Tuesday 13 June 2017

When the cock crows thrice....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day has gone /is going well.
For Art journal Journey, Rosie's circle challenge, I have a digital
piece composed from various paintings. The moon is one of
my photos. I am also linking to Digitally made, put a quote
on it.

This piece was made just for fun. Last week I had the strange notion
to make some antique coloured brown ink and a quill pen. I looked for
'recipes' on the web, and found quite a lot, but some of them had 
ingredients which are, to say the least, hard to buy at the 
local supermarket - it's a bit like asking for eye of newt and 
leg of toad, or a fenny steak for the witch's brew.... 
Anyway, I did some experiments, and made a concoction which has
a gorgeous, deep brown colour, and is good for both writing and
painting. It did smell quite awful while I was  reducing it by boiling, 
although I left the powdered entrails and blood out....
This was my first piece, written with the quill pen I made from
a duck's feather I picked up at the museum/farm last week.

Here with my lovely quill:

The ink is really deep brown. The brown paper behind the script
is a scrap of home-made paper which was dyed with it:

 And now, back to the farm. This rooster was living in a yard with 2
ladies. Every time the black rooster in the next field crowed,
he ran to one of his ladies and tried to jump them, and they kept
running squawking away. They had bare patches on their
backs, so he does seem to strike lucky quite often!

Life in the 'black' enclosure was more peaceful and idyllic:

I digitally cut out these photos and made them into PNG images,
so please feel free to download and use them for your
digital creations:

I will blog again on Thursday, just need a little break to
recouperate a bit.
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 12 June 2017

T stands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we start another challenge at Tag Tuesday,
and this time our lovely Wendy is our host and has chosen 
as her theme. Tags of all formats are allowed,
as long as there's texture on them, which you can create any way
you like. Hope to see you there!
Karen of Lunagirl chose a winner from last week' entries,
but you'll have to go to Tag Tuesday to see who the
winner is!
I was not feeling good over the weekend, so had to make a 
rather quick tag today. I painted a 10" tag with blue/green metallic
 paint, which shimmers in all shades of purple, blue and green. 
The peacock feather was stenciled with pearl structure paste. I added
 flowers and pearls to give more texture. The quote (when
feathers appear angels are near) was
written by hand. I added 2 acetate butterflies with
pearls. I sewed the tag onto  a white corrugated background
I am also linking to 'touchy feely' at Simon Monday Challenge

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so I would
like to extend  a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies
of the T gang. Today I have some yummy muffins with
chocolate chips for you, so help yourselves:

And my drink is cappuccino:

 At the farm/petting zoo/museum they had a lot of antique
farm implements,  old household items etc:

I remember being bathed in a tub like that as a kid!

Some rooms were furnished as they were in the
good old days:

The attics were full of cobwebs:

And this little chappy was hopping around by the chickens - I will
show you their photos tomorrow:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 10 June 2017

Pigs and goats like eating oats

Hi Everybody!

Today I have the second of the masculine tags I started some 
weeks back. The first one went off to a friend, but I don't yet know 
who will be getting this one. I started out with a 10" tag
which I gessoed, painted with gold & brown metallics,
and collaged with various scraps. I stenciled the numbers
and the diamonds with structure paste, and added more
collaged scraps in between when it was dry. I used lots of 
gilding flakes to give more colour. 'My' man was drawn with
charcoal. I sewed it onto 2 layers of recycled card.
I used a ball-chain and paper clip instead of ribbon
or twine for the hanger.

I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, masculine and to 
 Mixed media monthly, a year of choices - I chose # 32

For Sandra's Go tag Thursday I made a digital 
tag for her theme of fruit. Having recently seen the wonderful
Lucas Cranach exhibition here, I was inspired to use one of his works.
The quote is from Martin Luther, who was painted
frequently by Cranach. As there are animals on it, I am also 
linking it to our challenge at Tag Tuesday
and to Digitally made, where I made the Top 3 last month:

And last but not least, I made a hybrid piece for Rosie's
circles theme at Art Journal Journey.
I was just having fun making colourful circle doodles in
'my' head and using my own painted backgrounds:

The post title is the beginning of a little verse I learned as a child:

Pigs and goats like eating oats,
Goats and pigs like doing jigs.

Well, the ones I met in Neuss on Thursday weren't doing jigs,
but they looked happy and contented. 
This pig sat looking at me and grunted each time
I said something to him, too funny!

And here the second one:

The goats and rams were very funny to watch:

This one was very curious and liked being fed by G, which
gave me the opportunity to take the pics:

More photos to follow!
Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!