Wednesday 19 August 2020

Midweek Post

 Hi Everybody!

The weather here has cooled down a bit, and I'm happy to have temperatures under 28° in my apartment. We still have a few hot days on their way, but when they are through, it should - hopefully - be back to 'normal' weather, for which I will be very thankful!  I managed 2 short walks today, which is a great improvement - things are looking up, slowly but surely. But I till need a lot of patience! 

Today I have an A3 mixed media  page in my large journal to share.  I am not really happy with, but it's done now and will just have to stay as it is! We all have to live with our faults! I put a little tag on it, so I am linking to Alison's  tags and pockets challenge at AJJ:

And for Michele's Alice challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another Alice tag:

As I couldn't get out to take photos I had to let nature come to me, and was happy to have some wonderful skies to enjoy!

Early morning:

We had lots of clouds but not much rain, just a few drops:

And yesterday evening we had a wonderful rainbow which glowed for more than an hour till it got dark: 

The pigeons sat in 'their' tree to watch it:

A magpie came by for a short visit:

The rainbow faded slowly:

The clouds were coloured by the last rays of the setting sun:

All in all, a wonderful evening at home!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot or coming by!

Tuesday 18 August 2020

T sTands for TIOT and more

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -  splash and splatter. This sounds like fun, doesn't it!? As always, projects of all formats are welcome and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Hope to see YOU there! For more ideas and inspiration visit our blog and see what my teamies have made!

I looked deep into my head(s) to find this theme....The heads were cut from an A3 painted, splashed and collaged piece using my stencil. I stitched around the edges before collaging some bits and bobs from Jane Davenport and some words. The dream-catcher is there to catch thoughts I don't like or need....I glued the heads to  a painted page in my large journal. And if you look at the last image you will see a special edition with a tag to link to Alison's tags and pockets challenge at AJJ:

And the tag also links nicely to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday gathering:

Here I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang! I haven't been out much the past few days as I was not well enough to run around. And thanks to all who left me get well wishes on my blog, much appreciated. I am taking things very easy, with just short walks here near where I live, and hope that things will soon be better.
Two weeks ago the waitress in the ice-café where I like to sit and people watch 'upgraded' my order to an ice-coffee. I don't usually drink it as it's too expensive, so this was a nice gesture - and it was delicious:

And I have photos of some beautiful  table ware and more in the shops in our little town:

On Sunday I managed a short walk along the stream next to where I live - I go down one side, cross the bridge and then back along the other side. It's about 2000 steps, not my usual more ambitious walk, but its a start again:

The path on this side is very narrow:

And some more pics from my  'store':

A frog or a prince?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!