Saturday 18 February 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all good weekend! I'm looking forward to some time to relax, paint, read and to go with a friend for a nice Sunday dinner at my fave restaurant here.

Today I am linking another piece to Erika's seeing red challenge at AJJ. I found a huge sheet of paper (A1) in the art room which had been used as an underlay for a water colour piece and then discarded. I loved the coloured stains on this half of the paper, and decided to paint on it. There was also a white ring made with something like structure paste on it. I used the white ring as part of my eye, added a nose and a big, red mouth and painted lightly over some parts with a very diluted indian yellow. I had a lot of fun making this, just playing on a used sheet of paper, and it was very relaxing. I stamped 'vision'. The quote written along the right side is:'Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others'

Some of the lovely decorations in the clinic:

And some Funnies / Thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 16 February 2023

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We have had nice weather here, warm enough to sit out in the sun or walk around and see the first flowers springing up. I made this large heart for a friend for Valentine's day. She was sad because her late husband had always sent her a Valentine, and can't do it anymore. So I made her one, and it made her very happy. Here I have magicked it onto a journal page with flowers. The words were written by St Paul and can be found in the first book of Corinthians. I am also lining to Erika's seeing red challenge at AJJ:


Some faces to link to Nicole's FFO on Friday:

I love watching the day begin:

The first blossom I have seen this year:

Daffodils almost in bloom:

Clumps of snow drops everywhere:

Blue skies:

Crocuses are blooming, too:

But the good weather is supposed to be leaving us soon :(
 It has been a nice week up to now, so I'm thankful for that! 
I am also linking to Gillena's Friday art fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 13 February 2023

T sTands for Trying Hard

Hi Everybody!

Have a great, new week, stay well and fit! I was at home for Saturday and Sunday, which was a nice change. I had left lots of chaos behind me when packing for the clinic, so I tried to clear it away and tidy up and clean in general. By the time I was finished it look like a new apartment, but I was knocked out. Now I'm back in my room at the clinic, and am planning a very early night to recover! But it will be nice to go back to a clean and tidy place when I leave here!

Today I am sharing a collage using lots of red for Erika's  seeing red challenge at AJJ:

My dry goods cupboard before:

And after:

Some of the things I threw out were rather outdated, the oldest one was from 1997!

Forgot to take a before pic here, perhaps just as well!

My cabinet doors are covered with cards and posters:

My lovely daffs:

There was an article in our local newspaper about the Super Bowl, and the images have been projected onto our townhall walls:

This evening we wil also start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink link party, so a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang:

Looking forward to summer:

This cat always roams free through our little town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!