Sunday 28 June 2015

Sunday Mix

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
The weather was quite nice; warm, sunny/cloudy and with a spot of rain here and there - typical summer!

For Art Journal  Journey I have another piece for masculine-feminine. I discovered an A3 page which had been collaged with various vintage papers, painted with gesso and coloured with pastels at the bottom of a pile of stuff, so used it for this mixed media collage. I added some washi tapes and  used 2 pictures cut from my magazines (the lady downstairs always  keeps me supplied with magazines, which she gets from a friend, this way they are well used.) I collaged the faces, and a zip also cut from a magazine advert.  Then I added a crown to the lady and splashed some paint round the faces, just for fun. I found the quote on Google.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, numbers.

I enjoyed walking along the Rhine, watching the ships

And the ducks

And this boat carrying salt or some other white mineral is always fascinating, as it looks like snowy mountains swimming up the river:

The trees along the Burg Allee (Castle Avenue) offer shade when the sun is shining:

And St Swidbert, the patron and founder of the town, still stands on the corner of the street that bears his name. I wonder if he would recognise the town if he came back today after 1300 years?

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 27 June 2015

Masculine and feminine

Hi Everybody!
Hope your day is going well!

For Art Journal Journey, masculine and feminine, I made 2 pages, one for the feminine side, and the other for the masculine. When my neighbour saw them, he said that the background was fine for the men, but I should have taken something pink and flowery for the ladies - are men the only ones who read? And he was wearing a pink shirt, but I didn't point it out to him....
The figures were made with home made stencils and painted with black acrylics.
I put the figures inside my heads - there's always a lot going on in them, and added the quotes - finished. This time I kept it simple

 Today the weather was better. I forgot my camera so had to take the pics with my phone.

The ancient mulberry tree is doing well:

The white cattle are growing bigger and bigger:

And it stayed dry in spite of lots of clouds.

The rose arch is in the square near the Basilica:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.

Friday 26 June 2015

Falling Leaves and More Doors.

Hi Everybody!

The day has run away from me again,
so I need to keep it short today.

For Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey, Masculine-feminine, I painted another A3 mixed-media journal page. I painted the background with various shades of brown and gold, and used more of my paper strips to build a seat for the nude. The painting is one I saw in a magazine at the doctor's, I took a photo of it and printed it out, fussy cut it, and over-painted it with translucent gold from Deco-Art before collaging it. I added one of my leaves embossed with Frantage gold as I didn't have any fig leaves....

Today the sun came out and we had a warm and sunny day - wonderful!

These are the rest of the doors and gates etc taken this week:

This used to be the fire brigade till it grew too small, and now it is a bar:

I love how the top step has been trodden out:

This are 2  of the old silk-weavers' houses:

That's all for today!
Have a good one take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 25 June 2015

Thursday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another project for Art Journal journey, masculine-feminine.
I was not quite sure if it was masculine or feminine, so I gave it a heart with a pink bow and decided that it must be feminine. I was trying to use up all the ready cut strips I discovered under the layers on my desk, so drew my head and filled it. What would I do without my various heads?! The background was painted with gesso mixed with some left over blue and gold and stamped with a large flourish stamp, which made it look rather like old-fashioned wallpaper. The quote reads: A man who treats his woman like a princess is proof that he has been nurtured in the arms of a queen.
I don't know from whom the quote is, sorry.
And the crown is perhaps quite fitting as Queen Elizabeth II is visiting Germany just now.
I am also linking to Mix it Monthly, facial profile

Today I took more photos of doors and gateways in our little town.
This is the west door of the Basilica

One of the buildings belonging to the Basilica:

The Latin words mean 'Neither rashly nor timidly'

And I just love the doorknobs

Are the steps missing here?

These three photos are from the old monastery, built 1671, which is now part of the School

That's all for today.
Have a good one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!