Wednesday 21 August 2019

Midweek post and a tag

Hi Everybody!

It's Wednesday already, and I got woken up again this morning by the crows sitting in the tree outside enjoying the sunrise. I never need an alarm!

I have another tag for my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used a left-over piece of painted paper which I cut to shape, matted and sewed. The lettering in the background is from a sheet of very ancient rub-ons I discovered in my recent clear-out. They are hard to rub on as they seem to have dried out! The happy couple are from TH. They are both dancing on music, as they are off to a dance evening, and he has ordered some red roses to be delivered to her there - will he propose? You still have several days to join the challenge!

The weather here has been cooler these past days, with clouds and sunshine and rain, and I enjoyed watching the ever-changing skies. It's going to warm up again over the next few days:

Sunrise this morning:

Nathalie and I went to collect our new spectacles:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 19 August 2019

T sTands for Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

The sun and the crows outside woke me up again this morning, and now I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and enjoying the fresh air. Yesterday was really wet, it rained nearly all day, and you could almost hear the dry earth singing a song of joy. I enjoyed several walks, and hardly saw anyone about, just a few dogs taking their reluctant people for walks.

We still have another week to go at Tag Tuesday, anything goes, and I would love to see more people joining in. So many keep promising to do so and never get around to it, I never know why it's so difficult to make a tag....Big thanks to Erika and Anne who always join in. I have another rather crazy one, made on another piece of the chopped up background I used for the last one, too. I did lots of sewing, added some small embellishments and used a TH image.

I have more tags ready and will show them in the course of the week.

Today is also Elizabeth's  T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely  ladies of the T Gang who visit here. My drink was mostly cappuccino when I was out and about, but I do drink a lot of water at home, and always have a small bottle in my bag to drink in between:

Who ate my cookie before I could take a photo??

And some photos from my rainy walk yesterday, just taken with my cell phone, as my camera does not like wet weather:

I always love how the background melts away on rainy days:

The bridge has disappeared:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 15 August 2019

Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We had showery weather today, it was good to get a bit more rain, we need it so badly. This afternoon was art group, so had a happy time painting and having fun.
Last week I showed you the first side of my large art tote:

Now the second side is finished. I also varnished both sides to make it a bit easier to keep it clean. This time I used rectangles in various colours. The small ones and the dots were made with stencils from CWS and Seth Apter. The wonderful quote is from Nick Bantock:

 I also have a large  (10") tag. I used a painted and collaged piece (13 x 10") and hacked it into 3 pieces to make 3 tags.  I sewed it to some black matting and added a huge butterfly found in my recent clear-up,2 swan feathers picked up in Hofgarten and a sentiment (TH).   Quick and simple!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Tag Tuesday, anything goes.

Nathalie and I had some fun in the castle ruins this week. I'm holding up the rusty arches for Elizabeth:

And last but definitely not least I have some pics from the inside of St Maximilian's church in the Altstadt, usually just called Max Church. It is a beautiful late Baroque building, and offers regular, wonderful organ concerts. The organist was practising as I was there, so that was an added bonus: 

I always light candles for friends near and far when I am there:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!