Monday 6 April 2020

T sTands for This and ThaT and The neighbour's caT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good. Here it was very quiet - too quiet for my liking - but I kept myself busy with various jobs and crafting most of the time, so that was okay. Hope you are all keeping well and safe in these troubled times.
I was actually outside today - had to visit the doctor early this morning. Anyway, she has said I can go for walks  in the early morning hours when nobody is about, so I will be able to walk a bit through the fields behind the house, which I did today on the way back. It was sooooooooooooo good to be outside. And as I am always up early, long before dawn has even thought about cracking, that will be fine.

I have another hybrid piece for my theme of geometric shapes at AJJ.
I cut more circles and shapes from old paintings and photos, and arranged them in Serif. This sort of work is calming, so quite good just now:

And we are also beginning a new theme at Tag Tuesday, and our wonderful Wendy is hosting. She has chosen the theme of gold and silver, and has some wonderful inspiration on our TT blog. I used some paper painted with gold paint and heat embossed with powders in gold, silver, ice-blue and white. I made a nest for the bird with some dried plant pieces from the garden and feathers from my stash. I'm not sure that this is quite what Wendy wants, but the best I can do just now with the limited gold and silver things I have at home. My intentions were good! (Although we all know where good intentions can lead!) The TT blog goes live this evening:

I am also linking to TIOT, the beauty of nature.

I have been missing going out for my coffees, so here some pics from better days - and the cups and cookies are geometric shapes!

And I got  huge 'care' packet from my friend Sarah, with lots of English food and cookies, as well as a bottle of disinfectant - very important - and some talcum powder. She got it sent to me from a shop in Hamburg which sells British food and products, and it's fun to see some of the brand-names I grew up with and get a taste of childhood again. But I'm afraid those cookies are not lasting long just now.... Thanks Sarah!

And Nathalie bought me a bunch of tulips when she got the shopping last week.
I so love watching them grow in the vase:

We have had some wonderful sunrise scenes each day:

And here the moon rose in the early afternoon:

The pigeons have mostly been practising social distancing:

Not so the blue tits, who love to congregate in big crowds:

And this is the neighbour's cat, spotted in the front garden when I took my garbage down to the container:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 5 April 2020

Geometric shapes -New challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. as always our challenges are anything mixed media goes, with an optional colour extra, which is yellow this month. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and entries of all formats are welcome. You can also win a prize. It would be great to see you there!
This time I had to think carefully, as I needed something which would also fit my theme of geometric shapes which I am hosting at AJJ. I painted an A3 sheet with gesso, which I textured with a swirl stamp while it was still wet. Then I used yellow and orange to paint over it. The circles were added with cosmetic sponges again. I stenciled stars and numerals onto the background, and added the floating ladies. Then I doodled more spots in turquoise and white and added some strips of washi tape. One of the circles was stenciled over with a clock. I have the feeling that we are all sort of floating through time and space just now, not knowing what the outcome of this crisis will be, a sort of suspended reality alone at home. Let's hope it will soon pass! I did some sewing on 2 corners to finish it off :

And to cheer myself up I looked at some of the  bird photos taken in past spring-times on my balcony.

The magpie trying to hide:

The starling:

 The hungry woodpecker:

Blue tits:

The beautiful jay:

The magpie again:

And the ever hungry wood pigeons:

The  jay also has a very good appetite:

Some of the pics are a bit blurry as they were taken through the (not very clean) windows!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 4 April 2020

Circles, squares and colours

Hi Everybody!

Hope all is going as well as possible for you. I'm still 'enjoying' the time in my ivory tower. Nathalie went shopping for me again yesterday, she is a treasure!
I hope you are all managing well!

For Art Journal Journey I have another hybrid piece to share. The circles were all recycled from old art pieces that I cut up and die cut. It was put together  and the sentiment added in Serif:

And once  again I have some nature photos with geometrical and symmetrical shapes:

Have  a great day, take care, stay safe!
And thanks a lot for coming by!