Thursday 13 March 2014

Happy Mail, a birthday and a journal page

Hi everybody!

So sorry that a lot of you in the States and Canada got another load of snow, it really is hard on you, and I wish I could send you some Sunshine and spring flowers.

I made another mixed media piece using paints, inks, stamping, collage etc. The background has been painted with acrylics, and was the other half of the piece I showed earlier this week. Here in my journal page the world has gone a bit crazy - butterflies and fish are practising peaceful coexistence, and the moon is standing on its head to see the clock. One leopard is chasing another across the page, and the raindrops are falling - or are they bubbles floating up? 

Here are both pages together:

 I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to AJJ, Fantasy scene, hosted by Susi. Paint Party Friday is celebrating their 3rd birthday this Friday, so happy birthday from me!

Yesterday I got some happy mail from Terry. I won the stamp-set in a giveaway on her blog some weeks back, and I am pleased that it got here safely.  It took 2 days for them to get from the States to Germany, and nearly 4 weeks to be cleared by the customs! I think they couldn't work much slower if they tried! This beautiful tag came, too. Thanks a lot Terry, the stamps will be well used and the tag is hanging already in my arty kitchen. It has such a gorgeous, golden shimmer, really beautiful.

The night was cold and frosty, and I watched the sun rise through the mist this morning, which was beautiful.

Today I was looking at walls on my walk. I love how the sun is shining through the windows of the castle ruins.

I often sit on one of these benches, and watch the Rhine, the gulls and the ducks, which is very relaxing.

I love all the colours and textures in the old town walls, which kept the town safe in the old days and still make it very special today.

 Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Another card

Hi everybody!
Today started off cold and misty, but the sun soon came through and it was warm and sunny again. It should stay nice for the next few days, and then we will be getting strong winds bringing us fresh air from the North Pole, good that my warm coat and boots have not been put away!

The card is another of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz.  I used an image from the Bookmarks 2 collage sheet, and background paper from the Solarium pack, 'sunlight', which was also used to make the stopper.  I used some dark green, embossed card for matting the images. The easel card has been made from a 6x6" card blank. I kept the embellishments simple - a small bow and some green gem stones.

I enjoyed another walk through the sculpture park and along the Rhine. Although the mist had cleared, there was still a remnant hanging over the river and trying to hide the other side. A farmer was driving around in his little tractor down at the Rhine, and from the embankment it looked almost like a toy.

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 10 March 2014

Pretty in pink

Hi everybody!
Hope you have been enjoying some good weather as we have here, it's so good to see the sun and blue skies again, and to feel the warmth of the sun.
At Tag Tuesday our them this week is 'Pretty in Pink', and at  SoArtful  Challenges it is 'dress forms and bright colours', so I decided to combine them both, and am introducing Miss Lucy-Fair, sporting her new spring outfit. The dress form has been cut with a TH die, and the jazzy clothes were from my stash. I am sure you will agree that she looks really bright.

And I have a few impressions from today. 
The moon showed itself again in the blue sky this afternoon. Both
photos were taken from my balcony.

Isn't it wonderful how the thorns on the teasel are arranged?

I love the colours of lichen:

A tree with a window:

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Blue skies, birds and sunshine

Hi everybody!

Here was another day filled with sunshine, bird-song and a loud, if not melodical, duck chorus.
This is a mixed media piece I have been working on. The background has been painted with metallic blues and greens and some spots of gold ink, and the rest has been collaged. The Hebrew verse is Psalm 91, verse 4, 'He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge'. The raindrops/bubbles have been stamped with embossing ink and white EP. The stamp is from from Rhyn Designs, and was a present from Sandy - thanks again!

I am linking to AJJ, fantasy scene, and to the Cheerful Stamp Pad, anything goes, and to Crafty Cardmakers, slap it on

The blue skies were really an intense blue, and the temps went up to over 23°, and I was able to walk around without a jacket, just unbelievable.

The ducks and geese were really loud today, I think they were happy, too.

And these 2 were evidently practising for the next synchronised swimming olympics:

 I took this photo this afternoon, it really was like an abstract painting, with a stripe painted by a plane and the moon at just the right angle.

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week. Take care, and thanks for coming by!

Saturday 8 March 2014

Spring has sprung

Hi everybody!
We had a wonderful, warm spring day again, so lovely. The sun was shining, the skies and river were blue, and I really enjoyed being outside.

This card is another DT piece for Gecko Galz, using an image from the 'beautiful March' collage sheet. I mounted the image onto bronze mirri-card, and matted it with paper 8b from Nature's Garden Paper Pack. I used a blue metallic card, and some butterflies as embellishments.

Here are a few impressions of my walk along the Rhine today. The farmer was busy on his fields:

The water was blue and sparkly

I love peeking through gaps in trees:

The trees get cut back every couple of years, and will soon be branching out and full of leaves again

Thanks to all who asked about my eye. It has healed well, and I can see much better, but still need to have a lot more examinations and treatments for other problems, and have drops to keep the pressure in my eyes down.

Have a great day, and hope the sun is shining for you, too. 
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 7 March 2014

Abstract in blue

Hi everybody!
Here we had a sunny and almost cloudless day, which was just beautiful for walking through the park and along the Rhine. I am sorry for those who are still suffering with ice and snow, and hope your weather will soon be much better.
At Mix it monthly the theme this month is 'abstract', and this is my attempt. I painted the background with acrylics and metallic paints, and added some 'built in' texture by bubbling the paint with my heat tool. The swirls in the background were stamped and white embossed, and the diamond pattern has been stenciled with rust coloured paint. I preferred rust to orange here. I kept the rest simple, as I liked the background and didn't want to cover it up, so just did some floating shapes, numerals and Hebrew alphas. I have called it 'Blue abstraction of words, forms and numbers' - very original! I had fun making this one. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday and AJJ, Fantasy, and to Paper Saturdays.

The details show the texture better:

I walked through the sculpture park and was happy to see the magnolias flowering:

The last picture I took of this sculpture showed it covered with frost.

And the ducks and gulls were happy, as always

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!