Saturday 18 July 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday
This is one of the few stamps I have with a sea-side theme, and I have used it year for year. Here I have done a lot of stitching, and made a beach from torn paper. The sun is an ornament from some shoes I had more than 20 years ago - they have long since gone, but I kept the suns!

And I have more pictures from our beautiful glass museum.
Some modern pieces:

And lots of antique glass from the Romans, Phoenicians and Islamic cultures:

I'll be back on Monday!

Have a happy weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Have a great weekend! I love that you used the suns from an old pair of shoes. What a wonderful way to reuse something. :) Awesome! So many beautiful glass pieces. I especially love the block of glass with all the rainbow colors.

    Hope you have a happy and safe weekend! :)

    1. Thanks Jess. Gad yu like the glass, have a great weekend!

  2. Wonderful art piece Valerie, love the stamp you have used. The zig zag stitching gives a different look too. That museum has some amazing glass. The colours in some of the modern pieces are beautiful.

  3. Beautiful tag and fascinating museum pieces!

  4. If you have to have one ocean stamp, that is a good one to have. That is a super tag and the vintage lady is a nice addition. And I enjoyed the modern glass, but I have to say the ancient glass is really more my cup of tea. It is amazing how it survived and can still be so beautiful. Enjoy the start of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The ancient glass is really beautiful.

  5. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your tag and with the sun ornament and the vintage lady! Wonderful creation!
    Stunning photos and amazing glass pieces! Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Dimi! The sun is shining here today, so that's good! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Good Morning Val! Hope you have slept well. Love the tag, it's so bright and full of sunshine, makes me want to be by the sea! Great photos from the museum, too, I must visit there again sometime. Have a great weekend, we're off to visit mum after breakfast, perhaps we'll all go to the park. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah. Have a nice time with your mum and the kids, hope the weather stays good for you. Hugs to all!

  7. Loving your tag Valerie, and the glass museum is amazing-I would have loved to see this in person-thanks for sharing all the photos. Happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, it's a wonderful place, you would enjoy it!

  8. Do I understand well that for Tag Tuesday remains the same theme, or word Monday chosen a new theme?
    Glass has always fascinated me (of course not the glass from the window! LOL) and I have all kinds of pots in different colors, but the museum pieces are fascinating!
    Wishing you a great weekend! Enjoy the sun and the nice weather! Hugs!

    1. The theme at Tag Tuesday changes every 2 weeks, so still plenty of time! The glass is indeed fascinating. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. What a gorgeous tag, so bright and cheerful to see on a foggy morning in coastal west Wales. I adore that stamp, the colours are perfect, and the stitching just finishes it all off nicely. I have boxes of bits and bobs that I have collected, like a magpie, over the decades.

    1. Thanks Deb. Lucky you to live near the sea. I have the Rhine here, which is good, but not the same as the coast! And as for those boxes of bits and bobs that fill them up, I think we all do that. I had a big purge recently, and a lot of my hoard had to go, but there's still too much! Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  10. Good morning Miss Valerie: You kept shoe ornaments for twenty years? Please sit down while we undertake your psychological assessment. Clinical assistants are standing by with large nets in case remedial therapy is not successful. Each time you give us glimpses of your apartment it always looks so clean and tidy, well-organized with books and agreeable objets d'art, but perhaps it is but a cover for a stash of hidden "treasures" from the past! Your resolve to throw away scraps by the end of June has taken on a whole new meaning! Have a lovely weekend with nice walks, even in the rain if need be, with good coffee. I will look forward to new creations and words of wisdom on Monday.

    1. Bon jour David! Yes, I keep things for many years, just like that, and you are right to question my sanity, I do that on a daily basis, mostly without finding an answer. I have just been painting a couple of my heads, does that help the assessment?! All shall be revealed, but not yet. The weather here is nice, so today should be a dry walk. Good job, too, as I washed my raincoat....Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  11. Stunning tag, love the scene you created. Have a great weekend. x

  12. The beach will be the place to be this week as it's supposed to be very hot and humid for most of the week (yay!) Your bathing beauty has picked out a nice spot for herself or is she die Lorelei? Love that sun. The ancient glass pieces are amazing. What stories could they tell? Enjoy your weekend

    1. Thanks.Beach would be nice, but I'll have to make do with the strip of beach along the Rhine - better than nothing! Yes, it could be the Lorelei. Now I'm singing the song! Have a fun day!

  13. Its a wonderful summer tag Valerie and I love how you added the stitching to the scene.
    More fantastic photos from the glass museum.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I hope you have a good weekend, and can get into the garden a bit if the weather is good. Take care!

  14. I love your tag! It's fantastic! Nice assortment of photos, too.

    1. Thanks Anne, it's a fun theme. Have a great weekend!

  15. All kinds of wonders from the glass museum. Some of those first pieces would fit right in to sci fi movies.
    Your piece is amazing. That red dome just pops.
    Love your header.
    Hope your eye is doing well. Stay safe. Be healthy. Hugs

    1. Some is the modern art glass is scary, but I still like it! Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Ohhh love this piece today and the glass is amazing. Have a nice Saturday.

  17. Piękne są te szklane naczynia. Twoja kartka jest jak bardzo interesująca. Miłego wieczoru i niedzieli życzę:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. The glass is really beautiful. You have a great weekend, too, stay safe!

  18. Das Tag ist so schön ich liebe es deine Gesaltung davon.
    Das sind wieder solche bewunderte Glasarbeiten, solche Kunstwerke.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend und einen schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir wünsche ich auch ein schönes Wochenende, pass gut auf dich auf!

  19. So much variety in the glass pieces. I have a favorite, but even when I embiggen the photo I can't read the card lol What artists can do with glass amazes me.

    1. So many beautiful pieces, I just love visiting there. Have a great weekend!

  20. Gorgeous glass sculptures! Love your art, too. Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. Thanks, they are really lovely. Have a great weekend!

  21. Once again I'm late to the party. Your tag is amazing. I LOVE the double stitching. It is awesome and you sew such even stitches, too. Of course, the images are great and DO remind me of what I think when I think of the beach.

    I always LOVE modern anything and that glass is awesome. One of the heads was a bit scary, though. I also really enjoyed seeing the ancient glass. It's incredible that the colors have stayed so vibrant over the ages. I'm really LOVING the glass in this museum, dear.

    Hope your eye is better. Mine is not so good.

    1. Sorry your eye isn't so good. Mine just sort of prickles still, I'll as k the doc when I see him again. Have a great weekend.

  22. What a beautiful sea flying and port! How many details!

  23. Such a fantastic Tag Valerie, screams vintage, but that's right up my street.
    I love it.
    Thank you for playing along with my theme..xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, it's a fun theme! Have a great weekende!

  24. Replies
    1. Thanks Natalia, keep cooking that wonderful food!

  25. Wonderful 'summer' creation and beautiful glass artworks ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,
    A ShutterBug Explores

    1. Thanks Carol, have a great week, take care!

  26. Beautiful glass and I love your beach tag Valerie!
    Hope you had a great weekend.
    Alison xx

  27. Such a gorgeous tag! The sun embellishment looks amazing 😀. The modern glass pieces are fabulous too. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  28. This is such a delightful summer piece.It really has the "feel." I think glass wold be a difficult medium. These pieces are terrific.

  29. I love your tag Valerie, it's amazing what we keep isn't it, know that it will come in useful one day lol. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Yes, it's amazing, but some things are hard to throw away! Have a great week to come!

  30. your seaside tag is perfection! xo


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