Sunday 13 September 2015

People in the window

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
For Art Journal Journey, through my window, I made an A3 mixed media page with Alfred Hitchcock and Cary Grant in the window. The birds were added with Dina Wakley's stencil. I am sure you all remember those wonderful films like Psycho and The Birds?

And I have another ice parlour sketch. This time I drew a very naughty little boy, who was not only annoying his Dad but everyone else as well...
I am linking to 49 faces.

I climbed right up to the top of the castle ruins to enjoy the view out of the windows. They needed good views in all directions, not only to be able to defend themselves, but to stop ships or carts passing by and charge them taxes....

The sky colours were beautiful this morning, although we never saw the sun, which hid itself behind thick clouds all day.

And last but not least, a window to Jerusalem, as today at sunset is the beginning of the Jewish New Year, 5776, Rosch Haschanah.
I would like to wish a good new year to all my Jewish friends.

(painted with acrylics on a painting board, I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, Landscapes)

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 12 September 2015

Sun, moon and stars through my window

Hi Everybody!
Happy Weekend!

Yesterday and today I enjoyed seeing the crescent moon and Venus, the morning star, outside my window. This afternoon I painted a background using various blues and turquoise paints, layered one over the other. I sprayed some of the layers with water and dabbed some paint away with a tissue. I gave it all a sprinkle of fairy dust. I drew a simple tree outline and painted it with brown/black, added the moon and star with my white Sigma pen and a few highlights to the tree. So this is the view from my window, for Art Journal Journey, through my window, and for Moo Mania and More, landscape

This is a lady I sketched recently at the ice parlour when drinking my coffee, she had such lovely eyes, a lot nicer than in my sketch. I used gelatos, pastel chalks and gel-pens. and  I am linking to Kim Dellow's Friday face and our challenge 49 Faces.
If I have counted rightly this should be face 22.

This was the photo from yesterday which inspired my painting:

I couldn't sleep in the night and went walking along the Rhine, and the sky was clear, full of stars, and the Milky Way was visible - just beautiful.

Today the sliver of moon was even thinner:

I love watching the morning sky - as you might just have noticed, 
but some days I would like to be able to sleep a bit longer!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and hanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 11 September 2015

Window on Picasso

Hi Everybody!
Another week has flown by and it's Friday already - 
where did the time go?

For 'Through my window' at Art Journal Journey, Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin,  49 Faces, and Kim Dellow's Art it Friday,  I tried my luck with copying a Picasso this week. I think we can learn so much by studying and copying the masters. The original is called 'Le Rêve - the dream' and can be seen here.

I started off by drawing a sketch onto an A3 sheet painted with gesso.

Then I started adding colours . I used Schmincke water colours (from the time when I was at school!) and Gelatos with a water brush.

I changed the colours a bit, and outlined with a black fine tip pen, and drew the background lines with the same, rubbing out pencil lines which I didn't need any more

The wallpaper pattern was made with a tiny stamp:

After a rather cold and windy night, the day started off with the crescent moon and the morning-star peeping through the trees, and later a beautiful sunrise:

The windows and towers here belong to the buildings of the Diakonie in Kaiserswerth, and is the place where Florence Nightingale did her nursing training.

Have a  great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!