Thursday 18 August 2022

Thursday/Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well. It is cooler than last week, but still very hot, and still no rain: The Rhine is shrinking day by day, the fields are all parched - so sad. But I now have a good fan at home, which helps a lot. Thanks to my good friend Sarah who sent it to me!

Today I have another page to share for Chris's 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. I know I showed you another elephant already,  but this was actually  the first one I made. And there's another one in the making, sort of Hippie style. I was fascinated by elephants when I was younger, and I know I told you about  riding one, and if I ever get the chance I will do so again. I am also sharing to Friday Face Off   and  Gillena's Friday Fun:

This is beautiful, too!

Yesterday I went with my friend Heike into 'town'. She had an appointment at the doctor's, and while she was there I went round and took photos. Afterwards we had a drink here near the Rhine, Heike chose cappuccino and I had an alcohol free white beer, as I was really parched! The wasps kept trying to share our drinks, too!

This is our police station, usually open twice a week for a couple of hours:

Beaches where none were before - at the moment there are only 32cms water in the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say that today is a tad cooler, it's cloudy, and doesn't feel so scorching. Today I 'only' have 28° inside, and although that's still hot, it feels wonderful in comparison to the weekend. The pieces I am showing today were made during one of the lessons in the Kaleidascope taster, and I think it was from Jenny Grant, but I really can't remember. We made a large masterboard collage using recycled paper or card and were supposed to cut it into 4 pieces. But I decided to cut mine into several different pieces:

This was one of my fave pieces:

I like the face and flowers, too:

This was just a smear of black paint put on with a scraper and somehow it looked like a figure:

This one was sort of tag shape:

I like this one, too, although it's not straight:

I added some gold wax which I wiped on to give some shine:

And as I couldn't sleep because of the heat I was on the balcony and took pics of the sunrise. I was happy to see the clouds, but we haven't had a drop of rain. The Rhine is only 43cms deep just now, and we have 'islands in the stream' as well:

And a couple of funnies:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 15 August 2022

T sTands for Too HoT!

Hi Everybody!

It's still sweltering here, and sitting at home by 34° inside is no fun. I keep taking cold showers to keep me going! Today I have another tag for my spots and stripes challenge at Tag Tuesday, and you still have a week to join in!

And this journal spread is meant for Chris's 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. I disovered them in an old book from my childhood. They are very tatty, but brought back some fun memories:

And this evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday challenge, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. This is one of my strange paintings made some time back - sorry, the writing is hard to read!

Now I cannot understand this game:

Sorry, not much chit-chat today, I am just totally exhausted and everything is difficult just now. I feel like I've hit rockbottom, so now the only way is UP!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 13 August 2022

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Greetings from another scorching hot day here, I slowly have the feeling that the world is changing rapidly!

Today I have a piece to share for Chris's 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. This time I have a spread from my 'left-over' journal. When I have paint, or images or other things left over they get put here. I don't try to paint nicely or do a lot with intent, it's just used spontaneously:

On the left is a photo of me with curly hair, I remember begging my sister to curl it for me. and I know we were invited to a picnic. I used this (shocking) photo of me with a few stickers and some leftover pieces that fitted. The photo on the right side was one in my folder, I don't know who the kids are. Sorry about the the very bad handwriting, that's the best I can do these days!

We had such a beautiful full moon this week, here you can see the lovely moon accompanied by the planet Saturn;

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!