Wednesday 9 October 2019

Beautiful autumn

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We are still enjoying autumnal weather, cool and wet with sunny intervals. I am glad that the rivers and streams are looking more normal now, everything was so dried out and parched after the long, hot summer we had.

Today I have made another tag for Sandie's autumn challenge at Tag Tuesday. I made a large, mixed media tag (11" x 5 1/2"). I found 2 pieces of card which were asking to be used and so I used them.

I have made some step-by-step pics as I am often asked to do this and mostly don't as it takes up too much time!

The background was painted thickly with acrylics in  brown, orange, beige and black and sprinkled with various embossing powders. It was then heated to bubble the paint and melt the EPs:

Then I added some multi-coloured gilding flakes in a few places:

And streaked on a bit of Ranger patina in 2 colours:

I've tipped it slightly here so that you can see the colours and texture better:

Then I painted another, slightly narrower piece with acrylics in black, blue and brown, before adding the EPs and heating and bubbling it. I used this piece to make die-cuts:

I stitched the tag to some recycled black card in spite of the hissy-fits my sewing machine was throwing, and then proceeded to decorate it.

Here you can see the bird on his branch and one of the leaves:

I added some natural bits gathered outside - the leaves were given a coat of clear varnish and some glitter. The red and gold leaves were die-cut from an old painting that I chopped up to recycle:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, Simon Monday Challenge (autumn) and More Mixed Media, anything goes with optional orange.

Beautiful skies:

Strange fungi:

A pigeon in the grass:

Gulls all in a row:

Sunday's walk in the rain:

Under my umbrella:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 7 October 2019

T sTands for a new Tag challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

We had a cold and very wet weekend. Yesterday it didn't stop raining all day, and was windy, too, which made my walks rather difficult. But I'm happy we got the rain, it was really necessary after the hot, dry summer, which seems like a faded memory as I sit here shivering in the cool, morning air!

It's time for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday - we always begin Monday evenings. This time our dear Sandie is back after having time off for her knee operation, so I'm sure you'll join with me in wishing her all the best. Her theme is 'autumn', and anything with autumn colours will make us happy.
I have 5 tags ready and lined up, and am starting with this hybrid tag made with elements from Serif, Mischief circus and me:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday gathering, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit.
On some days I still sat outside to drink my coffee:

But on others I needed to be inside:

This was on Saturday, at another cafe, and you can see me mirrored in the window, well wrapped up in my red fleece jacket:

My friend Nelya came one evening, and I baked this bread ( I made a complete dinner, but forgot to take photos!):

And made a blueberry cream-cheese cake:

And I have some more photos from my visit to Eindhoven  (Holland) with Nathalie:

Lots of bikes in Holland:

Under the railway bridge:

Statues on the bridge:

Another fun shop:

So true! ( Sorry, the pic is a bit fuzzy)

Waiting outside the changing room:

And back home with my new cardigan:

And some pics from the interior of the beautiful church of St Catherine:

That's all for today!
Have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!