Thursday 5 January 2017

Fragments of the past

Hi Everybody!

The big snow storms thankfully didn't strike here,
but it is very cold. Today we had sunshine and blue skies,
the ground was frozen hard, and lots of
hungry birds were hopping around.

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of
'Tell me a story', I have a double page in my 
New journal number 2. One of the things I 'inherited' 
from one of my old ladies was a box of torn
up photos and letters, with the instructions, 'Do what
you like with them but don't give them to my brother!'
Here I have used some of the fragments of photos
and  letters, and a part of a Hebrew text. I interspersed the fragments
with scraps of  paper napkins. A thin coat of gesso
knocked some parts back. I used soft wax crayons
to add some colour, and some random stamping.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

I took some dry bread with me when I went out,
and it was enjoyed by gulls, ducks and the fishing raven, who 
was looking rather bedraggled today:

The gulls swarmed around, it was rather a Hitchcock moment:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Tags and heads

Hi Everybody!
Time is flying by again - it moves more quickly
than I can!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of 'Tell me a story', and for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, I have a
hybrid piece made from 2 large tags I made this week. 

I scanned the tags into my computer, and with some digital magic
I put them into two of my heads and grunged them up a bit.
I placed them on a background made from another collaged
tag made this week which I will show another day. I changed the
colors to black and white in one of them and
added the sentiment:

For my mixed media pieces I used 10" kraft tags. First they were painted with olive and blue metallic paints, then stenciled using some new stencils Annette sent me for Christmas - thanks so much! After they were dry I used my 
clear-the-table technique
to collage them with all the UFOs flying about, and then used more stencils to draw the figures. To finish them off I added some white stenciling and some dotted highlights on the figures. I had fun making these, I haven't been able to do much lately as my fingers are not being very cooperative.
As I have used my new stencils I am also linking 
anything goes

These were the backgrounds before I pasted everything onto

Recently I visited The Kunsthalle art museum
in Düsseldorf. I have a season-ticket which gets me into all
museums without having to pay, but I would have 
been very disappointed if I had paid 18€ to view this
'wool and water' exhibition:

And this exhibit really takes the biscuit -
this is not my idea of art:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Past, present, future

Hi Everybody!

It's been another cold day here, and we have
been threatened with winter storms over the
next few days - I'm hoping they are wrong!

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of 
'tell me a story', I have a hybrid piece using  a canvas I made 
of some of my ancestors. I  placed them here onto a
grungy background. The original was made with various photo transfers, interspersed with scraps of old letters. My great grandparents are both there,my Mum, my grandparents, my great aunt, and I am hidden in the background.
I like having many layers, even though they are not all visible -
life is a palimpsest, one layer covering up and sometimes
erasing the other. People who lived before us are still
'with us'in our memories, they are part of us as we are a 
continuation of them:

And this is the tag I made for Tag Tuesday, theme 'silver':

'To speak is silver, silence is golden'
Would be a good tip for some politicians these days....

Some photos taken this week, mornings and
on my walks:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!