Friday 4 March 2016

It's weekend

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
Today was a really hard day at the Boot Camp /Rehab, with 3 1/2 hours
of hard training. As a result, muscles that I never knew I had are
hurting! I am looking forward to some relaxing time over the weekend, 
and on Monday the training will be continued. It is very hard, but I
am hopeful that it will bring good results.

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I
have another hybrid bear piece:

I am happy to be back home where I can watch the sunrise from my window. Today started off beautifully, but then clouded over, and it snowed nearly all day, but didn't settle.

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Friday This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.
I have survived day 2 of the Boot Camp/Rehab, it was hard,
but hopefully worthwhile. And we had lentil and sausage soup for lunch,
and that was really good.

For Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and 99 Faces,
I have another Modigliani 'knock off''. It shows Max Jacob, a French painter and writer. He was of Jewish origin, but converted to Christianity at the beginning of the 20th century. He was one of the first friends Pablo Picasso made when he came to Paris, where they shared a room, and remained life-long friends. In 1936 he moved away from Paris, but was arrested in 1944 by the Gestapo and imprisoned. His brother and other family members were deported to Auschwitz and gassed on arrival. Max Jacob fell ill and died before he could be deported.

I placed the portrait, painted with water colours and pastels, onto a painted, stamped and textured background. The Hebrew lettering means 'Let us praise the Lord' - not for the awful things that happened to him and so many others, but for his talent and that his memory and work has not been eradicated.  'The memory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rot' (Proverbs 10:7)

And on a more cheerful note, another visit  down in the woods, for 

 'Without darkness there's no light. Without night there is no day. And without love there is nothing at all...'Peter Sarstedt

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

What's going on in the woods today?

Hi Everybody!

The first day in the Rehab went well, but was very strenuous. At the beginning we had a talk from a young man about why we were there, and he radiated 
the enthusiasm of a snail in winter-sleep, but after that we got down to brass tacks, there were lots of examinations, tests to see what we could move, how far and how well etc, and on the basis of all that our training plans for the next days
will be compiled. The staff are all very friendly. The food was not exciting, but edible - more is not necessary!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have another hybrid page, once again with bears....

And some photos from Hösel Woods:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

In the woods again.....

Hi Everybody!

My first day at home was not easy, but slowly by slowly I managed.
I Just need to think of new ways to do things just now!
On Wednesday the Rehab-Boot camp is starting, so I am
sure I will learn some new tricks there!

For Art Journal Journey,  if you go down to the woods, I have
another hybrid page, using a photo as background, which was taken at the castle in the woods which I visited last Autumn, as were the other photos shown today.
My bear family is once again having fun, and Daddy Bear seems to have drunk too much, so Mummy Bear is not amused....

And for Elizabeth's second on the second a face made last year, in the original version, and in 2 altered colour versions. Also linking to 99 faces

I am trying to get round to visiting as many people as possible, just having problems as I still have to spend a lot of time flat on my back, and everything
I do is very exhausting -but sooner or later it will be better!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot fr coming by.

New challenges and More

Hi Everybody!

It's great to be back home again, and I am very thankful to the team 
at the hospital who operated and got me so fit in such a short
time. Thanks, too, to all who sent cards, greetings, mails and encouraging comments, they helped me so much! On Wednesday my Rehab will start, something like Boot Camp, so sounds like fun!! 6 hours of training daily, that should get me back in shape!

Today we are beginning new challenges at Art Journal Journey
and TIOT.

At Art Journal Journey we have a fun theme and Chris is our hostess for the month. She has chosen the theme
'If you go down to the woods'
which of course gives lot of scope for flights of imagination with forests and trees, the animals and birds that live there, fairies, wolves, owls, foxes, and of course, Teddy Bears and picnics. Hope to see lots of you joining in, as this theme really has something for everybody.

I made a hybrid page, layering the water coloured trees from a a digital set over a painted background and then combining digital elements, a Banksy Stencil and my photos.  My Mum is hiding there, and I am too, and a creature from Beatrix Potter has also wandered in to see what's going on at the picnic. 
I am also linking to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday, so a big hello to all the T gang, just sit down and join in the picnic, there's enough there for everybody!

At Tiot our new theme is
Feminine and Fancy.

 I made this hybrid piece some weeks back when I was preparing for the knee operation, and chose the Proverb to try to counteract my worries about the OP.
I am not as lovely as the gal here, but I do think we need to look with hope into our future. For this Hybrid piece I layered digital elements onto a painted and stamped background and layered it with various scripts.
As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to join in.

Here a few photos taken from bed through the hospital window.
I have a few ghastly ones of my leg, but I think I should keep them for myself!
I enjoyed, as always, the ever changing skies, and the wonderful sunsets:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 29 February 2016

Last Day of 'If music be....'

Hi Everybody!

And the very latest news :
Back home, safe and sound!
Sooooo happy!

Latest news:
Making good progress, hope I can go home today or tomorrow-

Today is the last day of our challenge at Art Journal Journey, and we have had loads of wonderful entries again. Big thanks to Hazel for being a wonderful hostess, and for all her hard work to make the challenge a success!

I have made my usual collage of the pages I made this month:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!