Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Post and a Moo pocket book

Hi you all, and happy Mother's  Day to all Mums, Moms, Muttis, Mamans, Mamas, Imas etc out there! Have a good day, and let your family look after you!

I received a big envelope in the post, from Petra's Giveaway a few days back. I love all the lovely ribbons, flowers and buttons. 

I especially love the stitched and pleated ribbons, so beautiful!

And this lovely tag came with it, really beautifully made, as is everything she makes.
Thanks a lot Petra!

I am in a mini-book mode just now, and made some more little books. This one is already winging its way into the world, and the others you will see bit by bit.
I used one of my Moo cards to decorate the front, and put some more into the pockets inside. There are 7 pockets inside, which can be used to hold tickets or receipts. It is small - not much bigger than a moo card - and fits snugly into pockets or purses. I used some leather-print paper for the covers.

This was the first Mother's day Card I made for my mum, and probably my first card at all! I was 4 1/2 then, what a long time ago!

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care of yourselves and of your Mums!
Thanks for coming by!

Friday 10 May 2013

Liberate your Art postcard swap and Paper Saturdays

Hi you all!
First of all a big thank you to Kat for all the hard work she puts into this postcard swap. This swap functions so well, because Kat does all the swapping and mails out the cards. This is the third year running that it has been such a success!
Here are the cards I received:

Pearl (no blogsite given)

and last, but NOT least

Thanks to all who took part, and for the high standard of art involved.

Now to Manon's Paper Saturdays

I have made some paper spirit dolls/goddesses), a great way to use up small scraps. You can download the free template (and many others) HERE at Stampington's.

This one just got some little paper scraps instead of a skirt so as not to conceal all of the lovely Graphic45 paper underneath!!

And I have made them into the June page for my calendar.

Okay, enough for today! Have a great weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Paint Party Friday and Alpha Challenge *A*

Hi you all! I know I am always saying that time flies, but this week went by at supersonic speed, and it's already time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

I was wanting to show some thoughts to childhood in my journal pages, but as this is something I do not much like dwelling on,  the pages did not turn out as I would have liked. I did manage to finish them, so at least that is something. The figures on the left page have been stamped or made with a template, and deliberately left unclear, as I think the memories we have of people and faces is often vague.

YIKES!!! I just saw that I spelled 'Fragrant' wrongly! Shame on me! Now my journal will forever remind me that I didn't check my spelling! Oh, what an ass I am!!

Linking to Art Journal Journey - challenge yourself.

The orange moon WIP is still not finished. I have added some more colours, but they are hard to catch in the photo.   I will keep trying to get it finished!

For the alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn I chose the word Aboriginal and tried to do some Aboriginal art.
Now I know where the expression 'going dotty' came from!  There are rows of orange dots in between the brown and white ones, but they are not showing up here. I coloured the background using terracotta acrylic paint, applying the paint with a sponge pouncer to keep it dry and give a mottled effect. Then I fussy cut  the leguans(?) lizards or whatever, before going dotty with white, orange and brown pens. I enjoyed making it, in spite of all the dots, and will try something like this another time.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by! 

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Of soap, buttons and shells....

Hi you all! Today started out warm and sunny, but as I was on my way home this afternoon, it started to rain in torrents. I don't really mind, but I had no umbrella in my car - all 5 in my flat - no jacket, and was wearing sandals....So of course, I did not find a parking place nearby and was soaked by the time I got to the door! But at least it washed all the yellow pollen off my car, so that's something!

At Out of a Hat Creations the ladies want to see a picture frame, and at Pan Pastel Challenge Blog the theme this week is Fairyland. At Simon Says Stamp and Show they want to know what inspires us. This is my try at all three challenges.

I started off with a simple white-wood frame from IKEA. I grabbed one of my Bit-boxes, and shook out all the small bits that were in it. That gave me the angel/fairy - which is a soap! - the flowers, the button, the rosette, the bird and cage, some shells and some leaves. This was my inspiration! I like to use the things I have, and to put them together to make something new and different. It doesn't always have to be new designer stuff. I glued them onto my frame with the hot glue-gun (only one small blister this time), leaving space for the fairy and the unicorn. I sprayed it all silver, and did my stamping while it was drying. Nothing is made of metal, it just looks like it!  The unicorn - LaBlanche - has been stamped onto speciality stamping paper with archival black and fussy cut. The Unicorn did, of course,  have a rear end, which I have saved in case I ever need it! The fairy, wings and hat are stamps from Scrollswork. They have been stamped onto the same paper using clear embossing ink and silver embossed. I glued the fairy so that she is standing on the pile of leaves with the big shell behind her. I added the rose and sequin flowers, and some silver stickles, so that she glitters like a fairy should! The photo is one of my mother with my sister Ruth taken about 1940. I think my sister looks like the little fairy!

Also linking to Make my Monday - any thing that flies

This was a fun make!

Thanks for looking, take care, and have a great day!

Feminine and Fancy

Hi you all! Today is my first day as member of the DT at Try it on Tuesdays. I was very pleased to be asked to join their team of lovely ladies.

The theme for the next 2 weeks is 'feminine and fancy', so you have plenty of time to join in!
I have made a giant tag, cut from black paper mounted onto pink card. The black paper has been stamped with various feminine accouterments (stamps from Chocolate Baroque and Hampton Arts) using fresco chalk ink in off white. Actually, the colour is called 'Medici Marble', but I think off white describes it better!
The TH dress-form has been die-cut from cardboard and painted white. The edges have been distressed with Victorian velvet. The 'arms' have been made from silver pipe-cleaners, and the snazzy dress and accessories were in my stash, waiting to be used....

Remember - always dress to impress! 
( bold words written while sitting here in baggy, old PJs and slippers!)

I am also linking to Fashionable Stamping Challenges (anything goes)

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Mixed bag for Monday

We had a wonderful weekend weather-wise here, so lovely after the long, hard winter!
Hope you have all had a good start in the new week.
Yesterday I made a little set of ATCs in a booklet. I used some DP for the covers, something I have had for years in my stash, and at last it has been used!

I used speciality paper from LaBlanche for the stamping. I used various travel motives to represent London, Paris and New york. The backgrounds have been distressed with DIs in Victorial velvet, antique linen and vintage photo. I added some die cut lace to the Paris one, 'bunting' and waves for London and New York

They fit snugly inside the booklet, which has a strip of the die cut lace (Martha Stewart) front and back.

The booklet can be tied together with ribbon.

I made a little collaged motive for the reverse.

I am linking to ABAC - ATCs
Fashionable Stamping - anything goes
Simon Says - Travel

I used the cover I showed on Saturday to make a concertina album. The covers have been made from chipboard, painted white and clear varnished.

There are some stitched inserts for journaling between some of the pages.

Linking to Creative Corner -anything goes.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!