Thursday 13 August 2015

The times they are a changing....

Hi Everybody!

Hope your day is going well.

Today I went on the tram into town, and spent hours walking round the 'Altstadt' (Old town) and the harbour, and of course, I took a lot of photos. They still need to be sorted, so I will be showing them in the next few days. I walked all the way home, too, so clocked up over 23,000 steps on my pedometer, and feel that I have a right to be tired this evening.

For Art Journal Journey I made 2 collages, which I cut out using my head - err, you  know what I mean! The left collage was made using photos from 
magazines, the right from antique images. Our lives change constantly, technical improvements and discoveries have made our lives very different to the lives of those in previous centuries, and we have to move with the times. But it is still very important to learn from the past while living in the present and looking towards the future, whatever it may bring us. 

Yesterday there were 2 herons out fishing at the Rhine:

Watching the ships is a very relaxing pastime,  and I love to see all the different names, and where they come from. At the moment none are fully loaded as the water in the river is very low.

I wonder how many ships have passed the castle in the course of the last 1300 years?

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Embellishing Time

Hi Everybody!

Today we have a new challenge at Moo Mania and More - embellishments.

As always, you have 2 weeks to enter, and projects of all formats are allowed, not just 'moos', so get embellishing and link up to us!

I made another face, also meant for Art Journal Journey, time. I used a clock photo which I digitally lightened for the background, and added it to an A3 sheet which had been prepared with gesso. I drew the face, stamped the flowers and clocks (LaBlanche), and coloured them with water colours and Gelatos. I drew in some leaves, and stenciled the vines. I added a textile leaf with a metal clock as embellishments, threaded onto a golden neck-chain. The 'ever changing' stamp is from Unity, and the clock hand on the leaf-earring is from Paper Artsy. I am also linking to Stamps and stencils, time flies, Mix it Monthly, mixed media flowers, and Kim Dellow's show you face.

This morning there was a thick mist outside, obscuring all except the first trees.

I very much enjoyed watching the sunrise, seeing the mist float away as the sun got stronger, and the beautiful colours. Somebody asked if I set my alarm to wake up for the sunrise - no, nothing so elaborate, I just can't sleep.

Thanks a lot to those who helped naming the plant I showed yesterday - Patty was the first with the answer - it is a purple loosestrife, the Latin name is lythrum salicara, and the German name Blutweiderich. It is a medicinal plant with healing properties. Lots of others sent information about the plant, too, most interesting to read - thanks to you all!
Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Time is....

Hi Everybody!

We had a cool and rather wet day today, with lots of thunder, but it was good to feel some cool air again.

For Art Journal Journey, time, I made another collage from leftovers, and have called it 'Window on time'. I used an A3 sheet, painted it with gesso, and then wove the narrow strips to a frame which I glued on. In between I used scraps of hand-painted paper, printed matter from vintage books, scraps of old letters, some family photos (My mother as a little girl and my great-grandmother) and various other UFOs (Untidy flying objects) from my work-desk. I drew part of a large circle to represent time. The quote is attributed to Albert Einstein. The Hebrew lettering reads 'Hodu L'Adonai ki tov, ki le Olam hasdo' - 'Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his mercy endures for ever' (Psalm 136)
I always have fun making something out of small scraps.

I am also linking to Elizabeths  T for Tuesday, and my fave drink is hidden in the collage, can you find it?

For Tag Tuesday our theme this week is adventure, so Mr Umbrella Man had to come out again. This time I dressed him in a safari suit. He is only interested in shooting photos of the animals.

I managed to get an almost dry hour to go for my walk today, along the stream and then by the Rhine

Does anyone know what these lovely flowers are?

The Rhine is very low just now:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!