Thursday 8 July 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody.

Time is flying and the weekend is coming nearer, where does the time go?

Today I am joining Rain at her Thursday Art Date where the theme is criss cross. I remembered that I made a book full of pen and ink drawings back in 2011 when I joined in a challenge to do 75 drawings in 75 days, so here are a selection of them, all of them with cross hatching. I used to enjoy drawing with pen and ink, but my fingers are too shaky these days. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Mostly I used objects from my work-desk:

This is supposed to be a magpie:

I still use these scissors for fussy cutting:

This was a penknife which belonged to my husband:

Some keys:

Bach  rescue drops are a homeopathic remedy:

I still have the watch, but usually use my Fitbit these days:

The pliers are very old and heavy, but still work well:

This is a brush concealed in a casing so it looks like a fountain pen, great for keeping camera-lenses dust free:

Some of my equipment:

A small, bronze bowl for incense:

And last but not least, I have a tag for my vintage challenge at Tag Tuesday -a Christmas tag- Black card from an old calendar, background paper from G45 and a vintage Christmas scrap:

Now it's back to the farm, where we continued our walk:

If you are still awake, congratulations, you have reached the end!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well!

Today I have another journal page for Alison's  summer country challenge  at  AJJ.  The background was hand painted, the figures and flowers were added digitally.

I have some more photos from the farm I showed yesterday. There is also a museum showing old household implements and machines, and vintage toys:

I loved the chickens and roosters, the hens ran squawking away every time one of the roosters came near!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!