Monday 17 October 2016

Scary T Day

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well. We had very mixed weather here, from storm clouds to sunshine, but I was still able to get out and enjoy my walks.

For Art Journal Journey, Indian Summer  I have a hybrid piece, which is also meant as a reminder for the 'scary and spooky' challenge at TIOT, where you still have a whole week to join in. I added various elements to my background, and wrote the little verse to go on the pumpkin.

 This is what the background looked like before I added the digital elements:

And here you can see it a bit better - It's a plastic lid which I have been using as a palette for my colours.....I think it made a great background.

Today is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a warm welcome to all of the T Gang. I have some lemon muffins for you today, still hot and before the lemon icing sugar was put onto them - help yourselves!

My drink is cappuccino:

The colouring of the sky this morning was really strange:

The clouds looked threatening, but half an hour later the sun was shining merrily:

I hopped on a bus and went to Angermund, and walked along the River Anger.
The ducks had just been let out of their shed, and were busy with their morning toilet:

They look like they are trying to tie themselves into knots:

There were still hedge roses flowering:

The stone knight was still keeping watch:

It's a pretty place for a walk:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Autumn colours

Hi Everybody!

Today we had a real Sunday with lots of sun, so I was able
to spend a lotof time outdoors,which was good.
There were lots of people running through
town, taking part in a half marathon from Düsseldorf to Duisburg. One of the runners stripped off his clothes at the tram stop and 
jumped into new ones which a helper was holding for him....
I was so surprised I even forgot to take a photo! 

For art journal journey, Indian Summer,  have another hybrid piece,
made with a painted, dripped and stamped background, a painted face, 
a bird-on-a-branch photo and some digital add ons. Sitting on a bench and enjoying the autumnal surroundings is something I like very much!

Yesterday we went to the farm shop to buy eggs again and so I have more pictures of the new pumpkin creations:

The autumn foliage is very much in evidence:

The buzzard has been back these past days. He swooped off the branch
directly after the photos and dived onto his dinner in the field:

And as I was standing on the balcony this airship floated by:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 15 October 2016

More big birds in Autumn

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Indian summer, I have a hybrid piece, made with one of my misty photos. When I took the photo my tree outside the window was still standing, you can  see  a branch at the front. I used a digital frame and some embossed paper. The verse from John Keats is always one of my faves:

Last week I hopped on the tram and went into town while the sun was shining.
There are lots of new buildings, which do look smart, but I think 'ancient' is more my taste than modern:

This is one of the old and traditional hotels, and it is very exclusive and very expensive:


The water that flows through Königsallee flows into the lake
in Hofgarten, a large park. The geese, ducks, swans and other birds
are happy to eat all the food that people bring for them. The swans kept trying to push the others away with their long necks:

Wonder what they're watching?

This goose evidently liked my currant bun, as it waddled after me
when I tried to leave:

I had to part with the rest of my bun to make a getaway:

Does anybody know what sort this one is?

This giant, rusty nail is art:

Hope you enjoyed your trip to the town centre!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!