Monday 25 March 2019

T sTands for birds, nesTs and eggs:

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time I am hosting. My chosen theme is 'Birds, nests and eggs',  a springtime theme that is very dear to me, as I love to watch the birds nesting in this busy time. I made a large (10") tag, which was painted with acrylics and metallic paint. The nest was made from dried grass and twigs. The heart is a chipboard one, painted and stamped. The little birds bringing home nesting material are vintage German scrap. The eggs were bought at the Euro shop. I sewed the edges with some crazy stitching:

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, play with paint

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to the ladies of the T gang who visit here. I drank my coffee outside last market day, and was able to listen to the sound of the carillon bells playing from the tower and watch all the market activity:

The flowers were especially beautiful:

Some photos from my walks:

The water in the Rhine is now almost back to normal:


This is the lovely prize I won from Simon Says Blog a few weeks back. It took a week to get to Germany from the states, and then the German customs kept it for nearly three weeks....

Sorry, can't write much just now, my fingers are still very painful.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Wildlife, water and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Time is flying by, as always - lots to do, uncooperative fingers that don't want to do anything, and so once again the dreaded housew*** has been the loser.

Today I am sharing the last of the tags I made for Wilma's 'rabbits and hares' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I am glad I always work well in advance, or I wouldn't have had anything for this challenge, or for next week, when I will be hosting. This was made with illustrations from the wonderful Mr Whiskers collage sheet:

This is another of the A3 ( 12 x 18")collages made at art group in past weeks.
I like working in this size better than with smaller pieces. 

I started with a gessoed and painted background onto which I collaged and stitched various pieces of textiles and paper. The piece in the middle is parchment smeared with distress inks when I was trying out colour combos many moons ago:

The next layer was to collage scraps of TH tissue and paper napkins:

 Then I added some colourful tissue pieces from Jane Davenport. I love how the substrate changes the texture and shows through. The last step was to add some colourful dots and spots:

The face looks rather ghostly over the black netting:

I love experimenting with pieces like this, not having any particular theme in mind, just playing. I am linking to Paint Party Friday

The Rhine is very full again, I hope we don't get too much flooding this time.

The stream leading to the Rhine is very full:

You can usually see the arch underneath the bridge, but it's filled up. In last year's flood the water went over the bridge:

Some enjoy the abundance of water:

Have a great day, take care,
ad thanks a lot for coming by!