Saturday 24 March 2018

Saturday Mix

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! The sun is trying to come through the clouds today, so I'm hoping for a sunny walk later on.
I have another page for my family journal, using a photo of my Mum and brothers and sisters taken in 1944, a couple of years before I was born:

While I was playing with the bee tag recently, I noticed the words 'Bees and queens', so made 2 hybrid tags showing some 'queens'. For the first I used one of the Gibson girls (stamp from LaBlanche) and a hat from a collage sheet:

Then I decided to go the whole hog and make one with a real crown:

I am linking to Tag Tuesday, spring / Easter.

Some photos taken on various days:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 22 March 2018

Climbing the Magic Mountain

Hi Everybody!

This week has flown by again, and tomorrow it's Friday and time for the weekend and for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.
I have another page in my family journal to share today, using photos from my great Auntie Fanny and my grandparents. I used elements from me and Serif:

On Wednesday G and I went for a great meal at the local Chinese restaurant, where they do a wonderful buffet. I will show the pics of that another day. Afterwards we went to the Magic Mountain, also called Tiger and Turtle, a walkable sculpture from Heike Mutter and  Ulrich Genth. We looked at it recently from the bottom of the hill, and today was the day to walk over it. It was very exciting watching it get larger and larger as we climbed the path up the hill:

There were great views in all directions, of the harbour, the Rhine and the industries that are at home there, and we could see far across the Ruhr Valley:

Here I was getting scared of going up....

And then it was time:

Lots of love-locks:

The loop in the middle is just to look at:

This really was skywalking:

Hope you enjoyed your skywalker trip!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!