using acrylics and diluted acrylics. I don't think I would paint it like this today, but it is as it is - perhaps I will try a new one, as I don't really like this one anymore. As I haven't shown this before I am linking to Alison's 'come fly with me' challenge at AJJ:

And some more photos from 10 years ago, this is the third installment, and all some of my fave places:

This is a lake nearby:

The stream next to our house - with Canada Geese for David:

Men working in the stream, clearing away garbage and some of the plants so it doesn't get blocked up:

The Fire brigade ship:

Stairs leading to nowhere - they used to lead to the old mill. They were made from window supports taken from the castle ruins many, many years ago:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 

Friday 21 July 2023

Flight, Flowers and Faces

Hi Everybody!

Another week  has raced by, and I got next to nothing done . The next week has to be better! (???) Today is Nicole's FFF and Gillena's AFFF But first I have a piece made for Alison's Come fly with me challenge at AJJ, made with the help of AI,  and a few added embellishments. AI is something I find very fascinating but also very scary: 

My heads:

Looks like I forgot to comb my hair. This was taken back in 2015. Funny, I have the same shirt on today!

This was also made years ago:
A collage with photos of my late husband and me as babies:

This was made in one of the Lifebook taster sessions 2 years back from a lesson with Cinnamon Cooney, I LOVE her ideas:

This was also from LB:

And some faces as funnies and thinkies:

Has he got a bad conscience!?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!