Monday 1 January 2018

T stands for 2nd on the 2nd and more

Hi Everybody!

Hope the new year started off well for you -
have a great one! I am slowly feeling better, the
antibiotics are kicking in and hopefully
pushing the bronchitis out. It's a new year,
time for a new start.

 We are starting a new challenge at 
Tag Tuesday, and the lovely Wilma is our host.
I am starting the challenge one day earlier this time
to fit the new year.
She has chosen the theme of new beginnings.
I made a sewed, fabric tag.
I am greeting the new year with soft colours and
 tender blooms, looking forward to the promise
of spring-time, new life and new possibilities.
The painted and embossed, chip-board key is
to open the locks on the way:

I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, something new 

It is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for
Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to
all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.
My drink is, as always, cappuccino, this time
served in my Nana mug from Duisburg:

This is one of the cakes I made for my birthday, a boiled
fruit cake. The fruit gets boiled - in red wine - and the cake
gets 'disinfected' with cognac or whatever you have 
to hand for a few days before cutting it....
I made the marzipan paste from scratch, but didn't 
put frosting on it as I am not a big fan of it:

And It's also time for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, so here
 I am re-showing a post from 2014:

And I would like to say a big thank you to kind blog friends
who sent cards and gifts for Christmas and
my birthday.

Beautiful knitteds and an album from Chrissie,
who also sent yupo paper, which I forgot to

This is a mug warmer!

A wall hanger and a tip-in from Elizabeth:

A birthday and 2 Christmas cards from Chrissie:

A wonderful postcard from Linda:

This fantastic card is from Yvonne:

And this beauty is from Chris:

The gorgeous birthday card is from Yvonne, I just
love the silver, shimmering embossing:

Yvonne also sent a stack of lovely paper napkins,
these 2 were my faves:

And I got a wonderful surprise package from Sue -
stamps and amazingly beautiful cards - the
red, rubber one is a cat:

Woohoo for these marvelous stencils:

2 huge sheets of very special rub-ons:

And it was all packed in music tissue paper, with which I 
will surely have a lot of fun!

Thanks again to all for your generosity!
Another day I will show the birthday pressies I received
from my friends here.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 30 December 2017

Happy New Year

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a happy and healthy 2018.
May the year be kind to you.

I made a quick journal page with a face and flowers,
symbolic for facing towards the new year
and watching it bloom and unfold.

Yesterday's sunrise was preceded by dark clouds
over the airport, but the sun shone through:

May the sun rise and shine for us all in the coming year.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 28 December 2017

Getting better

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I have been MIA these past few days.  I woke
up on Christmas Eve with a temperature, 
accompanied by a nasty cold, cough and
sore throat, and had to spend some time in bed
trying to recover.  It is slowly getting better,
although my cough is still rather disturbing. 
I sincerely hope
you all planned your days better, and that your
holidays were more fun!

Today I am re-showing an A3 mixed media 
'clear-off the-table' collage made three years back.
I gave it  a work over some weeks back to correct some
things I didn't like. I am linking to
Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

The photos were taken on this day I year ago:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 23 December 2017

Happy Holidays

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for  all the birthday greetings, digital and
postal which made me happy these past days.
I enjoyed a wonderful day in company of good friends,
and received some great presents from near and
far, which I will show in my TSFT post next week.

Today I am sharing some winter/Christmas art
made in previous years, and often using photos
 taken here, to wish you all happy holidays,
and a peaceful and blessed time with those
you love:

Enjoy the season, and time spent with others.
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!