Thursday 5 August 2021

New challenge at MMM - Thursday / Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.  We are still having very erratic weather here, but in comparison to what's happening at other places with huge fires and other catastrophes, it's nothing. This has been a chaotic summer all over the world, and I hope things soon quieten down. And people are still saying there is no such thing as climate change....Rich people are going on trips into space, and enormous amounts of money are being spent on it, and here on earth there are still millions without water, health care, food and hope.

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media Challenge Blog. As always, our challenges are anything mixed media goes with an optional colour challenge. This time it's bright. And as always, you have 4 weeks to join us. I made an A3 mixed media piece using bright and happy colours. The background was painted and then textured with a brayer. I collaged the girl - cut from a magazine - and the paper napkin flowers. I added some flower-stickers and a bee, and cut the text from various magazines. I am also linking to Neet's 'type' challenge at AJJ:

And I have another tag for Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Some photos from Wednesday's cloudy walk:

The bees were busy buzzing around the buddleia:

Some signs warning people not to walk through the building site. And I'm re-showing some pics of the big hole in the road that opened after the heavy rains as I am linking to Rain's TAD, holes and ditches:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

It's midweek already, time is flying by so quickly.

Today I have another journal page to share for Neet's challenge at AJJ. This time I have used an 8 x 8" background. Here I used paper from vintage books and documents to cut the figures. But don't worry, I didn't use the real thing - I made copies of the papers first! I had fun making this quick and easy page. The sentiment was added digitally, my fingers are not being cooperative just now:

The road here is still a building site, and will stay that way for a long time:

Neigbour's flowers:

By the lake:

The path through the trees is very overgrown and narrow just now:

I love the lush green everywhere:

The path on the right is for the horses:

So much to see and enjoy:

The blackberries are ripening:

The seeds were blowing in the wind:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


Tuesday 3 August 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT, and our theme is keep it simple. Sounds simple, and is hard for me as I'm not good at this sort of creating, I'm more of a 'the more the merrier type'.  I made an A3 mixed media piece. The background was painted and textured with green and yellow acrylics, and then I added the blobs. The flowers on the right were collaged with a paper napkin, the text was created using types cut from magazines and collaged.

It started off with this background:

Then I added the flowers using matte medium:

And then the words:

I am also linking to Neet's challenge at AJJ, where her theme is type.

And I have some photos taken from my balcony at the weekend. We had lots of rain and cloudy skies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!