Saturday 28 January 2012

An Afternoon Shock!

Good morning you all! It felt really luxuriant today not having to get up early; the extra hour or so in bed was really welcome. I just made myself some coffee, as I skipped breakfast today, and can enjoy it at the computer, just like back home!

Yesterday afternoon I sat down happily after my last treatment, and started commenting on some blogs. At the first one, I was asked to sign in, which I did. Then I saw a notice telling me that there had been some strange activity on my blog, and it had been suspended....I looked, and yes, my Blog was gone. Disappeared. I couldn't believe my eyes! Then I tried to sign in again, and this time got told to type in my mobile number, and Google would send me a code. I tried, and kept getting a message that my mobile number was wrong - which it wasn't. After about an hour of patiently, then rather frantically typing in my number, it worked, and I got the code. I typed it in, and still, nothing happened....Then I decided to go for a walk before I exploded, and when I tried again after coming back, my dear blog was there again! What a fright!! I wrote yesterday that I was having trouble leaving comments, and some people advised me to use Chrome. But I have been using it for over a year now, so the browser doesn't seem to be the solution. Anyway, I am just happy right now to have my blog back.

And to cheer me up after all that, I received a little parcel from Kristin of *Twinkle Twinkle* Blogspot. She sent me loads of Stickles in different colours, so I can glitter here as much as I want without making chaos here in my room. And some lovely ATC water-colour papers and vintage Valentine images with hearts and roses, so the production of sparkly Valentine cards is now possible. Thanks a lot Kristin, I am always bowled over by the kindness of the Blogger family worldwide. I will take a picture later and post it tomorrow.

This afternoon we are planning on baking a cake; we have a little kitchen on our corridor, and so we are going to bake, make coffee, and then have another painting class, so that sounds like fun.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!

Thursday 26 January 2012

More Tags

Just a quick post today, I have a lot of treatments today. Yesterday I had a long afternoon nap, which was very enjoyable, but it didn't leave much crafty time.

The first tag has been made from a lovely linen label which was on a jacket that one of the ladies here bought for herself. The gold flourishes were all already on it, too; I just added the image, the ribbon and the flowers. The second and third stag were a result of a little clearing up action on my work-space .

Have a nice day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Journal Pages and a tag

Good morning you all! It's got quite cold here now, the last few days were mild, but it looks like winter is on its way.

Yesterday I had plenty of time for painting and crafting in the afternoon, so finished off some more journal pages and managed a tag, too. The journal pages all seem to turn out more or less the same just now, I'm not quite sure why....But I am just stuck on the blue-green shades, and that always reminds me of being underwater.

The tag has been made using a label from a tee-shirt, a piece of jute and a twinchy made from crafty secrets paper, embellished witha scrap of lace, a flower and a bow. I think I like the label better than the shirt it was on....

Okay, that was all for today. I need to get going, as we have got a busy morning again with lots of treatment and some more tests. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping by!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Two mini canvases & Two Tags

Yesterday I had a nice, peaceful afternoon crafting. The weather was an exciting mix of rain, hailstones and wind; not really suitable for going walkies, but great to play around with paint and paper etc.

The 2 mini canvases - in twinchy size - have been painted with remnants of blue, green, white and gold acrylics. I added a large white daisy to each one, and then fixed them one above the other onto a white ribbon. I thought they would make a nice present for one of the nurses or therapists here.

The theme over at *Tag Tuesday* this week is vintage. I have made 2 tags, both with images Donna sent to me at Christmas. The first image has been fussy cut, partly coloured with water-colour pencils, and then placed onto a piece of vintage paper and a scrap of lace, all of which has been mounted on a tag cut from a piece of Anna Griffin card-stock. The second image has also been cut out. The tag is made of cardboard, covered with some vintage book paper painted with gesso, and embellished with a ribbon and another scrap of vintage lace.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!

Monday 23 January 2012

New energy for a new week

Hi everybody. I have had a good rest for 2 days, had my back treated, and feel more human now. Thanks a lot for your kind comments and encouragement to rest; something which I do find rather difficult....

Yesterday I finished the journal pages I started on Friday, and I must say, I like them, which is not always the case. I painted the background with 2 shades of blue, yellow and green, and a touch of gold acrylic paint. A added some torn paper , did some background stamping with diamonds, script and music, and wiped it over with gesso to tone it down a bit. Then I put on the top layer, with faces, doodling and some text, and drew the leaves with ink, and coloured them with watercolour pencils and a gold edding.

So, here's wishing you all a good day, and a good start in the week. Take care, and thanks for dropping by!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Taking a day off

Hi my lovelies, hope you are all well!
I am extremely knocked out just now, and have problems sitting at the computer because of my back pains, so I am taking a break. I hope to be back tomorrow or Monday at the latest, with fresh energy. Today I just need to do NOTHING!!
Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!

Friday 20 January 2012

Paint Party Friday and Postcard Challenge week 3

Hi everybody. Another week has fled by, and I have just managed to get my postcard finished on time! Two *parties* at the same time, that's great - Paint Party Friday no. 45, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, Week no. 3, where our destination this week is Brazil....

Auntie Cissie’s best friend Thelma – well, one of her best friends – had planned a trip to Brazil. Unfortunately, she slipped over on a banana skin while leaving her favourite bakery in Whitechapel, so Cissie bought the ticket off her for a good price, packed her case, and got ready to fly. She was not completely convinced that a land so far away would be suitable to guarantee her enough food, and was rather worried about all the foreigners living there. Jason told her gently on the phone, *Don’t worry, dear; they are all very hospitable, and when you go there, you will be the foreigner*. Auntie Cissie told him, *Don’t be silly, Jason. I’M BRITISH! British are NOT foreigners!* Jason decided not to argue further, and gave Cissie a large box of chocolates to eat on the plane in case she got hungry. As she rather tearfully waved goodbye, she called out, *I will probably look like a skeleton when I come back*. Jason just waved, while thinking to himself, *Not bloody likely!* And then he drove back home thinking about which of his girl friends to ask over for the evening.

Aunt Cissie is very relieved to find that the food is wonderful, that there are huge portions, and that she will not starve there….. She is also pleasantly surprised that her bikini causes such a stir on the beach, and enjoys the winks and sly smiles of the men and the astonished stares of the ladies, which she takes for envious looks. She FEELS good, and that’s all that matters to her! Here is her postcard sent to Jason. Auntie Cissie has had her photograph taken in front of a sparkly Brazilian flag, and sporting her new bikini. As fate would have it, the Brazilian post issued a special stamp with cup-cakes on it, probably in honour of Auntie Cissie.

The postcard has been painted with acrylics onto water-colour paper, and glittered with stickles. I haven't decorated the album page yet, but hope to get it done for tomorrrow!

I have also managed to finish my WIP from earlier in the week.

I am really looking forward to the weekend, as we have no treatments then, can sleep longer and paint more!! I am really knocked out just now!
Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for dropping in!