Wednesday 1 July 2020

Loooong post for various challenges

Hi Everybody!

Today I'm trying three different challenges in one post. The first piece is an A3 mixed media collage with hot colours meant for Erika's new theme, 'When it's hot' at AJJ. I used an image from an old magazine, which I put on a background which was painted with acrylics and pastels, and then collaged it with more magazine cut-outs. I am also linking it to Rain's theme this week, which is to try a different medium

My long legged birds were shown in May, but I am re-showing them for  Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd, just because I like them. They were made from home made templates which were collaged using recycled materials and then mounted onto a stenciled and doodled background. My birds are also fitting for Rain's theme, as I went new ways making them:

And I wrote a story for each of my special bird breeds:

'Today I have some more of the strange birds which can only be seen in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. I am showing a pair of wire-legged post birds. These birds have thin feathers and cover themselves with stamps and  scraps of paper or cloth to keep themselves warm. They watch the postmen when they are delivering letters and often steal stamps from them. They are not shy,  and have a loud call which sounds like co-ffeeeee, co-ffeeeee. The male and females look alike, and like the long-legged spotted stargazers, the  female usually stands on the back of the male'

This is the other set of exotic birds found only here in my corner of the world - the long legged spotted stargazers:
 'I used the paper template to trace the birds onto some white linen recycled from an ancient pair of summer trousers. First of all I ironed the material onto some butcher's paper to make it easier to handle. I coloured the linen with some distress ink in wild honey which I ironed to fix the colour. Then the 2 birds got different coloured spots - black spots for the 'female' and turquoise ones for the 'male'. I sewed around the birds with black thread and then cut the beaks and legs from gold cardboard. The wings and tails were made with scraps of gold netting, some sequined tape and gold netting. These birds represent the  long legged spotted stargazers, only to be seen in the land of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. These birds are always seen in pairs, and the female stands on the back of the male so that she has a better view of what is going on in the neighbourhood....In return, the female bird massages the back of the male while she is standing on it....
My birds have been placed onto a hand-painted and textured  A3 (12" x 17") background. The quote is by J.M. Barrie'

And as it's 2nd on the 2nd, I am re-showing some photos from  July 2nd 2016:

If you've got this far and are still awake, congratulations!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Yep, still awake!! Love your birds, they make me smile. Nice to look back on last photos, the flowers are beautiful as is the bug, the rosehips and the roses.

    1. Thanks a lot! Glad you stayed awake, sometimes I get carried away and don't know when to stop! Have a safe day!

  2. Hi Valerie oh i do love your work ,the birds are amazing,well done my friend and its always lovely to look back at old photos,hope you have a wonderful day xx

  3. Fabulously and so creative with images coloured and designed, great pics too....x

  4. Gorgeous creative art for the challenges, your special birds brought a smile to my face. Stunning flowers.

    1. And thanks so much again for the gorgeous Canada Day card!

    2. You're welcome Christine, hope you had a great day. Have a good one today, too. Stay safe!

  5. Absolutely still awake and enjoying every minute of this post, Valerie. Your page for Erika's theme is quite unusual and I like that you tried a different medium, too. It's really unique and well chosen for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I loved those birds when you made them and I love them today. The stories that went along with the birds was so fun to read. It showed what a clever and fun mind you have. Thanks for sharing these with us as your second look on the 2nd. I love the photos, too. My favorite are the flowers, of course.

    And had you not shared these birds with us, I wouldn't have considered Rain's Thursday Art Date. So thanks for that bit of inspiration, too. You ALWAYS inspire me.

    1. Thanks E! Hope your eye is doing well and getting better day by day! Stay safe!

  6. Good morning Val! The sun is shining again here, but I'm happy to say it#s cooler. Love all your art, new and repeats, what you make is always worth seeing! Great pics, too, that bug is so sweet, never seen one like that. Or perhaps I just don't look....Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning to you, too. Nice weather here, too, ad we had a lovely moon last night. Have a good day, hopefully without chaos and mishaps!

  7. These birds are so amazing :) Have a great day :)

  8. Ich liebe deine Vögel, die sind so süss gebastelt und mit den unterschiedlichen grossartigen Hintergründe sind sie fantastisch anzuschauen.
    Das erste ist auch bunt und schrill so wie die Sommerhitze ist mit der heutigen Welt.
    Schön deine Fotos von 2016 und wach ich bin von gestern noch müde *zwinker*!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Bin heute uch sehr müde, konnte wieder nicht schlafen. Naja, später kann ich ein Nickerchen machen! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  9. Love your bird creation, great textures. Beautiful flowers as well. Have a great day.

  10. Hello dear Valerie!
    Wow!! Such gorgeous creations! Love your mixed media collage ,so cool!!!
    Love,love your birds !!!Amazing creations!!! You are sooo talented!!!
    Great captures of the sky and the beautiful flowers!!
    Have a lovely! Take care! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Dimi, you are so kind. Have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  11. Oh! Sind das Hagebutten? Konnte man da nicht "Juckepulver" draus machen? (Stadt"kind" hier)... Nee, das war Tee, oder? Oder? Egal, ich wette, du freust dich über den kühlen Tag (ich nich so ;-)...)

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Natalia! Have a great day, keep cooking!

  13. Esteemed Artiste Valerie: Thank you for this condensed version of "War and Peace."! This is all very intriguing of course. It starts out with a delightful young lady sticking her tongue out at me, and I have not yet quite concluded whether this is an invitation to unspoken pleasure or she is just mad at me. I admire her headgear immensely to that should help my situation. But, as you might expect, of course, my attention is mostly rivetted on the ornithological eccentricities of Balconia, the enigmatic Wire-legged Post Bird (Balconia valeriensis) and the bizarre Long-legged Spotted Stargazer (Backstandus bastelmanius). I really feel that I should visit the faculty of zoology at the local university to discuss these sightings, a venture made exceptionally urgent by your discovery of the co-feeeeee vocalizations of the post birds. Your powers of observation are astute, both from a visual and an auditory standpoint, and no doubt an honorary doctorate will be under serious consideration. There is also this issue of thermoregulatory enhancement by applying postage stamps to the plumage, a practice hitherto unrecorded in the 10,000 or so other species of birds. As always, this is a remarkable post, giving me much to dwell on. I am ever in your debt, esoteric colleague, and can only wonder what exciting discoveries are yet to be unearthed in Balconie-by-the-Rhine. Ever your attentive and devoted neophyte. David of Waterloo.

    1. I can only bow deeply and thank the much esteemed Canadian Pope of Ornithology for this praise! As always, you managed to put a big smile on my face! But don't let#s overdo things with an honorary doctorate, I already have so many degrees that another one would unfortunately not fit on the page. But thanks for the thought, and I will continue to observe the local bird-life here in Balconia and report bout it. I have discovered a third rare species, about which I will report in due time! Have a great day! PS - I think the young lady is sticking her tongue out at a certain president with the initials DT!

  14. This is just too fun. A trip to Balconia by the Rhine is now on my bucket list. I want to see the Long-legged birds and to hear them call Co-Ffeeeee, co-ffeeeee. The Eastern Towhee, where I live, that sounds like he's saying "Drink your tea" The close ups of the flowers are gorgeous, but I love the pics of the clouds. Stunning. Enjoy your day.

    1. Oh good, that's a great idea. My neighbour does AirBnB! Clouds are something very special, people often shake their heads and ask what I am taking pictures of when I have my camera pointed skywards, unbelievable. Have a fun day!

  15. There's no chance of a sleep when viewing all your blog post, I found it most interesting and am always delighted with your photography. Love everything, the flowers, fruit, clouds and the scenery, but I came on here to look at your blog post so here goes.
    What a fantastic face image you found, I love that she is shown with her tongue protruding like that and the colour of her skin is magnificent. Such a rich colour, such a beautiful complexion. Her eyes, the light on her nose and her tongue itself all draw you into the picture, what a find that was but how wonderful you enhanced her too. Love all those hot hot colours you have used in her head-dress. Really fabulous!
    Oh how I enjoyed the birds, and the story of them at 'Balconia by the Rhine' (that in itself made me smile, pure genius to think of that one). I was not prepared for another set of birds so imagine my delight when I came across them.
    Thanks for cheering me up no end today
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The girl's face fascinated me straightaway, so gorgeous, and then cheeky with her tongue poking out. Glad you liked reading about our special birds here! Have a great day!

  16. I love your long legged birds and all your pretty flower pics ~ Happy 2nd!

  17. That is a fabulous page for AJJ Valerie. It made me smile and it surely how we all feel (unless you love heat) when it is hot. I love her tongue hanging out. And thanks for reminding me it is the second of the month. I somehow knew that but it didn't connect. I love seeing your birds again and your coffee calling birds had me laughing too. This is a fun post. Hope you have a nice THursday. Our heat is here. It is literally steamy feeling-ugh. Thanks for much for joining my challenge at AJJ.Hugs-Erika

    1. Glad you like my fun page. I think my next birds will have a tea-call or something else! It's a bit cooler here, and we have had some much needed rain. Have a great day!

  18. Oh Wow I am totally in Love with your birds! so beautiful
    and your first art piece is too awesome! I will need to think about the new theme for AJJ
    Gorgeous flower photos!! Happy second on the 2nd hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I'm sure you will think up something good for the theme! Happy 2nd on the 2nd to you, too!

  19. I love the info on the stargazers and their piece. The first piece is a hoot.
    Beautiful flowers.
    Hope your day is wondrous.

    1. Thanks Sandra! You have a wondrous day, too!

  20. You show great attention to detail. Well done!

    1. Thanks so much. Details are important. Have a wonderful day!

  21. Twoje ptaki są niezwykle jak z zaczarowanej krainy. Piękne fotografie , niezwykły cudowny świat. Miłego wieczoru:)

  22. Wow a great post Valerie. I remember those long legged birds. The art is excellent. I do want to know what the first set of yellow flowers are. Those are amazing. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I only know those flowers as yellow pompoms, I'm sure they have an official name but I don't now it!

  23. Yes! I'm still awake! LOL!

    Great post you certainly crammed a lot into it :)

    All the best Jan

  24. I am so glad you showed your long legged exotic birds again, because I missed the first post. Love all the beads and feathers. Gorgeous artwork, and gorgeous flower photos. Happy 2nd on the second.

  25. Oh my, those birds are super adorable - I love them! You created some beautiful pages and the photos are so cheery too 😀. Thanks for the inspiration and sending you happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  26. A fabulous page for Erika's new AJJ theme, that is a great hairstyle, a handy place to keep the drink bottle.
    I loved the photos and your inspirational art. Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Do you mean you don't carry your drink bottle like that? How strange!! Have a great day!

  27. Well, I was awake after I read your post, but fell asleep scrolling through all of your comments. Your first collage was interesting to say the least ... that is quite a tongue :), but your bird species really caught my attention. You must live in a strange place as I have never seen nor heard of these birds ... and so beautiful and interesting, how could I have missed them? I especially love any bird that steals stamps and calls out co-ffffeeee. I would like to spend one day in your imagination and sense of humor. I think it would heal all of my ills and grouchy moments. I envy the friends and loved ones who get to spend time in your presence ... You're the best, Valerie and I am already looking forward to your next weeks post :) I also love your photos ... they are all beautiful, so clearly collages are not your only talent. It is such fun visiting you. You must stay well and safe as life would be quite boring without you :P

    Andrea @ Form the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! We have some fantastic species here, and I always rise early to study little world of Balconia-by-the-Rhine keeps me sane. Or perhaps it prevents me from being too sane, which is probably even better! See you next week!

  28. I loved your quirky birds the first time around. They're still just as amusing the second time. Hugs, Eileen

  29. Thanks a lott, have a great Weekend!

  30. Love the fun journal page! I missed seeing these birds in May(I've missed a lot while in lockdown - no concentration) so they are a real treat for me! Love some of the characteristics - I'm sure we have some similar birds around these parts..... Great photos ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Look for some of those birds!

  31. Hi Valerie :) I love your "hot" piece! But the birds blew me away, they're so original! And they are stamp-stealers lol. Lucky that the male gets a massage! :) The closeup photos of your flowers are lovely, what happy colours. I love those clouds, I see faces in them, very cool!

  32. Happy July Valerie, what a great start to a new month with your lady and her head full of this n that, i'm wondering of she's for or against it all, very clever collage. I do love those long legged stitched birds, you are very steady with those machine stitches, if it was me it would be manual turning my machine handle haa haa.. Those chicks balance so well. Hugs Tracey xx

  33. Now _that's_ a tongue! I love those birds :) and what gorgeous flowers!

    1. Yes, a loooong tongue indeed. Have a great week!

  34. What striking pieces Valerie, I love those birds, they look so happy! Have a great week, Sue xx


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