Monday 12 October 2020

T sTands for loTs of This and That

Hi Everyone!

Here's wishing us all a good and safe week in these hard times. I spent a lot of time at the weekend making things for the Lifebook taster course. in this lesson from Effy Wild, where we created a little art book. I didn't have art cards in this size - 4 x 4" - so used coasters. The front of each page is a little collage, and this one is with my fave drink - coffee - what else?

I pasted designer paper on the back of each page with a sentiment:

This was my fave collage:

This was a fun course, and I will make more pages for my book as it's a good way to use up some of those odds and ends of scraps which seem to multiply each night in their box.

One of Sunday's lessons was to paint a happy cat with Cinnamon Cooney, also known as the Art Sherpa. I used an 8" x 8" square canvas. I am linking to Chris's 'Hold the line' challenge at AJJ, here the fly is holding the line:

And as this evening is also the begin of Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, I have some coffee flavoured photos for you:

I drank my coffee here again last week:

The geese and swan are pics from my best neighbour, Wolfgang, who takes me shopping with him once a week to pick up the groceries. There are a lots of delightful photos from him, and I will show you them in the course of the week:

My walks were, as always, round about our little town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 10 October 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy, safe and healthy weekend. The Corona Infections are on the rise again here, things are starting to look grim.

Today I am sharing 2 pieces made in the taster course at Lifebook. This was made after the beautiful lesson from Eris Klein, using water colours, pencils and pastels. Once again, I was not really happy with it, and will try it again when I have more time, but it was fun to work on:

This was made after Nicole Warrington's wonderful course 'Nature's Palette'. First we were sent out to take a walk and bring some 'bits of nature' home. I was only too happy to oblige and walked along the Rhine collecting feathers, stones, shells, seaweed and some leaves. Then we were asked to paint some shapes - I chose ovals - using the colours of the things we had collected. I found the shapes looked a bit like eggs, so added some speckles using walnut powder:

This was a very peaceful piece to make. I am linking both pieces to Chris' lines challenge at AJJ:

And here some photos from our little town:

A headless Nile goose:

At Castle Kalkum:



More pics from the farm shop:

The heron at the stream:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!
See you on Monday!