Friday 1 July 2016

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey and More....

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at 

-In my garden there is-

and our lovely Yvonne is hostess. 
She says: 
'I leave how you interpret this up to yourselves. How does your garden look, what would you wish to see in the garden, is it a small space, a pot plant... These are some of my thoughts that I jotted down when thinking of ideas.'

This leaves you a lot of freedom in your journaling, so put your thinking caps on,
get creative, and we hope to see you linking to us at AJJ.

I made a hybrid piece using a painted, dripped and textured background with a doodled bird, digitally altered and placed on the background. Birds belong in every garden!

Last week I showed my finished big, fat journal.

This week I made a cover to dress it up a bit.
I used craft paper, and after cutting it to size I cut and folded it before painting it with metallic blues and gold, which was heat dried and bubbled.

After fitting it over the book, I used some rub-ons to decorate it:

The edges have been folded and fixed with double sided sticky tape in the time honoured manner of covering school books, and it is possible to remove the cover if I want without damaging the book:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

Today got off to a good start again, but soon clouded over:

The Rhine is slowly dropping, but still too high for the time of year:

I peered through the undergrowth and discovered these nice, fat ducks snoozing on a fallen tree:

I always love hollyhocks:

 This shows the old fortification walls of the town, taken from what used to be the moat, now a playground and park:

Looking up to the buildings on the bridge:

This ancient stone stands on the bridge:

This is an old stable  down the road, they give rides for
handicapped people there- you can see the lift in the background:

My quote for today is from Mae West:

'Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before'

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Last day of the 'Maps' challenge

Hi Everybody!

Today is the last day of our 'Maps' challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Thanks to Mary who was our hostess this month.
I have one more piece to show today. I placed a drawing made by Stik (a street artist) on a house in Bristol - he likes to paint around windows and doors - onto an antique map of Bristol (courtesy of Wikipedia). I like the contrast between ancient and modern.

And I made my usual collage of  pieces this month:

Tomorrow our new challenge will be starting, so if you want to know who our hostess is and what her theme is, come back tomorrow and look - I know it will be a good month!

Today we actually had a lovely sunrise again. It didn't stay that nice all day, we had a lot of wind and clouds, but it did feel something like a sort of summer day, and it didn't rain!

And my quote today:

'For God makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust' (Matthew 5)

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Moo Mania and this and that on Wednesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Moo Mania and More, and our theme is Paris. Projects of all types are allowed, and as always, you have 2 weeks to link your work to our challenge - hope to see you there!

I made a journal page in my 'new' and already full journal using paint, scraps, stamps and stencils.

And a quick reminder that you still have almost a week to join our challenge 'I believe I can fly' at TIOT. I made a hybrid page on a painted and collaged background using an image from June at Dezinaworld. The bird is from my balcony, and the b/w flowers are also from June, the map  decorations are digital add-ons. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, maps.

Today started off well

But the clouds soon tried to cover the sun:

It didn't rain, so I stayed dry, went to my physiotherapy (yippee, I was allowed to jump on the trampoline!) and then walked along the Rhine and to the market after I had had my breakfast. The market was rather empty today, probably because the school holidays have started and lots of people are away.

This stall sells the most wonderful bread:

Here you can buy poultry and game:

And the flowers are always tempting:

The 'spice man' always has a great selection of herbs and spices at reasonable prices:

They are still working on the Rhine:

Not many people about:

And I wonder if it's a good idea to leave a  ladder against the house....

My quote for today:
'It takes considerable knowledge just to realise the extent of
your own ignorance'. Thomas Sowell

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!