Wednesday 1 August 2018

2nd on the 2nd and Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

Elizabeth always hosts a 2nd on the 2nd party on the 2nd of the month, where we can show things from previous posts.
I chose one of my van Gogh look-a-likes made 3 years back, painted with acrylics, water colours and pastels. The head was painted on a separate sheet, cut out and collaged onto the background:

For PPF, hosted by Eva and Kristin, I have the last of my blue/green faces. This time I added some stitching to her hair (wish I could do this with my hair to keep it in place!) and a couple of feathers:

Then I layered it digitally and added a quote:

Loved this baby crow:

Various photos taken over the past weeks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 30 July 2018

T stands for Too HoT yet again!

Hi Everybody!

I'm moaning again - it's still much too hot here for my taste, and I was really ill at the weekend because of it, so I'm hoping that sooner or later our climate will get back to normal. But I did notice more people up and about early this morning to get a walk in before it heats up too much.

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at 
Tag Tuesday and this time our lovely Michele has chosen the theme -
You can read more about it at our Tag Tuesday Blog.

This is a difficult theme for me, as I must confess to not really feeling inspired by Bingo, but I did my best, mixed it with Alice and this was the result:

(Images courtesy of Wikipedia)

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a hearty welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. I have 2 photos of some refreshing drinks taken when we made a break at 'The old Ferry' a couple of weeks back. I had cola light and H. had an apple Schorle, which is apple juice mixed with mineral water:

We had some beautiful sunrise scenes again this week:

I counted about 20 people on my walk today - that's a record!

And a visit to the shops -lots of crockery on show!

Summer decorations at the stationer's:

And more pretty cups and beakers:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!